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Posts posted by Ronin_NAOS

  1.  Dear DE. 

     For the last couple days after UD17 came I have been getting the " Account could not be updated"  error warning after completing a mission , or entering any area were reloading is necessary. Apparently this is a long standing issue that has yet to be addressed but anybody, and IMO since UD17 this has gotten extremely worse.  Makes it hard to support my favorite game when the shiny new stuff I get has to be redone every time I turn around . Worst part is the grind to lvl something , or farm resources to build things we need is lost every time. I have searched everywhere for a fix , and still nothing , but very old post of others having the same problem. Dont know how I could continue being a paying supporter if this continues . 

     Please DE if you could help us out by addressing this we will be greatly appreciative . 


  2. i am having the same problem with all the new gear. I know the UD and hotfixs are important , and we thank you DE  , but alot of long time paying supporters are being robber of  their progress. Some of us paid alot for the bundles , and we deserve the ability to be able to play with it . IMO The fixing of bugs is very important , but the cosmetic issues should be secondary to this . Whats the since of good looking , smooth running game if you have to repeat the same thing over , and over again because the progress will not save. Should just have one tile set lol 

    With all due respect 

     A plea from some paying supporters. DE Please address this , and the many other convos posted about this.  We love you guys , but really need an answer :) .Namaste 

  3. VERY VERY disappointing. woke up this morning to find that I have been minus a point and no longer qualify for the Tubemen  rewards. Mission closed , still up showing my neg progress .  


      A shame that they were late showing the neg for supporting the other side in the event window. This has cheated alot of people out of the rewards. 

     Thanks DE for another VAGUE event .  

     Over $1500.00 spent in the last year and a half supporting WF through in game purchases , and  I cant get the simple rewards that I have completed the task for because late update ?



      So I heard that DE makes things right. What about the people that weren't able to complete the event because of your bug ?   You do have some paying costumers that have FINANCIALLY supported you that are looking for your good reputation :to show  with all do respect make it right. 

  4. Yes I have had the same thing happen. Actually had more than the required  4/4 . Now its says 3/4 , and the mission is no longer available for me to enter. I spent quit alot of cash supporting WF with the Prime access over the last year not to mention plat purchases , and I sure hope that we get what was said . I hear DE is very good about making things right , and hope we see this is true .  

  5.  The Esoteric Ronin Clan now accepting new members. 


        If you enjoy Warframe , and are looking for team play , good attitudes in a clan setting we may be what you are looking for . We have a large Dojo , and all clan tech/research is , and stays current . We have a range or members in age , but geared toward the more mature group.We do have a FaceBook group, and iclan site for members to share builds , and WF related material. Curse squad chat  , and Team-speak (Alliance) chat available as well as the normal squad "C" chat.

     Thanks to our friends at Synergy( alliance), and Space Sharks Inc.(clan we are in the Synergy Alliance , Clan activities / Task are regular , and sometimes have rewards. Clan rankings depend on team play , and skills rather than Mastery Rank. Unique Ranking system based on Samurai ranks each having responsibilities of clan functions , and workings.


     Clan Badge nzk8dy.jpg( The symbol is Kanji for Lotus) 




    1.If you have been helped please assist another player as another has did you. So far we have built a good clan setting by assisting new players , and have repeated , good game play not to mention building a pretty good arsenal as a whole. 

    2. Have fun . We are very serious about our builds too, but believe in having a good time. If you are having a bad day we will understand if you come into clan chat , and not say much lol. 

    3. NO AFK XPfarming. ( not sure if this still possible) We support Warframe , and do not support this activity . There is no challenge in trying to cheat the system. Suit up , and earn it the Honorable way Tenno.  


     PM me in game Ronin_Naos , our Daimyo (Banner General) Ronin_Quell, or leave a reply , and I can send you an inv if you are interested in giving us a try. 




                                                                                     Namaste Tenno , Ronin_NAOS & The Esoteric Ronin

  6. Same problem here.  Login failed , check info.  I sure hope it is fixed very soon as i have supported with a significant amount of purchases, and sure many have as well. We at least deserve an explanation as quick as possibly being paid supporters.


     Thanks DE for your hard work , but we wish to play . Resolve this please ..  




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