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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. If you are only leveling one thing at a time just join a Kappa(Sedna), or Kiste(Ceres) pug.

    If you are leveling a frame, and all three weapons from unranked at the same time the path I usually take is M Prime(Mercury) a few times till I'm 4-5 with my frame, then do Tethys(Saturn) till my frame is 10ish, then Io(Jupiter) till I'm 15ish, then Kappa and Kiste all the way to 30.

  2. I've been doing some math in my head, but since I don't really like doing math I've only half assed it. So tell me if I have done something wrong.

    I have been comparing the damage of Latron Prime with Burston. Out of the box Latron Prime does 45 base damage where as Burston does 30x3=90. One could defend the Latron by saying it's easier to get head-shots with. So let's do a little more math.

    Medium Grineer takes 33% to body, and 100% to head. Essentially 3x damage to head. I know it's 66% LESS damage to the body, and full damage to the head but for simplistic reasons I did the math by 3x damage to head. For the LatronPrime it would be 45x3=135. Now for the Burston lets say only one bullet got a headshot, and the other two were body shots. (2x30=60)+(30x3=90)=150. Already just by one bullet of the three round burst getting a head-shot the Burston did more damage than the Latron prime.

    Corpus crewman takes 4x AP, and electrical damage to the head but let's just say we are shooting at them through Volt's shield, and the damage is being converted to electrical damage. Latron Prime head-shots would be 45x4=180. One bullet from a Burston's three round burst getting a head-shot while the other two are body shots would be (2x30=60)+(30x4=120)=180.

    So depending on the enemy as long as you land at least one bullet as a head-shot you will either be doing the same, or more damage as the Latron Prime. Is there anything wrong with my math?

  3. Learn kung fu. Kogake are not dual heat swords, scindo, fragor, gram, or any other melee weapon where you can simply spam either charge attacks, or normal attacks. To get the most out of them you need to come up with combinations of different things.

  4. Please tell me how it hurt your game/gameplay? It made it more fun! throw in a Rush and race in your parkour room for godsake omg people, you have gone crazy...

    It made it a bit less fun for me because now I don't have to think about, or plan how to build a frame. Reactors, forma, and now auras? I can live with it, I still have the rest of the game to have fun with, but now the building of a frame aspect is like a cheap hooker to me.

  5. In my opinion, the biggest issue is that nyx needs to be able to recast chaos even when the buff has not fully ended.

    It would then refresh the buff timers on existing "chaos'ed" mobs and place the status onto new enemies on the field.

    Were you not playing when Chaos had no cool down? It was very over powered as you did not have to fire a single bullet, or swing a sword once. And you are also suggesting to refresh the duration of chaos on existing mobs effected by it? Man... That blows my mind.

  6. I back up the OP as follows:


    The same thing happened with Iron Skin a lot of people wanted the old one back a lot people didn't but the ones who wanted the original one back was probably much more on the forums and crap... Anyway what I'm trying to tell is that people didn't like it so they tried to make it so that Aura's wont hurt our energy. They nailed it. Now people want it to cost... WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU SAY NO TO EXTRA ENERGY, ARE YOU SERIOUS?

    Because it's stupid powerful. I ended up slotting mods that didn't match the polarity because I had so much more points that I didn't know what to do with.
  7. It depends on your load out. Some like having the Lex with a Gorgon, Hek, or Grakata. Some like having a Snipetron with an Afuris, Twin Vipers, or Kunai/Despair.

    Personally I find the the zoom, and the AP damage of the Snipetrons very pleasing. Though when I was leveling the Gorgon I was sure happy to have the Lex with me at times.

  8. Yeah but it would be nicer to have "roles" rather than straight up making Hek useless, I mean 250damage vs 308, come on thats practically the same and were comparing 20 clip vs 4. I dont mind OP weapons, its a PVE game, but Id like all weapons to be worth using (longshot I know :/)

    To Hek users Hek would still be worth using. You are forgetting that Hek has more than a second faster reload time which is handy since some players aren't ALWAYS shooting. Some players like to take cover for shields to recharge, so a bigger magazine isn't that important.

  9. For example, an extermination mission at node X has a chance to drop Ash/Banshee bp parts as a reward whereas raid node Y has a chance to drop Rhino/Trinity bp parts. This would be all based on the class of warframe, so that a person could never farm a specific node for a specific frame.

    If I am farming for Trinity, but I keep getting Rhino parts the grind will be longer.

  10. Actually, all guns have the same mods.


    Shotguns, Pistols and Rifles all have Fire, Ice, Electric, Armor Piercing Damage (so do Melee Weapons). All guns have Fire Rate, Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Firing Speed, Reload Speed.......they all have the same mods, though they're named different.


    The only difference is for melee weapons: They have a separate damage mod for charge attacks and charge speed.


    The reason for this is so that they could make the different mods have different values to keep the guns balanced. Since Rifles put out a lot more damage than pistols, they didn't want the Ammo Maximum being the same for Shotguns, Rifles, and Pistols. Either the Shotgun/Pistol get the short end of the stick (30% on a shotgun would be very unimpressive) or it'd be overpowered for the Rifle (60% on a rifle is overpowered as I explained above).


    That's why the mods are different for different guns.

    Well you just answered your own question right here.

  11. Point Blank is Raw Damage, No Return is Armor Piercing Damage. You really can't compare the two.


    Now, I assume you mean Flechette? Yes, that is 90%. However you must realize that pellets do very little damage compared to pistol bullets, its % needs to be higher to give an actual meaningful return. The HIGHEST damage Pellet in the game is the Hek's which does 13 damage per pellet. 30% of 13 is only 4 damage. That wouldn't even be worth sticking on the gun.

    No I mean Point Blank.

    The point I was trying to make is the guns are very different not only in their base form but in the mods they are able to use as well. I'd find the variety of options lacking if all the mods scale the same.

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