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Posts posted by Wandering_Sun

  1. fun is subjective, *you* might have more fun with changes like this but that's not necessarily true for everyone or even the majority. Any sort of change like this has to be very slowly rolled out and closely monitored to ensure it doesn't cause massive player drop off. The issue being that all of the games systems based around combat are precariously balanced on a knife tip altering any one to any great degree can send the whole game crashing down. Are Nuke frames really a problem? I don't really feel that they are, the games style and systems all push that play style and making things less efficient can make the game significantly less fun for large parts of the population.

    • Like 19
  2. while out doing a bounty at the temple of fabrication as garuda I used her 1 to leap to one of the corpus jetpack units, I then launched into the sky fell through the map and 're spawned" at the corpus prison and instantly failed the bounty.

  3. I used to love him, he helped me get back into warframe after a long break, but I just couldn't keep watching as I noticed his elitist "I speak for all the veterans" attitude, like.. dude no you don't, you speak for yourself, and then  I started looking deeper and whew lad the dumpster fire that is the warframe partners infighting and drama just soured me on warframe youtubers.

  4. I don't get the anti "set it and forget it" mindset you guys have been hammering about lately, most of the changes you have made to fix this have been horrible and pissed everyone off, Ember was my favorite frame and now.. I haven't touched her in months, Sayrn has been a rollercoaster of amazing then terrible then amazing and back again. and overall its not making the game feel fun. So often it feels like you guys are punishing fun, "oh people are liking this skill or weapon to much? better nerf it into uselessness" Just please stop ruining things the players like its not a good look.

    • Like 3
  5. thanks for ruining the only good thing about revenant, thralls are worthless, they die before you can do anything to them either your allies kill them or you do, Danse macabre was his only neat skill and now we can barely use it? do you even want people to play the game? do you even want people to use this frame or would you rather we just put him in the back of our armory like all the other meh frames.

    With thralls being useless his 3 becomes worthless his 2 is okay but any debuff still wipes it off of you, now you basically just hit 2 and save energy for a little burst of his 4, honeslty he's just bad now, he went from being okay but needing some tweaks to just garbage. RIP lets pray you guys don't ruin the gore frame too.

    • Like 4
  6. you can fit the new mods on any exalted weapons, you just have to forma every single other slot on them, the new mods aren't really worth it when the basic primed preassure point gives more damage and the crit % you get from using the umbral mods is minimal at best over the base crit chance mod.

  7. I believe that it is supposed to look like ceramic/porcelain based on the aesthetic of chroma's deluxe, if you want to feel bad for a frame look no farther that the abysmal nova deluxe skin, or what ember's deluxe was supposed to be.. before the drama with the artist.

  8. 2 minutes ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

    Well, it's 2 separate phases.


    During the Founders pack phase, they were just starting up and basically nobody, albeit they were doing lots of contract works for other companies.

    This means they had no large institutions which would be interested in funding them due to the risks involved.

    They are after all unable to show a track record of profitability.

    This is actually very common for startups.

    Hence, they turned to the players and sold the packages to finance themselves instead of getting external investments (which they probably couldn't since no business will want to fund another business that is going bankrupt).


    The selling of part of the company to the Chinese investors came only after they are at least established and credible enough to be taken seriously by these large institutions as a profitable investment.

    At that point, I would say they no longer rely on the players for funding as much.

    Granted of course now they have to answer to these Chinese investors by showing that they are profit-making or they might pull out their investments.

    sort of but they already had a track record making and assisting making games for years before warframe came out, they where part of the team that made unlreal tournamnet, among others before they even started to pitch warframe, its not that they where a startup at the time.

  9. 1 minute ago, -WBA-Otse said:

    I miss the updates on deploying patches, like they used to say when a build was sent to QA and if it's OK they'd release it.

    they are announcing this info live on prime time as of three minutes ago a new test build popped and they are wating on the testers.

  10. 2 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


    We're working on getting emails with your Digital item codes, out to everyone who has purchased either a Full Day, Collectors, VIP, or Legendary ticket.

    I will update you in the this thread once email sending has commenced! 

    thank you! you're awesome ^W^

  11. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Kentarvos_Keaton said:

    People like us who purchased a physical ticket should receive an email at some point today. The first email said that physical ticket purchasers will receive a follow-up email on this date, though I have yet to receive mine, and another physical ticket holder earlier in the thread hadn't gotten theirs either.

    I have not either, hoping it comes soon.

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