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Posts posted by (PSN)Code-A

  1. I'm using PC. However, warframe doesn't take 50GB definitively so you may try downloading it again to delete previous old files. By the way, on PC my warframe takes around 11GB so not a chance that there is that huge difference of size. If the re-downloading thing doesn't help, try to inform warframe support about this situation.

    Right, Im thinking its getting this 50GB Because its storing all of the Previous Old Update Files, Are those required? 

  2. So, I checked my Storage today to see I have around 181GB Left of Space on my PS4. I cleaned up what I could and got that number, Although Warframe is taking up around 50 something GB. Im wondering if I delete Warframe and re Download it, would it reduce that size? Im thinking its the 50GB Because of all the Previous Updates Ive downloaded, Perhaps If I Deleted and Re downloaded it would only download the game size and the most recent update? Or is the 50GB That already?

  3. So I know what your're all thinking. OMG another retard making a U17 thread. Well, I have a quick question if it is okay to ask. Im seeing that Console is supposed to be getting 19.9 first. Im wondering why wouldnt DE Just bundle everything into a big update for console? Would that make more sense rather than having 16.9 out, then waiting another some time for U17? Someone help lol.

  4. Depends if you like the Syandana and Sentinal Accessories. Depends if you want to farm Ash/Vectis/Carrier Prime or not.


    I am going to buy the accessories because of the boosters and plat. Prime Access I'm not sure about.

    That is my exact thoughts. Boosters and Plat with a little something on the side. 

    When it drops, wanna Grind out for Farming everything? That is if you dont get the Prime Access.

  5. Sup guys, I recently started playing again! So much has changed I can't keep up. I'm just wondering like what's up with all the new mods and how to get them etc. I'm currently building soma prime and want to farm for volt and nova prime later. I started the stolen dreams quest and joined a syndicate as well. Great addition. Hope to hear from some fellow tenno.

  6. This is why you don't skip tutorials. 


    Basically, under the first one where it says play tutorial you see "This will help you unlock everything for your ship." 

    The next that says skip tutorial says "You won't be able to fully use your ship."

    i Skipped it and I can use everything. all the planets, foundry, arsenal, dojo, derelect everything works lol 

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