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Posts posted by Sawney

  1. It keeps being mentioned that this is cool for pc players but us on console are being affected because of an upgrade for pc players. 

    Let me reiterate for us pc controller players that had the first 5 pages. 

    THIS IS HOT INSULTING GARBAGE FOR US TOO.  My pc might as well be a console thanks to big picture mode. This update made me uninstall and move on. It is nothing but terrible for us too. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)inhoc1496 said:

    I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. I will say I hate the new UI. Please DE don’t ignore the console community on this one. Just give us a option to turn the Virtual Cursor off and revert to old UI we are us to. 

    However, I will say I am sick and tired of PC dictating how I have to play games. 



    Trust me pc did not want any of this hot stinky garbage either. And now the fact they are outright lying to us makes it even worse. Do they really want us to believe that any change in a digital system cannot be rolled back? That is the stupidest thing they have said yet. What they mean is they have pulled the trigger as a company and internally choose to have no intention of listening to us or fixing this. 

    This dishonesty is finally over the line. I will immediately be uninstalling and never coming back under any circumstances. 

  3. 17 hours ago, [DE]Aidan said:

    Also relevant to this Thread: 

     Steve has been tweeting about some work-in-progress changes! 

    But why are you married to this unification concept that was not asked for and seemingly u wanted. I play from my couch with my m+kb no where in site. That is the true minority, those who use both. 

    This video is in no way better. Unless I can move box to box with either dpad or left thumb stick. Be borderlands not destiny. 

    Screw it. I needed a break anyway. I just very upset over my wasted 20 dollars on tennocon baro access. After having spent easily hundreds on this game over my 3 years whichever way this goes I can guarantee I will never spend another dime on it. Just trying to  vote with my wallet however innsignifigant my single voice is. 



  4. I too hate the new setup. Give me the option for dpad controls. Also the login screen no longer gives the option to hit x to enter password. I play with controller to not have to ever touch my keyboard. The random lb rb not working makes the mod and foundry menus a nightmare to navigate.  X not a to confirm cutscene skip ect. 

    This game is not Destiny 2 don't try to be like them. Got that game in humble bundle and refuse to play because of their virtual mouse cursor. Now it infects my go to game. Not cool. 

    The shrines update was perfect. You gave us actual functionality. Everything was working superbly. The way it is now is horrible and worse not asked for. 


    I used to be a huge fan and supporter of this game voiced very much through my wallet. I have regularly kept a over 1k purchased plat balance in game. I have every weapon and frame I've ever earned or bought including mks with all the 12p slots that goes along with that.  I now feel great negativity very much connected to my waste of 20 bucks for the tennocon virtual ticket. I bought the package mainly for the baro access that is now useless to me because of not wanting to play with the new menu controls and therefore my chances to earn ducats. 


    I am right on the verge of uninstalling and never looking back. Which is a shame because I have a lot of fun for 2 years but a bonehead move like this that destroys my QoL I find personally unacceptable.

  5. I do believe the bumper problem might have been because of me signing in thru steam big picture mode like I always do. 

    Signing in just thru the normal steam menu tho has it's own drawbacks I'm not willing to just accept. I play from my couch and have to go halfway across the room to go to my keyboard to launch and sign into warframe as launching without big picture takes away the option to use the virtual keyboard to enter my pawed after these updates as far as I can tell. 

    I played around a little more yesterday and another further small issue was I scrolling right past the middle invasions the way it is now. 

    This doubly sucks for me as I bought the tennocon virtual ticket and won't be playing with these changes and therefore basically forfeiting my baro access as they took away my availability to ducats. 

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