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Posts posted by DknightOdin

  1. 30 minutes ago, R34LM said:

    The only annoying thing about nullifiers is their numbers. They could be toned down. Otherwise, if you are that attached to Valkyr:

    1. Use primed reach on your melee weapons for extra range so you can push down the shield at a safe distance. Don't aim directly in but off to the left or right; otherwise your momentum you push you into the bubble.

    2. Get to an enemy free location and turn of Hysteria so you can mitigate the damage, then pop the bubble with an auto weapon or bullet jump straight in.


    If your only method of dealing with them is to rush in there with Hysteria on, then the problem is you and not the enemy, honestly. With all this in mind, I'm surprised that you don't have any quarrels with Combas/Scrambus, who don't give any visual indication of their nullifying field and can kill you outright. That is the reason I don't use Valkyr in Corpus missions.

    This, so this. As a Valkyr main, I can attest to doing this even in high level missions like sorties and even endurance event missions. Don't get me wrong, they ARE annoying, but I think that's what get our attention and so much hate on the forums. Combas, by comparison are in some cases worse because the outright nullify specific abilities and there's no obvious sign where the influence of their nullification ends. 

  2. How is this scary? Let's take the worst case scenario in which something breaks intentionally or unintentionally and DE ships it. One of two things will happen, either the community notices it's broken and its addressed by the team or it isn't noticed in which it proves how trvial this mistake is. The point is, people make mistakes. I'd agree with you if it wasn't addressed, but the fact that they admitted it was a bug and fixed it literally within minutes of release is testament to how much of a conspiracy this shouldn't be.

  3. I wrote a nice detailed paragraph...and then the forums went down...taking my post with it. So tldr, as long as anything that contributes damage (especially scaling damage) exists in Warframe it'll be one of the first things in a serious build. Bonus dmg based on situations can be the alternatives to straight-up damage increases offers by mods like Serration/Hornet Strike, etc. Elemental damage scaling off of weapon damage is also a mistake. Increase the bonus damage it gives against enemies weak to said element, but give the same % penalty dmg to enemies NOT weak against it.

  4. The short answer is yes; that being said, I believe it would have to be part of rework on a scale to rival content updates simply because you can't touch player damage w/o looking at enemy damage and health values. This entire thing would have to be part of a rework that changes some fundamentals of the game itself much like parkour 2.0 did when it came out. There will be some adjusting, and even after the dust has settled, there will be some who'd want to go back, but I believe in the end it will be better for build diversity and better for the game.

  5. I read through MOST of the wall of text to which I got one answer to. With the exception of Hysteria, you can die at any point during/before casting ANY of those ults. This simply isn't the case with BS, not to mention you can literally just stand far away from any actual harm after the ability and start it again. Again, at point of its cast is Ash vulnerable which makes it almost contradictory to rest of his abilities which add utility or setup for quick finishers.

  6. I think they are a step in the right direction tbh. I just wish DE would actually start this whole balance pass they said the were gonna do. We've heard them talk about a multishot revamp as well as doing something with damage mods. Personally, I'd like them to get rid of all dmg improvement mods and just make mods give bonuses and utility like some already do. Of course, just removing these isn't smart in of itself, a rework on that scale would have to include a balance pass on enemies too.

  7. 5 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

    You sure about that? I tested this many times out side of Nullifier bubbles; it did not work. And whenever I did, I had a nullifier run behind me having his bubble on, taking me out of hysteria, killing me since I took damage beforehand. All because of their high spawn rate has them appearing TOO often. Also, you didn't even respond to what I said about the infested having the Ancient Disruptor.   

    Yes, I'm sure. I've done it on many occasions along with a friend who also employed the same strat. As for the Disruptors, I usually don't find them to be much of a problem. Also, use reach or primed reach to get that distance between you and the bubbles. I personally use Scindo Prime, War, or Orthos Prime to mow through enemies in Hysteria even at lvls 100+.

  8. 34 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

    No it wasn't. Valkyr's nerf was NOT need. Like at all. Pin her up against corpus or the Infected. Corpus have Nullifiers who can pull her out of hysteria instantly.

    I've literally done survival events and sorties with Valk in hysteria and kill nullifiers on the regular. If u start up a combo just outside the range of the bubble, u can tear it down before they have a chance to close in on you. This goes in line with the million threads about removing or nerfing nullifiers.

  9. She's still invincible; the change just made it so you can't run Hysteria for an entire match. Ash's Bladestorm is being looked at as well. As for Wukong's defy, it has increasing costs everytime his defy triggers. Finally, Chroma isn't invincible...at all.

  10. As much as I hate them, I gotta say they're one of the very few enemies that either push us back or cause us to constantly be mobile. Imo, while they are annoying, I believe that just shows that they're doing their job; they're supposed to, in the very least, be a nuisance to us. In higher tiers, they're the only thing stopping us from pressing 4 and just winning w/o care.

  11. Personally, I don't have any particular lines to contribute; however, I feel like the operators should have certain archetypes to the types of lines they say (e.g. aggressive, honor-bound, cold, etc.) It would help thin out the stale lines and make the operators feel like more our own. I also think that there should be general lines that could be said for any archetype; things that may have to do with the lore or maybe some lines that are just standard. Maybe it doesn't have to be implemented soon, but i certainly think that down the line this level of customization for the operators would be a nice touch.

  12. It should be working like this:

    When you complete one set of daily sorties, reward you get should be baned from your reward list. Playing with teams should generate random rewards after the missions, in a message in your inbox form.

    This, because even if you're lucky as hell, it would mean you'd only be able to get around 20 legendary cores per year so it would still make them useful/valuable. It would also incentivize playing sorties to arguably receive better rewards the more consecutive sorties you play. Which in turn would mean more people playing them daily if they aren't already. Less RNG please DE.
  13. Is there any chance of word from DE staff or even a moderator to try and pass this along to the team? I would've actually posted this in the bugs section, but I don't even know if they want it to be this way. If that's indeed the case then I guess I'll have to wait till they make it available again through some other means or NEVER get it because of one silly mistake and, imho, glaring hole in design.

  14. Recently I realized that there is no way to obtain the Ether Daggers outside of completing the Stolen Dreams quest line, and while I'm ok with that, the problem is that if you sell these (by mistake or intended) there is NO way of re obtaining them. My suggestion is adding these weapons to the market as purchasable, but having the requirement of beating the required quest. So instead of having it locked due to mastery rank, have it locked with the quest requirement. I actually lost out on these because their picture looks very similar to the Dual Ethers, and realized too late that I obtained the Dual Daggers. Please DE, if this is not changed and these mistakes continue to happen, it would mean that people would indefinitely locked out of experience for mastery ranks.




    A concerned Tenno

  15. My guess is that the Orokin actually enslaved humanity with their occupation of the Origin system. I believe the Orokin began experimenting with human children by sending them past the "fold", what we know now as the "void". I think that the children of the Zerimen were perhaps the first of these experiments and that the Orokin were actually looking to harness the powers of the void. i have reason to believe that the children were afflicted with the powers of the void, but my guess is that without the warframes to act as a conduit, controlling the void energy is either extremely difficult or impossible; this lack of control causes the grievous burns to the inspector assigned to case of the Zerimen when she tries to comfort one of the children, "Ember (just one or could it be a class?)". As a side note, I don't think the enslavement was a very negative thing in the eyes of most humans. It could be that humans were perhaps regarded as second class citizens, but nonetheless, part of the empire. What do you guys think of this?

  16. Huras in my experience is VASTLY superior to Shade in terms of ability. I counted a total cloak time of at least 1min 30secs as long as your within a certain distance of an enemy (haven't been able to figure out the correct distance) and a cooldown of roughly 5secs. Huras IS the stealth companion to choose if want to sneak past enemies. He also makes rushing through captures stupidly easy as long you rush for the targets.

  17. This was actually proposed and spoken about in one of the dev streams a while back. I think they ended up saying that it would make it too similar to survival if the payout were like so and would essentially undermine survival mode viability. Personally, I disagree with their decision, but who knows, maybe in the future they might change their mind.

  18. Not sure if a bug, feedback, and/or both, but whenever Kubrows go into bleed out state there is NO indicator to show their position. This can get very confusing if your Kubrow's pattern matches anything around them, namely white in the void, where a lot of corpses are strewn about the battlefield. An indicator alã our fallen Tenno comrades is much needed for our Kubrow please.

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