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Posts posted by Shinoma

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

    Sure 30p is joke when compared to selling a piercing caliber or a set of arcane grace.

    But do you seriously consider 40p a day...(an opportunity given to each MR21 player if you spend enough time tradeframing)...not a steady source of plat?

    Waste a hour doing 3 raids and selling the arcanes for more than 40p (not to mention the creds earned) or do 9 syndicate missions and get 40p?  which option would you choose ? both should take roughly the same amount of time, one isn`t MR related (just skill and coordination), the other one is. 

    Honestly i have passed beyond the grind and sell part after i got basically everything in the game and still have plat to spare. As far as i see it if you grind like mad just to sell stuff then you`re not playing the game, you just got a part-time job.

  2. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

    Endgame material to me?  Indeed it is.  Fashionframe doesn't pay for itself.

    Exclusive to high MR?  I'm not sure what you mean by that.  I'm just emphasizing the fact that syndicates are a steady source of plat for players.

    If endgame to you is just grinding and making plat then i give up, each has his own things and ways.

     No, syndicates are nowhere near a steady source of plat - a syndicate weapon being sold for 30p is a joke really, i`m not trying to add MR walls for gear or things like that but you should honestly have some benefits from getting to higher mr besides the ones listed on this thread.

    Most people don`t even use/know what load out  slots are, most don`t even bother with extractors and about syndicate well i already said what i had to

  3. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

    Are you allergic to profit?

    I guess using the trade channel is end-game material to you?, exclusive to high MR players ? More trades doesn`t necessary mean more profit, i probably do 3-4 trades / day and sell/buy stuff the rest until 21 are almost always wasted.

  4. The only use i have for MR is trades, that`s it, at MR21 and over 3k hrs played there should be something more exclusive honestly.

    About players with low or high MR - i`ve seen players with mr below 10-14 that actually could work in a team and they knew what they had to do without anyone telling them, had mr18 and up in squad and honestly I would of chocked them thru the screen if i could...

    MR is irrelevant  since most players maxed gear on Draco and never actually used the said frames/weps yet they are mr21 (i know of someone mr21 that had no idea what a slow nova was...and the list can go on) 

  5. 2 minutes ago, -Kasumi- said:

    I can confirm this bug, tried it with 3 different frames, results are the same. No waypoint, no sign of what to do next.

    Find and kill all the kavats, the mission continues after that (or at least it did for me - was with ember)

    • Description:

    Massive frame drops when going to the operator`s chamber

    • Can you reproduce the bug:

    Yes every time, thanks to this bug i can`t do anything related to focus 

    • Reproduction steps: 

    Just go down the corridor and into the room

    if you manage to get out again the rest of the ship is ok

  6.      I see a lot of players complaining about Nezha and Wukong as being  chinese-ish or that they were released to us later, it`s hard to get them, etc...what`s wrong with you people ?!

    -Remember archwing when you farmed like mad because of the horrid droprates for telurium ?

    -Vauban-you can only get from alerts...

       You wanted end-game-ish content so they added sorties (not very creative i`ll admit) and they added stuff so that players would actually play that content - thus Nezha, legendary cores, karak, dera...

       They added a frame that you can get resources from alerts...well nothing new here (spoiler-vauban that`s waaay nore a pain in the a** to get), i`m a casual player and i still have 30+ nitain extracts + i did all the research in my small clan...so your point is ? 

    Are those 2 frames chinese-ish ...yes, did they stay exclusive to WF China....no thus i have no problem with them.


    Now for the second part of my rant :

    -I played Firefall since before the chinese investment and it was fun to play and a decent time sink...after they (R5-the company) got the funds things changed 180 degrees  and they did things that they said they absolutely wouldn`t do and so it has been the case with other games - when i see chinese involvement - i am afraid and skeptic considering past experiences.

    -Creating a client for the chinese market is a good idea to get funds as long as it doesn`t influence the game we love and play, if they create content for china and we get it (even later) i have no problem at all.

    - As far as i see it if DE stay true to their initial concepts, ideals, etc and our gameplay  doesn`t go full chinese p2w derp mode then we have nothing to worry about else as someone said "Goodbye my sweet prince " - sob and move on....

  7.     Personally someone tried to sell me 1 primed continuity and 1 primed flow for 860p both without even mentioning the ranks and when i told him i can buy a primed mod maxed for that price-insta ignore. 

        I try to keep decent prices to the stuff i`m selling, sometimes giving even a small bonus (extra prime part, mods, etc) or sometimes even give dup. mods for free to mr10 and below. Problem is with scammers, and with "Offer" response, most of the people try to ripoff the buyers that don`t know what the prices are. There is tho the other side of the coin - if i`m selling something for 60p the are some people that will go "i`ll give you 40" those i`ll ignore without a word, i`m already giving you a normal or even below normal price - you don`t go to the SuperMarket and stat haggling with the cashier now do you ?        

  8. So before i could get to 40 mins ODS with Excal solo only with ls drops, now i failed at 16 mins with drops and the ls Lotus sends, GJ DE in breaking that game mode. "Is  survival too easy, let`s mess it up and raise the grindwall/player`s frustration" ....honestly "if it`s not broken, don`t fix it". Overhauling survival is probably necessary but please don`t use half-baked approaches to it - they only drop your credibility and angers the playerbase.


    -My 16 min fail boiled down to " kill 20 mobs, no ls drops->S#&$, kill more mobs-ls at 30-> use ls pod, couple of secs later ls down at 20-> run to the next room, rinse repeat until fail.

    -You FAIL to understand that the players always adapt and your "balancing" or whatever you want to call it is pointless, what are you going to do next ? - Remove Necros ?!?  

  9. I`m getting the same problem as OP using a GTX660 factory overclocked, any other single player game works perfect, some online ones crash -wf included. I`m getting the same nvidia crashes and the only solution i found was to underclock the card with the app provided by the manufacturer -asus in my case - dropped it from 1085Mhz to 980 and it doesn`t crash anymore although i`m still getting shuttering sometimes.

  10.       First of all i`ve used support in the past and it was fast, like 2-3 days but now it`s been 15 days and no sign of life from them. Is your backlog that big that it takes more than 2 weeks to give at least a simple reply like "we know there`s a problem..." etc so that at least i know you actually got that ticket ?

         Ticket number is Request #327160 

    Now i`m missing 200 plat and my friend excal and glaive skin even though he received and opened the mail

    Other people`s forum posts for the same problem:




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