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Posts posted by katanas

  1. Yeah but that's the point, in spy mission if you take Loki, Ivara, Ash (maybe another but it isn't obvious to me at the moment I'm writing), they're meant for discretion. But when you go to sortie mission lvl 80-100 and you get a pick-up which run into lasers because he's not taking the mission seriously ... I think you get the idea.

    As for cyzefer, me and many others, we know most if not all spy mission, every nook and cranny way to get inside without being noticed. Having a bit more challenge would be welcome and making regret those which don't care about security would be even better.

  2. @Tactless_Ninja I don't think he meant to increase difficulty that way. He wants spy missions on Sortie to be more difficult because of its status of a sortie mission.

    There are many ways to increase diffculty or adding new content but it all depends on DE's devs, about what they already have in mind we don't know about, their available time, etc...


    1) Having new hack rooms would be great but would cause a huge work for devs to test rooms and its many accessibility possibilities.

    2) Increasing hack difficulty itself would be easier for devs I think, here are the first exemples that come to my mind :

    - corpus : instead of having 9 "6-side polygons" to rotate, we could have more. It would increase slightly the difficulty but would be understandable in my opinion because of the enemy's level and would be a surprise at first.

    Another possibility for corpus hack would be to think outside the box, like having links getting out of the polygons (like having one at the top with a branch toward the north linking with the lowest which have one toward south. I may not be clear, but I hope you get the idea).

    - grineer : i had the idea of a glitched petal (would reset the hack if you hit it).

    Having a second layer of petals to hack only once the first would be done is another possibility. It won't really increase the difficulty but would increase slightly the time needed as time is precious on spy mission.

    3) Another possibility come to my mind, mixing spy with nightmare mission. If you get noticed on a room, 1 debuff. Might seems crazy at first but I think it would force some players to do spy mission a bit more seriously that way. I don't know if it is possible to add this kind of condition but I hope so.

  3. I have been expelled from general chat for explaining the event.

    Players were saying they couldn't see anything new in their ship nor in their dojo. All I said (translated to english) was :

    "That's normal, they explained they did the update but the event would be available in 20min only."

    And right after this message [Cephalon] Nemesis Expelled me because I had to use the recruitment chat for that?!

    I add the screenshot with the chat so you can see I'm not lying. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/145827460829675520/286992779156914176/unknown.png

  4. Thanks everyone for your answers.

    I hope DE will fix it really soon because I'm losing hope of getting that last damn part of trinity.


    BTW N7-CommanderShepard, I tried your mission and dropped nothing. T3MD transformed into T4 survival for me.

  5. Hello fellow Tennos,

    This problem may have already been reported but it's getting so annoying I must post a message too.


    I noticed on Triton level, when I get a Key (like T3 MD since I'm seeking them), when the mission ends, I don't get that specific key. As a replacement I get T3 survival or T3 extermination.

    All my friends and I, are out of T3MD and can't find a place where they drop (for real I mean).


    Could you fix that bug please? It would really help.

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