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  1. I think that the little story recap computer in the Sanctum Anatomica is a great way to let people skip over some quest content without risking them being entirely lost. Having a content warning is a step in the right direction, but I think it would be even better if they had certain skip buttons that said something like "the bits mentioned in the content warning are coming up. You can skip to the end if you want and get a recap later, but you might miss some story context - type SKIP to confirm", or something to that effect. Even if it is just a skip for certain scenes instead of the whole quest, I still think that would be a really good move. I mean, the devs trust us to know what we're doing when we subsume our Warframes so long as we type a thing in a box, so I think it's fair for them to trust us to know what we're doing in the same way when we skip story segments. I mean, I get why DE doesn't want to decouple story quests from their relevant content entirely, but it would be nice if there was some sort of way to, like you said, just opt out of those bits when the devs feel that a quest is worthy of a content warning. Like I said, giving us the option to skip at least part of a quest that's particularly traumatic and reminding us that we have an in-game way to get info about it later seems like a solid compromise to me. I'm glad you were able to get through the quest without much of a scratch, but it sucks that you and a multitude of other people have to play that sort of a guessing game when you just wanna like, y'know, play a funny video game. Also they tossed around the idea of pay to skip the story anyways so like um. y'know. Who said that
  2. When equipped on the Nagantaka Prime, the Lunaeus skin freaks out and the limbs hover way off to the sides of the weapon. This issue persists in-mission as well as in the arsenal, but the limbs go back to normal when the weapon is holstered. It seems like this has been this way since the skin's launch, unless there was a brief period where the skin was fixed then became bugged again - not sure if that helps narrow anything down.
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