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Posts posted by Sahara

  1.  Tell us about yourself. Anything, doesn't have to be only game  related, Any question you have.


    I used to be in PGO, but sadly school had caught up with me, and I had to go inactive for a while... but now I'm back for good, and ready to do whatever!
     Tell us Your In-Game Name.

     Tell us Your favorite movie, food, fandom, other games you play.

    My favorite movie is a tie between SW:TFA and Sword of the stranger. Favorite food has got to be Ramen noodles... mmmm. I'm a pretty big otaku, and I still watch a ton of anime almost everyday. Other games I play are CS:GO, Skyrim, Garry's Mod, L4D2, and TF2.
     Make sure you understand the rule and the agreements above.

     DONOT PM me ingame, I'm mostly AFK or in mission. Also I WILL NOT accept you if you send me a request pm in game


  2. Hai there

    My name's Kevin, my IGN is Chaika-

    I've played warframe on different accounts before, but didn't play for a while. Came back not too long ago (A couple days ago >.>).

    I'm an otaku, and I love watching anime/reading manga.

    I've been clanless for... well I've never joined a clan.

    I understand and read all the rules, and am willing to dance around in the moonlight whilst shouting out for the glorious Unicorn frame.

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