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Posts posted by jandrew

  1. I have decided to keep a Raksa Kubrow around as my go-to kubrow. Dropped 4 forma on his build just so I can maximize him with mods at 8/10. Chances are, I'm going to put 1 last forma once I get enough cores and credits to max all the mods to 10.


    Sure, he may not be as useful as the sentinels like Carrier or Shade, but I do enjoy having my furry little buddy following me around when I want to. Once you start putting better mods, you can tell how different a vanilla kubrow is from one that is "trained".


    Side note: His name is Kuai Liang, not tall (if not the shortest), standard body, Lotus pattern, and pink-ish energy color. I absolutely enjoy seeing him in my liset, it can get pretty lonely sometimes in there, you know.

  2. Unless they put some worthwhile reward for completing sections or the entire star map, there will be be players who won't be motivated to finish the entire thing. Personally, I finished it because there are times when I wanted to do the alerts, but had none of my friends are online. The allure of Prime items will always entice players to just do Void or Derelict missions. Its also understandable that not everyone has the time to complete it, and would rather spend their online time playing with friends, who again would probably do Void or Derelict missions because they offer Prime items, and are more challenging.


    Taxis are not a bad thing. It can however be abused by people.


    If DE were to put something like a free reactor or catalyst, Warframe slot, weapon slot, or even like 5-10 platinum per section (planet/whatever) unlocked, it can help decrease taxis a bit... I guess.

  3. I want my Targis Armor back, DE.


    Don't know why they couldn't they have just added another customization slot for the default gold in prime pieces, why have it take an already existing slot. I feel like they also did some other texture changes to the Targis Armor, as some parts aren't as dark (black) as they were before, like the EDO Armor. Aside from taking away the gold, it doesn't feel very "prime" anymore. Had the execution been not so poor, I wouldn't be having any complaints.

  4. Funny enough, I seem to get them almost 3-4 times a month on average. That's when me and my friends started calling it the 3rd world magic (I'm from the Philippines). To be fair, there was a time when I would only get the 50% like a few days ago. But it's pretty funny constantly getting the 2-day 75% off every 7-8 days for 6 weeks straight a few months ago.

  5. Would it be possible to change the AI of the sentinels and have them attack arc traps, security cameras, door sensors, etc..? If not, at least put out a mod that gives us the option. It can mess up the pace a bit when you want to go pure melee in a mission.


    Speaking of door sensors, some of them are really placed in very tight/obscure places in the Grineer ships, any thoughts about getting this fixed/changed?


    Lastly, would it be possible to add a mission search feature, wherein you input the <Enemy> <Mission> <Level> and even <Resource>. Sometimes I just want to run a Survival mission against the Grineer, but can't find any node that has players in them. I am then forced to search through all Grineer occupied planets and click on every Survival node. I think this would also be beneficial to players who are new and would want to farm for certain resources.

  6. We need to remember that not everyone who watches Youtube also goes to the forums, and this works for both sides. The fact that he gets thousands of views on his Warframe videos, means that there is a viewership out there. If a handful of people here on the forums do not know who he is, then there's also another handful of people who do. It's the same reason that not all the Warframe players are forum goers. Does that mean he is a major player / representative of the Warframe community? No. He does however have the ability (or should I say platform) to reach out to other players. What he says can influence a number of players on how one frame can be bad or how this weapon is amazing.


    As for Calypso getting burnt out, I totally see where he is coming from. Also makes you think that even from a business standpoint, the will is weak to make more Warframe videos. He could easily make lackluster content just for the sake of getting the views and the subs, but his video made him vocal that that isn't the priority. Best of luck to him.

  7. I think it's because the old ciphers taught us to hurry up, while the new Grineer ones require some patience and timing. First one I did was on Ceres... yep, hated it and felt kinda bad I made my team wait. Now after playing some more, I actually quite enjoy the change.

  8. Don't think that is necessary. An extra polarity and a little buff to stats is enough of a change to prime warframes, no need for the 10 slots.


    If anything, this can be the perfect opportunity for them to redo Ember Prime, like give her that extra polarity that people have been asking for. She can be a special case where in all forma used on her will be refunded, so it won't mess with the new polarity they add. Sure it will make the players rank her up again to their standards, but it finally solves the issue with most about her not getting that extra polarity that all prime frames have.

  9. Will Sentinels finally target arc traps and doors to help the Tenno? Maybe even our Kubrows?


    When will Ash's Bladestorm bugs be fixed? Like dropping to a floor below after the animation or getting stuck in the Bladestorm phase, rendering the players useless. Can happen even as host, so I don't think it's just lag.





    How will Archwing missions be implemented? Are they random, or will there be visible markers showing which mission nodes may run Archwing so players will be prepared, may it be in equipment or time in completing it.


    Will the transition (just an example) from Sabotage to an Archwing mission require a loading screen? Host migration can already be a problem for some players, and it may just add to the frustration as connections can get wonky sometimes.


    Do we get to keep the credits and items (mods and resources) we got from running the Sabotage mission, even if we fail the Archwing one? Or do we get nothing at all?


    Will we need to buy new color packs if we want to customize the colors of our Archwing? And maybe even for the Liset customization that will come in the future.


    Cheers. :)

  10. It's not like there is a limited quantity of said packs, or that you only have a week (or even a month) to purchase them. If you see something you like, save for it. Consider it an alternative way of supporting a game you enjoy. I saw myself playing the game for 3 more months, and even though I'm already MR16, I honestly didn't mind getting the boosters.

  11. Thanks for the welcome. :D


    I have a habit of typing a reply to threads, reading it 2 times, then just closing the tab. Not even deserving of a participation ribbon here folks. ><

  12. :3


    To properly introduce myself.. Hi, my name is Jandrew (or jandrewcepticon to most). I've almost been playing Warframe exclusively for a few months now, and have been browsing the forums since but only decided to actually introduce myself today. I'm from the Philippines, but you will rarely see me in my own timezone because.. reasons.


    A friend introduced me to the game around it's earlier days, I liked it but I wasn't really used to playing with the good ol mouse and keyboard so it felt awkward. Played some more of it with a few pals after, but left and went back to the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer on PS3. Then I came back to trying it for the "2nd time" a few months ago and haven't left since.


    I just reached my 600+ hours of Warframe according to my in-game profile, but Steam says 1000+ so... yeah. I'm also in a small clan with 3 other people, but they haven't really played in a while, last was 20+ days ago and the longest being 70+. That being said, I have no plans on leaving as two of them are friends, and I talk to them on a regular basis on Steam and such.


    My favorite frame is Ash because of that "Smoke Bomb, Teleport, and melee all teh things build", but I've been playing as Frost Prime a lot lately. Not really built around Snow Globe, but rather Ice Wave and pew pew pew or slash slash slash because wynaut?


    Ok, this is getting too long. Thanks for taking the time to read, and I'll see you guys around. :)

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