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Posts posted by (PSN)JDBriggsBlader

  1. Ok, So even after the last 2 Patches, D-Pad functionality is still fundamentally broken. If you fix this, 99% of people will be fine with the Cursor.


    As it stands the Cursor will skip over selections in various menus. This us because the cursor auto connects to the first thing in a given direction.

    Example: In the Equipment Pause menu. If you are hovering over Void Relic Refinement and press down, the cursor will skip Mods and go straight to Abilities.


    The next issue is that when using the D-Pad, the cursor locks onto what ever is closest to it. So if you left the cursor near the bottom of the screen and try to use the D-Pad in a different menu it will lock to somthing near the bottom instead of starting at the top.

    Example: If I open the Pause Menu and press down on the D-Pad the Cursor should ALWAYS apear at Navigation. As it is now, if the cursor was left somewhere else, it will lock to whatever is closest which could be anything. This should also reset between menus. If I open the Pause menu and click Communication, then press down on the D-pad it should highlight Friends. Right now, it doesnt do anything as the Cursor is just out in nothing.


    Next is the Right Sticks Usage with the D-Pad. You should NEVER have to use the Right Stick in menus while using the D-Pad. Period. As it stands right now, In the Foundry, Modding, and Inventory, you cannot cycle the menu without the Right Stick. Before, clicking Right on the D-Pad in the Modding menu would keep moving your rows of mods down to the right. Now, you cannot do this and MUST use the Right Stick. Same with foundry, before I could go through my Foundry with only the D-Pad. Now I need the D-Pad and the Right Stick. THIS IS THE MOST SERIOUS THING THAT MUST BE FIXED.


    Lastly, you need to set the D-Pad Cursor sensitivity to max by default and keep it seperate from the Left stick Sensitivity. When I press Down on the D-Pad in ANY menu, it should Snap INSTANTLY(Like it did BEFORE) As it is right now, there is a VERY noticable delay between ALL button presses using the D-Pad due to the Travel time on the Cursor. THE CURSOR SHOULD TELEPORT NOT SLIDE.


    Other that those, the Cursor is bearable but still WORSE in almost EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY from what we had. We dont use Keyboard and Mouse on Playstation and Xbox doesnt support it. Forcing this on us is not only going to drive longtime fans away but deter new players due to the bad UI. Warframe is 90% Menus. If your menus are slow, clunky, and unintuitive that means 90% of your game is REALLY BAD.


    Honestly, I would just Revert back to the control scheme that we had. Then, If the New UI overhaul really needs it and was designed to work like that, unlike the current UI, then give us the Cursor.

  2. The Operator/AI Frame.

    The idea is to have a frame that not only buffs/heals nearby operators but also can move and fight independently while the player is using the operator.

    1.Program: Press to swap between 4 different modes. Hold to activate mode.

       A. Range: Gives Primary and Secondary weapons a damage buff. 

       B. Melee: Gives Melee weapons a damage buff.

       C. Caster: Increases Power Strength and Range At cost of Efficiency.

       D. Conserve: Increases Efficiency and Durration at cost of Strength and Range.

    2.Tower: (Duration)Generates an AOE that Empowers and Heals Operators within range. Increases damage, Armor, and Movement speed for Operator. An Operator can interact or shoot the frame to release a powerful pulse that fully heals and reloads operator energy.

    3.Taunt: (Channelling)Sends out constant energy pulses that attract enemy fire. Damage builds up a charge that can be released by interacting or shooting with the frame, dealing heavy Void damage in an AOE.

    4.Split Transference: (Channelling)Drains Warframe energy while in Operator mode. While Player is in operator mode, the warframe has AI. It will attack and use its abilities to support the Tenno. Effect ends when Energy Runs out or Warframe dies. AI precepts are relative to the Program it was left in:

       A.Range: Warframe forcuses on keeping distance and using ranged weapons. Low ability usage. Very Efficient. Low Death risk.

       B.Melee: Warframe focuses on staying close and using melee attacks. Will use Taunt often. Medium Efficiency. High Death risk.

       C.Caster: Warframe focuses on ability usage to support the Tenno. Uses Tower and Taunt Often at same time. Very low Efficiency. Very low Death risk.

       D.Conserve: Warframe will conserve energy at all costs. Will use abilities sparingly. Will stay by Tenno for direct support. Very High Efficiency. Low Death risk.

    Passive: Leaving Warframe or Void Dashing through Warframe will grant overshield to operators.

  3. My top 5:

    1.Mirage: Primarily running a Pure DPS Build is fantastic, running high duration and strength with Arcane Rage and Victory keeps me putting out enough damage to melt even lv.500+ enemies. Blinding CC Mirage is cool too.

    2.Loki: Obviously, Invis and Disarm are both fantastic and incredibly easy to build for.

    3.Chroma: With the tank build I run with Arcane Grace and Guardian its extreamly hard to kill Chroma, even in super high level survival or Def. And the damage buff makes him hit like a truck too.

    4.Equinox: One of the last great nuker frames,and also able to make use of my max duration and Range setup with Rest/Rage and arcane trickery.

    5.Nezha: In a similar but more CC oriented fashion to Equinox Im able to make great use of Arcane trickery and Divine Spears.

  4. One of the only areas where someone should be dictating loadouts is the raid. They require a well balanced team and most groups will require you to change to a suitable frame or wep.

    I refuse to let the inside stike team for Jordas Verdict use Sonicors or Simulors as the Nerves will glitch if it gets hit by one.

  5. Zephyr


    Lv1: Massive amounts of mobility

    Lv2: Quick decent

    Lv3: BEST Shield skill in the game (Yes Rhino Fanboys BETTER then Iron Skin!)

    Lv4: Crowd Control for Days!!!


    (Also, is any other PS4 players Prime Access Avatars not showing up on the forums? Im using the Loki Prime Icon in game but the forums still show my old Zephyr one...)

  6. I had a suggestion thread before regarding this topic. All that needs to be done is give normal mission nodes completion rewards. Similar to Void missions and Assassinations. get a random Item from the planets set loot pool when you complete a mission,  and keep the loot pools different to each planet with differing reward chances depending on the mission type(Ex. Capture is much easier then say Exterminate, so completing an Exterminate would have a slightly higher chance at getting a rare mod from completing the mission.)


    This would not only give every planet a reason to be visited, it would also give reason to play on nodes that nobody goes too. Because, look at the game now, other then specific farming spots, Dark Sectors, and Alerts/Invasions a large majority of mission nodes go unplayed by the general player base.

  7. Sort and sweet.



    Everything in the game can be obtained without paying real life money on platinum.


    If you are fine with farming YOU DO NOT NEED PLATINUM WHATSOEVER. 


    The ONLY thing platinum is used for in the game is to get stuff quicker/instantly.


    99% of the platinum prices for weapons are SO Overpriced. 


    Warframes(Blueprints) can be farmed off bosses and Void missions


    Weapons(Blueprints) can be farmed off void missions and bought in the market


    If you get any bit of knowledge from this post OP, If you get Platinum dont waste it on the market on weapons as EVERY SINGLE WEAPON/WARFRAME Ect... in the ENTIRE game (Except for Event stuff) is available in the game by playing the game. Platinum is not needed at all to enjoy the game and obtain items.



    Edit: Completely forgot about slots... If you want to expand your inventory you may need platinum for Inventory slots. But other then that the above rings true.

  8. Well, the way I see it is that DE basicly gets payed by us at the moment, and by that I mean the players control with their wallet. This gives incentive to DE to keep the players happy. My problem with the PW thing is if that happens some of that power the players have will be lost to PW as then they would be paying DE.

  9. Drew did say otherwise!!! If you actually read his posts he says "Same Platinum for the same amount of money." This means in conjunction with his previous statement that if you pay the $130 for Teleport, and the Accessories you will receive the SAME amount of platinum as those who bought the Disarm Pack.

  10. I know it's a bummer for many of you who have been waiting a long time for this update. We really appreciate your patience, and I am genuinely sorry to those of you who had your hopes up for a release this week. I wish I could have delivered better news. I'll keep checking back in this thread until we release early next week, and If you have other thoughts/questions/concerns, feel free to post them here or send me a private message. 

    Thank you very much Drew!!! I appreciate the response and hope to see the update early next week!!!

  11. Wait a sec. The way Drew worded his update. Not to be released before the weekend.


    If you think, considering the nature of the Suspicious Shipments event(Alerts) and the 4th of July Pallet. DE might be holding the update specifically for the weekend for people to have time for the event and it being after July 4th.


    This may mean we might be getting the update Late Friday or Saturday.

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