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Posts posted by Razer_Angel21

  1. Name:Infested Flyer?......

    Behavior:Very agile and aware of it's surrounding and dodges gunfire very fast.Also it is slightly larger than most frames and will always try to knockdown and pound them.Can see anything behind it but with a limited range,but has full vision of anything infront,above,below,and at it's sides.Very aggressive and also very fast.Tends to always stay in mid-air and flies absurdly.

    Attacks:Uses a spike ranged attack on its tail with high puncture damage.Also can spit a toxic acid from its mouth which deals AoE damage for several seconds.Can fly to players,but in a very unpredictable flight path and constantly still avoiding gunfire,once it reached the player it will knock it down and stay on top of the player and will attack the player with  claws at the tip of it's wings and will try to bite the player for poison damage,at this state the player can only use pistols or a new mechanic in which there would appear an action button at the perfect moment when the creature tries to bite the player and shove the creature off if the player managed to press it the right time.If not,it will deal high poison damage from it's bite.

    Environment:Any infested room with high enough ceilings for them to fly.

  2. 150 platinum for a cosmetic item, wut? Stsly now, DE, you are asking a bit much here. Even as an exclusive limited time offer, it should still have a *reasonable* pricing. For that price I'd expect it to come with an Excalibur+slor+potato and Excalibur Proto-armour icon pack and sh*t out platinum eggs everytime I crouch.


    100 would sound much more reasonable. Right now it is almost exclusively for wallet-warriors. At a lower price more people would buy it, and you'd be able to generate more sales.

    actually,you know.It is not exclusively for wallet warriors.I mean,come on,"wallet warriors" uses real money to progress through a game.Seriously the skin doesn't offer any change in stats or extra affinity/boost whatsoever.So it is just exclusive for the ones who are so...uhm,let's replace the word in my mind with a better one.."devoted" to dark sector and got hooked into warframe.

  3. It doesn't look like a katana because it is not...it is just something that resembles a katana...but hell no,it looks more like the sword Japanese soldiers used to holster before they made the katana for samurais.....dem i cannot remember the name of those swords.

  4. DE,i thought you will never fix the crash issue!!!!but then came this evening...wooooooooooooooooooo,a fix to it!!!thank you very much..now i can do any missions solo again to level up my aklaex!!!thank you DE,i will always be a loyal tenno no matter what..

  5. Hi guys,i just want to ask something,i am about to replace one of my frames with saryn and i am wondering which frame should i sell,is it my Excalibur(which i have been playing with so many times and i can proudly say i have mastered him and took him in missions with enemies lvls 100 solo,and i really like him,i dont know why but i like using this frame and his looks) or Ash(i use ash for the "stealthy" coolness thing,and that very cool ulti,stabbing enemies with 2 blades from your hands made me feel like an assassin from AC,and it comes with teleporting to enemies which is cool,it's like,blaaahh im here to kill you!!".So i thought i would argue about their damage output with myself...i judged their first abilities first,Slash Dash and Shuriken both deals serrated blade damage where they tied up,but then Shuriken came short for Slash Dash's ability to hit infinite number of enemies as long as they are lined-up and on it's 2.5 meter striking range(i use stretch).Radial Blind and Smoke Screen,once again Ash's ability came short,but this time for utility,but i really like the ninja smokescreen thingy,and bonus damage for my galatine,but i know some players would really like my excalibur's utility than my ash's damaging capability,Teleport and Jump,both serves mobility,but ash beats it with a little offensive capability by staggering the opponent,i can charge my galatine if i use it real quick before the enemy even staggers me or retaliates which is good at tactically killing opponents at a range if you are reloading your long range weapon(like heavies,yes,my galatine can kill lvl 100s in 1 swing,and so are yours if you will mod it well).

    And here is where they tied up(2-2)...Radial Javelin vs Blade Storm,Excalibur hits his enemies with javelins dealing 1k damage each,unfortunately enemies can take cover from this,this is why i use jump on levels with wide open tops,so i can headshot everyone(ha ha,i call it Meteor Shower,XD)and this deals reduced damage to seekers and commanders plus rollers,although i know they are a minority of enemies,i still consider them,next thing advantage is the ability to pair with a mag to deal the biggest single target damage directly from a warframe ability(sonar can make some weaps reach 500k plus damage from a vectis,but it is not directly from the ability,just it's effect)and a downside of becoming vulnerable to enemy fire if any enemy survives or is too far,i counter this with a Blind first combo(i call this...Bankai White Petals combo..XD).Blade Storm,has the highest base damage of all the warframe abilities(i think nova has the highest "potential" damage output,i dunno,its just a guess,imagine hitting an enemy with this..man i can even kill lvl 130s with this one that a javelin couldnt,same number of enemies will be hit,15,where the bladestorm really excels due to it's teleporting mechanic which cannot be evaded by taking cover(ha ha i killed a rhino with a narrow minded mod(i am using a narrow minded and focus plus a streamline and fleeting expertise mod,once i got that energy he knows he is dead!!wahahahahaha)and also deals more damage than a javelin,and with narrow minded you will be 1 shotting heavies at lvl 100.And as I said,with fleeting expertise and streamline this ablitiy is quite spammable even with the narrow minded installed,the only hindrance is its inability to instantly kill the 15 killable targets,where as javelin can instantly kill the 15 "killable",i repeat,"killable" targets,but still in terms of raw damage Blade Storm reigns over Radial Javelin.

    I like both of them,one is for some feeling i fell about,i am pertaining to excalibur,it's like even when all players says excaliburs are noobs,due to this somekind of what i can already call connection to the character i always come up exceeding the things i thought i couldn't do just to prove these people that they are wrong,i always had fun with him,he is my starter frame,but it doesnt matter here,i mean i wanted loki more when i first read something about warframe cuz of his elusiveness and Radial Disarm,and Mag for her high shields and the ability to restore them while giving off some offense for shielded enemies,and her pull ability,but somehow,though Excalibur was my last choice...i don't know why i chose him,i just felt that this frame has something more,while Ash on the other hand is the first frame i built cuz of his coolness and popularity on some players,i liked him also,good damage,elusiveness,skills that can 1 shot most enemies,and some offense,he really has the core of a true ninja-Elusive,Agile,and Deadly.I like his ultimate for it's animation,teleporting and stabbing enemies just makes me crazy,it's like you are unstoppable and enemies fall whenever your blade already made contact to their faces.So after all these words,WHICH ONE SHOULD I KEEP,The Excalibur OR ASHHHhhhh.

  6. But for me i kinda circulated the OP in the wiki's idea around my mind and then,well,though Stalker's mask looks more organic,it is a what "if" you open Excal's mask and flip it back wards,the outer part would really look like Stalker's helmet,we won't know what's the inside of the frames yet so there is a possibility that what is on the face of Stalker is what the inside of a frame's face looks like.But I won't like that because I want the frames to be more human looking inside!!!wooooo

  7. I was once again gliding through the wiki's pages back and forth then i saw this comment on the stalker tab:

    it looks like an excalibur default helmet,only ripped to the back,look closely,if you try to flip those flaps forward(the one up and on the sides)it will be excaliburs helmet(i notcied this when i saw the back of his head which looks identical to excalibur helmet's back)that flap on the top is long cuz if you flip it forward it will become excal's horn thing,and those flaps at sides are short as you can see it fits the linings of excalibur on his face


  8. Hello,anyone with no clans yet?new to the game?or just want a fresh new start at a new clan?well,all of you guys are welcome to join and new players will be helped on their missions by me!the clan warlord himself!ahahaha,just stay active and contribute to the constructions...i only have 5 formas left so spare formas will be very appreaciated,i wont expel any member who is not active for a week as long as...uhm...maybe a very valid reason!!!e.g. I am not active because i have a life.ahahah,thats one good reason.

  9. I was gliding through the warframe wiki,then i saw this comment about mag and excalibur's appearance on the latest PS4 trailer,here is how it goes:

    Alad chopped excalibur(dem feels for the excalibur) to maybe,cuz excalibur is offense type and couldve been a so called hard carry if this is a dota game or something,then maybe fused excalibur's attributes to mag as to experiment and try to produce a frame with crowd control and huge offensive capabilities,maybe also to make a small and agile frame but is as strong as most male frames,or a female frame who can fight head-on like an excalibur,just an insight.

  10. i just used rhino stomp near a container not less than 10 meters away from me,but it wasn't destroyed,then i used it again at the same container,this time it is right next to me and it got destroyed...

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