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Posts posted by SlyStrike5

  1. Then make the Aksomati and the Raza's MR6, and boost their stats to match it.


    Its about god damn time we finally have some TRUE MR locked content.. sick of this MR2-8 nonsense. I want MR16 required weaponry or higher.

    That's....just a little bit extreme.


    Still while I agree that there is nothing wrong with making low tier weapons, I don't particularly like when they require a superior weapon from the dojo (especially since it requires a Forma, that can be a pain if you don't go to the Void all the time).

  2. First time playing since 15.13 dropped, and I found my Dread was restricted to 30 arrows.


    Not sure this is a bug, or unique to my account (since I can't find any posts about this on the forum).


    However, I can't find anything about it in the patch notes (15.13 through 15.13.4), and it remained even after logging off and back on.

  3. There could just be no current players on that node (I have absolutely no idea what that list of names is supposed to be, but it doesn't tell you who is currently on the node, that's for sure). I'm afraid you just have the bad luck of being new to that node after U14.


    To elaborate, pre-U14, you could join a squad so long as there was an available slot on that node.


    Post-U14, you can't join a squad that is already active if you have never completed that node before.


    Personally, I feel this was the one truly bad change from U14, completely screwing over newer players and those who don't constantly group up with friends. It also made clearing planets and even bigger chore than before.


    So, either team up with someone, do the mission solo, or try your patience in getting a fresh group.

  4. I've gotten over 7 crashes with the same code: WAR-358062 (I've seen it so often I actually memorized it unintentionally)

    I seem to have minimized the risks by dropping every display setting as low as possible and turning everything off.


    Before U15, I was running everything on the highest setting with all but constant weapon trails on. Its more than a little frustrating to go from max settings to bare minimum just so I can actually start and finish missions.

  5. Seeing a lot of reports of 'I can get back in now', Dev is monitoring everything but who is still having issues?

    I've been having problems for over 24 hours now.

    I've verified my cache (Steam and Launcher, twice), optimized my cache, redownloaded Warframe, and tried with my firewall turned completely off. No change whatsoever (I live in New Jersey).

  6. While I find excavation to be an awesome game mode (and Cryotic Front my favorite event thus far in my ~5 months of Warframe open beta), I do agree that it is a little too much for newer players.


    Remember, these are players who have to contend with a serious lack of mods and all that that entails: few credits for upgrades, limited understanding of what is important (shields vs armor vs health, for example), no aura or stance mods (and the crucial extra mod capacity they offer), no companion (no sentinel support).


    So yes, considering the larger spawn numbers, excavation may be a little overwhelming.

  7. As stated in the first post, the constant weakening of your Warframe (combined with it taking place over the course of a very reptitive event), is what killed this event for me (though I did like the rewards, I always like free stuff in games).


    However, I do think the mission design was very nice: objectives changed over the course of the mission (from reaching a destination, to defending key devices, to a miniboss, to a return and extract).


    The fact that it had to be done again and again and again long past the point the novelty wore off (with your Warframe getting weaker an apt metaphor for your slowly dying patience) is what cause this event to leave such a bad taste in my mouth.

  8. Have you ever had issues when the host leaves? That is likely what they are trying to avoid. With Defense (and Interception) they have an easy point where they have a "pause" in the action that allows them to minimize these problems for the players that choose to remain. For survival, there is no easy spot for them to stop all the action and timers for players that want to leave early.

    Finally, (and I know this has been mentioned before but I feel that it bears repeating) you should let the squad know if you want to leave after a certain time (be it 25, 20, 25, 30+ minutes). In my experience (which IS limited to the PC and only totals about 5 months) the Warframe community is probably the friendliest online multiplayer community I've ever experienced. 99% of the time whenever I have seen someone ask to leave at a certain point (be it myself or another player), nobody has complained.

    Your argument does have merit, and DE should probably take some time to find a solution. But for now, just ask nicely, and you shouldn't have many problems.

  9. I wouldn't disagree, especially since Survival is one of my favorite game modes, but how could they balance that with the size of most survival maps?

    You could use HUD markers, but then you would run into issues of the hud getting cluttered (which can already be an ocassional issue with finding life support modules).

    Perhaps an increase in life support pickup drop rates as enemy levels go up? That's just the first thought that comes to my mind.

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