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Posts posted by IWS2K

  1. First of all, this isn't even feedback, it's a gif.

    Secondly, there's an excal feedback thread RIGHT UNDER YOUR POST. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/476499-pc-1690-excalibur-feedback-megathread/

    Third, this still isn't feedback.

    Lastly, he's only as bad as the player behind the keyboard/controller just like every other frame.

    Yeah i realised that when i posted it, meant to be a joke post, I find that hes fine right now and going invest into him

  2. I was bored in the relay when I had some what of a decent idea for a Arching, When not deployed it will close up similar to the Silva & Aegis, and when it is the parts of it will spread out into some what a wing shaped pattern and flames will fill the gaps (Again like Silva & Aegis) think of Gundam Wing Zero's wings but more spread out with fire in it. Instead of the standard Archwing placement and animations, they should be more of wing like instead of the ones right now.


    Just some ability ideas



    Can either be used once a interception round or once a game/go on a long cool-down your Archwing will be "rebirthed" in a fiery explosion


    -Charring Blast

    You release a blast of fire around the 3/4 of the Elytron's Warhead deal massive fire damage in aoe and with damage drop off.


    -Sea of Flames

    Like Elytron's Thumper, same range but except anything in it will instantly be lit on fire doing damage over time


    -Phoenix Aspect

    Supercharges your Archwing granting a significant buff to everything, imbuing all damage with fire and giving that buff to nearby teammates. Visual effects include fire spilling out of the gaps/metal parts if the wing. (Think of Silva & Aegis but alot more fire)


    -Blood Wing

    Similar to Mesa's Ballistic Battery, his will effect the look of the Archwing, it starts out in its un-deployed state and the more kills you get it starts storing energy and will eventually get to the point where flames are spewing out the gaps in the wing. It can then realise a massive blast (like Charring Blast Listed above) but 1.5x of the radius of Elytron's warhead. And


    -Phoenix Strike

    Think of Unlimited Blade Works from the Fate series, but with a flock of small Phoenixes, they would either be deployed and then give you a few seconds to aim and fly to where your cross hair is or stay near you and immediately fly towards and kamikaze an enemy who gets near


    -Flame Strike

    Think of Feather Dance from Pokemon except the feathers are made of pure fire, essentially the Archwing sheds feathers and they (like Phoenix strike) will either fly towards an enemy near by or in the direction you are aiming, except they have punch -through and will (like the glaive) immediately fly back towards the Archwing and be reabsorded by the flames


    -Call of the Phoenix

    Grants everyone damage reduction and add fire to every weapon.


    -Blazing Inferno

    Your Archwing is lit ablaze and the fire of the wings expand a considerable amout making them deadly and possible to kill enemies by flying past them, also releases a aura of flames that has a chance to ignite near by enemies if hit by the wings will also be lit ablaze and grants fire damage to melee.


    -Super Nova

    A large area is super heated to the point for a mere spark/flame/explosion will cause a chain of random explosions that have a high chance of hitting multiple enemies. Essentially any shock, fire, or any explosions will trigger this, it will last a certain duration. 

  3. Though this idea has been suggest multiple times, I still like it. Also, no need to make another post just to edit some things. Just hit edit on your post and change it how you see fit.

    Inb4 Other thread deletion.

    EDIT: See. It's that simple.

    Was talking to a founder about this and he asked me to make a post on it

  4. Lets all admit this, the current trade system requires you to sit in a chat room for hours upon hours at a time just to sell a few parts or mods, and with the new additions of relays i was thinking, what if we had a massive room with a giant board that had pictures or random weapons and parts scrolling on it and players need to walk up and the interact button to see all the listings for whats for sale etc. There will be a small description indicating what they want ex Wanting 5p Giving flow etc. This will make things easier for newer players to price thier items and allow people spend more time playing the game then trading, its simply has make a listening then go start a mission and see if anyone bought it after, there will be a little graph idicating the increase and decrease of the price and the demand. 

    TL;DR Mini Steam Market

  5. I was recently trying out the Oberon/Derperon and noticed how odd the chest looked. making it seem bigger then the limbs. After taking a look at the limgs and noticing they look similiar to one of a deers like a head. Could this mean the Oberon is a deer? *le dramatic gasp* I demand fan art of this and put on a t-shirt.

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