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Posts posted by Clibbyz

    • TYPEIn-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Scarlet spear space operation. I have just started a space mission in solo mode and i see in the relay chat a lot of kill codes getting sent. I don't get any
    • REPRODUCTION: I entered a relay. start an space mission solo. enter the murrex and deploy the oplink.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: when i see a lot of kill codes being send and not recieved i exped i can get 1 within a minute.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: i waited between 5-15 minutes bevore i even get 1 code.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: It happens almost every time
  1. So another opinion of Gauss:
    as most people i have played gauss for a while and i like him so far. Tough te more i play the more some things feel a little off. Also a lot if the synergies are not stated anywhere and i need to go out of the game to look them up. 

    Mach Rush

    • Energy cost is a bit high for an ability that has to be spammed to keep the battery level up. 
    • I have been using dispatch overdrive to increase my movement speed but channeling automatically gets cancelled when using mach rush and it’s a little annoying having to double check every time if channeling is still on.
    • I have the first ability button mapped to a side button on my mouse for easy access to it. So when i want to stop mach rush i will let go of the button, but gauss keeps using mach rush as long as i have [w] pressed and i don’t like this. I would like to at least get an option to disable this so i can just let go of mach rush to stop running.
    • It feels weird when i crash into enemies the get no damage (or so little i don’t notice it).
    • Crashing into a wall is supposed to create a powerful shockwave but its weak for a damaging first ability (and i know its a secondary purpose) and is only useful for having fun with the ragdoll. 

    Kinetic Plating

    • It’s a nice defence ability. 

    Thermal Sunder

    • It’s useful form time to time.


    • The synergy with the other abilities make it clear that redline should be on at all times but i feel that the automatic drain of the battery is unnecessary at all. At the very least drain the battery until it’s below the redline. also kinetic plating drains the battery as well so it feels unnecessary to automatically drain the battery.
    • Building for duration decreases the speed the percentage counter increases in readline. this feels really bad since duration increases the buffs the ability gives but then it negatively affects another core feature of the ability. To reach 100% i need to babysit the battery to keep it full, if i stop for a second to shoot mobs or revive a ally my battery drains so much that i can't reach 100% any time soon. most of the time i reach 100% only when i have 4-10 seconds (while having 60 sec+ on redline) left since i have to do other things than babysit my battery and make sure it’s full at all times. the automatic drain also really works against you in this instance. when i have around 60 sec+ duration and go out of my way to keep battery full it costs me more than half the time to get the counter to 100%. 
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