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Posts posted by 0verkill

  1. He's the only warframe I've got that could facetank Kela de Thaym (Defy), and ignore her orbital strikes (Cloudwalker) - where Rhino, Frost etc got obliterated (yes I know you're not supposed to facetank her, but there you go). Though I rarely use him for regular stuff, there are scenarios where he shines, so I keep him in reserve. Also it's nice to be able to use a Kulstar at point blank sometimes! Finally, he's one of the few frames where I haven't wanted to change from the default skin - imo it looks great with the right colours (I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't like it though).

  2. Yes I know the endura is a rapier, but my question is really how can I be sure that rapier weapons benefit from the passive - the in-game description of the passive specifically states swords, and rapiers are a seperate category from swords. I know the wikia says it applies to rapiers, but how do I know the wikia is correct/up-to-date - if we can't verify this in game, then I'm not sure how whoever did the wikia entry can.

  3. On 2018-03-01 at 11:20 AM, Thanathros said:


    as stated on the Wikia.


    Excalibur has improved mastery in the Tenno art of the blade, receiving +10% attack speed and +10% damage when dealing melee attacks (including via Exalted Blade) while wielding the following weapons:

    • Swords, such as the Skana.
    • Dual swords, such as the Dual Skana.
    • Nikanas, such as the Dragon Nikana.
    • Rapiers, such as the Destreza.

    Bonuses are additive to mods such as Pressure Point and Fury.


    As far as I've seen, it's quite accurate.

    ADDENDUM: That in turn means, however, that greatswords (like Gram) are not included, as they are their own category.

    Sorry if this is a bit of a necro, but I was looking for a definitive answer to this question. How do I know the information on the wikia is correct if there's no way of checking in game whether the bonus applies? The fact that rapiers are also in a seperate category from swords makes me wonder if the wikia is actually accurate.

    I tend to build 'signature' melee weapons for individual frames, and was considering the Endura for Excalibur. The decision on whether or not to put a potato in this weapon hinges entirely on whether it benefits from his passive. Nice as it is, I won't be using it on any other frames (they have their signature weapons already), so I really need to be sure one way or another.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

    Stalker is not immune to magnetize while magnetize makes him hurt himself with his own energy waves.

    other strategies include hitting him with your amp (T2 amp turns him into a pushover)

    Well don't have Mag and don't have any amps yet (I assume this comes after War Within); will need to do a bit of research to find what abilities do work on the Stalker. Not sure if Inaros's 1 has any effect - he seemed disorientated after being hit with it, but that could have been a radiation weapon proc. I think Nidus's 2 and 4 might do something (not sure because was being swarmed with infested at the time). 

  5. On 12/22/2017 at 3:32 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

    Not many will suggest him but who you search for is Wukong.

    His only good skill turns him immortal for an undefined amount of time. You just need high duration, efficiency, energy and both rage mods to survive everything.

    His 3 (Cloudwalker) can also be pretty useful at times.

    Found Defy takes a bit of getting used to as it constantly drains energy but only activates when your health hits zero (it does absolutely nothing but drain energy otherwise) - so  you need to activate/deactivate at the right times (even with Rage), or you're just wasting energy. Mistime it and you could end up with low health and not enough energy to reactivate when you need it, or you could just end up dead. The lack of any cc immunity doesn't help.

    After playing frames where you can pretty much regain health on demand (eg Valkyr, Inaros, Oberon), it feels counter-intuitive playing a frame whose only innate method of recovering health is to hit zero health.

  6. It does seem that the Stalker (and his sidekicks) always appear when you're most vulnerable (alone and levelling weapons/frames etc), but why would you expect him play fair?

    Most annoying thing about the Stalker for me is his ability to instantly nullify your powers on demand (and apparent immunity to cc). The fact that the Acolytes don't have this makes them much less of a threat (imo).

  7. I've found about 5 in random missions over the last few months (wasn't actively looking for them), plus a bucketload of stars.  Do have Animal Instinct on my sentinel though. While they look quite cool when powered up (have a couple sitting in my orbiter), not really sure what to do with the duplicates - not desperate for endo (can use duplicate mods for that anyway).

  8. Got power and endurance in the end. Found endurance is soloable if you bring a stack of health restores - probably wouldn't have needed them if it didn't lock your powers (was planning on cheesing Defy with Wukong).

    However not sure if I want to start War Within right now though. While avoiding spoilers, I understand that it locks you out of normal gameplay until the whole questline is complete (too much other stuff to do in the game atm).

  9. Being able to summon Clem and his dual Grakatas when you need backup is worth it imo. Also he actually has some character unlike most other summonses (loved his mini-questline). Plus it actually makes sense when the Grineer keep shouting 'Get Clem!'.

  10. I imagine this fight can be tough if you don't have a decently modded frame and (potatoed) weapons; also a good idea to bring health/energyammo packs. In the end I beat  him with Loki, with heavy use of invisibility, decoy + glaive - cheesy but effective. 

    A pretty good finale to a nice quest (except solo-farming those blasted juggernauts) imo.

  11. OK thanks for the answers.

    The one I had did have a pressure plate (which looks like it activated 2 disc platforms and another plate on a pedestal with a pipe above it - there were lots of similar pipes around only sealed) - parked a roller spectre on the plate, but that didn't keep the other plates activated. Will try to find some more of these rooms (and also look for some walkthrough videos).

  12. I understand that one of the things you have to do to unlock The War Within is to obtain 3 Lua Challenge Room mods. I think I found a challenge room in a Lua mission (involving pressure plates and pipes), but it looks like you need more than one player to complete it - is this the case for all the Lua Challenge Rooms? If so, then I assume it must be impossible to unlock the War Within solo.

  13. Wasn't sure whether to post this on the Trading Post - everything there seems to be offers to buy or sell, so assumed it might be more appropriate to post here.

    I have never traded for plat before, but I have a few bits and pieces that I want to sell now. Trouble is I have no idea if a) they are something that people would want to buy  and b) what a reasonable price to ask is. These include: 2 veiled Rivens (Primary and Melee); 3 Ayatan sculptures (with stars) - Ayr, Orta and Piv; Tigris Prime stock.

    Also, is there any risk of getting banned for unknowingly selling to someone who is using dodgy platinum? Have seen some horror stories (on the Steam forum I think) and probably won't bother if there is any risk of this.

    Helpful answers would be appreciated.

  14. On 11/26/2017 at 9:07 PM, rand0mname said:

    I think I know why you are swarmed.

    "Tusk Seeker Drones are Grineer flying drones with flapping, accordion-like wings, that are deployed by Grineer Tusk Lancers, Tusk Seekers and Dargyn Pilots. They have the ability to call in reinforcements by firing off Fosfor flares, and will do so more quickly if the number of nearby Grineer dwindles".


    Kill them ASAP. They made a distinctive sound and fire of flares. As others said, CC or Invisibilty is your friend for solo runs. And I noticed that if you kill them fast you will have no bombers at all.

    Hope this helps.

    Ah - that explains why some of these missions are quite straightforward, and some are a relentless swarm of heavy grineer, gunships/bombers and constant carpet bombing. Very helpful info - thx.

    TBH, I always take my Opticor to these missions now - it's the only thing I have that seems to kill the gunships/bombers fast enough. Usually with Rhino.


  15. I saw a review of Wukong suggesting it was a good melee frame, with an effective immortality mode - not sure if this still applies as the review (by Mogamu I think) was quite old. I'm curious how it is now - one thing I didn't like was the visuals for ability 4 which reminded me of something from a loony toons cartoon.

  16. 3 hours ago, Littleman88 said:

    Argonak for big boom and some of the best feeling recoil in the game so far.

    Braton Prime for a good staple, though in my opinion, the Argonak beats it out for the most part.

    Astilla if you want a cannon for an assault rifle.  I know, projectiles - fastest in the game by default though.  Also has splash damage.  If you're frequently out on the plains, I highly recommend this weapon for AR enthusiasts.  I personally threw Ammo stock and Shotgun Spazz into mine for the dakka dakka.  Requires some form of ammo recovery supplement either way though, like shotgun mutation/ammo case or shotgun scavenger.

    Agree on the Astilla - it has a very satisfying 'dakka' feel - nice reload sound too (I soon forgot that it's a shotgun that fires glass shells). The AOE effect is pretty cool too - and works really nicely on bunched enemies. However for some reason it still feels a little underpowered to me v heavy enemies and aircraft on the plains when doing top-tier bounties (so always running out of ammo) - maybe it's just the way I modded it, but I always seem to get best results on the plains with the opticor (which is definitely nothing like an assault rifle)

    Also like the Argonak - the target highlight feature can be handy and it's nice to be able to switch between semi and full auto (though rof in full auto feels a bit slow).

  17. 1 hour ago, kyori said:

    No. But this game has a weird vibe. When you don't look for it, it will appear and vice versa. So keep playing, they will drop a plenty soon.

    What worries me is that even though I've only recently been actively trying to farm this stance, I must have already killed many hundreds of scorpions during my overall play time and it never dropped once (though some of this may have been before the stance existed as have only recently come back to the game).

    I don't suppose there's a mission that has this in its drop tables?

  18. OK - will try Saturn - thanks.

    The thing about those mods you listed is that the relevant weapon types all have alternative stances that aren't so hard to get. The problem with Defiled Snapdragon is that I understand it is the only PVE mod available for that weapon type. I should probably have phrased the question as 'Is whip and blade the hardest weapon type to get a stance mod for?'

  19. I'm not a new player and I've picked up multiple stances for pretty much every melee weapon type except 'blade and whip' (have plenty of stance mods for whips and swords individually btw!). I'm not sure if this is supposed to be harder to get a stance for then any other melee weapon type, or if I'm missing something.

    I read somewhere that Ceres was the best place to farm scorpions for this, but am getting maybe one scorpion for every 20 grineer, if that, and have had no luck after many hours of farming. Any other systems that might have better scorpion spawn rates?

  20. It's weird, I've seen plenty of posts  (incl in the Steam forum) complaining that the plains are 'dead' with nothing to do except fishing and mining. And although there's clearly an element of hyperbole there, I'm surprised that there seem to be plenty of people who just want to do nothing but fishing and mining. The only way I can see to keep everyone happy would be to have enemies only spawn away from fishing/mining areas.

    Personally I would certainly miss the random battles, particularly the experience of running into a grineer encampment with a small army of infested at my back!


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