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Posts posted by (PSN)AllEyezOnThee

  1. Need to scrap radial javelin for a defensive skill - you reference FFXV, I would say the skill noctis uses in the first trailer with swords floating around him / deflecting bullets is a good defensive move for Excalibur.

  2. 32 minutes ago, DesFrSpace said:

    You don't see it, that how it is.

    Current WarFrame Trade is BASICALLY what an Auction House is with (WarFrame.Market).


    • INFLATIONS Prices (MIGHT/Very LIkely) going to soar from 1,000 :platinum: to maybe 10,000 :platinum:. (When there is nothing but the last Item, WF might not get effected). Basically you can't bargain, and the ONLY think wrong with EVERY Auction house I have seen is SELL HIGH, no competitions, SELL HIGHER :facepalm:.
    • AUCTIONS HOUSE? Can we just call it Auctions Frame? I mean, you know every Auction is a literal BID for paying higher ^.
    • Some one already mentioned in PAST Suggestion of Auction House Post, (this literally is an existence IDEA). 
    • Some one mentioned Active vs Passive Selling. Passive just mean easy posting, and forcing for your item to buy bought at say price. right?
    • And Lastly Auction House just another Term for Trade that don't have to you play while in game, thus WarFrame Market exist. AND the only reason I see why Console/PC want them, is: They don't have time, and some other Reasons.


    If you THINK it is a Good Idea? PLEASE Name a Really BUSTLING ACTIVE Games that has a Great Trade Economy.


    1. There are very few things in warframe that sell for 1000+ plat. Typically things that just released, retired, or rivers. 

    Just released items will lower by value day by day as more players require them.

    Same as rivens, excluded "GOD tier" rivens - which would catch a higher penny.

    With A.H people will realize how more abundant "rare" items are, which will keep people from monopolizing prices on certain items.

    This bartering version will keep sellers from posting their prices to avoid undercutting the economy. 

    Two birds one stone.


    2. That's how the world works, take the highest bid. And that's favorable for DE, higher buyouts = more people buying plat.

    If you know it's a rip off, don't buy item and wait for it to deflate in price. 

    The only people who'd have a problem with this are people who try to "get a steal" from players who don't know any better. Luckily for them there will always be players who don't know any better, it'll just be less abundant.

    3. It is passive, but it isn't forcing you to pay a certain price. You PM seller an offer or ask how much. Both parties are free to accept or decline offers. 

    4. Why does a game need a 3rd party? Warframe shouldn't need warframe market, that's just extra work for the player. DE would see much more activity if it was implemented in-game, especially from newer players.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Phatose said:

    I don't see that as likely to hurt the market, simply because it will end up largely unused due to practical issues which will make it incredibly slow and/or frustrating.

    Consider:  I want to buy item X.  Either I need to look specifically for players who are online - at which point it's just trade chat - or I'm stuck dealing with considerable uncertainty.  Any player I make an offer to might reject that offer, but I won't learn that until they finally get online.  Which means I either need to make the same offer to multiple people, and doing so in sequence could take days, if not weeks.  If I make the same offer to multiple people, and more then one wants to accept that offer, there's an issue.  If it's first come, first served then sellers end up needing to do the same thing - accepting multiple orders, and only finishing the first trade.

    Which means the system is likely to have long delays for responses, and an awful lot of deals that never follow through because they trade with someone else first.

    1. You don't look for players online, you search for the item you want and if any are available they'll be there.

    2. If you don't get a reply to your offer it's either because they didn't like your offer and didn't bother to reply or they're offline.

    In any case, if messages never get deleted when a player goes offline, the seller will eventually see your offer when he does get online.

    Wether he replies to your offer is up to him, but you can choose to keep the message open, or delete it and not worry about it. Even if you delete the message, the seller will still see your offer, and may reply to it. 

    Best thing to do is not worry about when they'll reply, just give an offer and go on from there - trying is the important part - you can offer to other people in the meantime. 

    3. First come first serve is standard, if the seller chooses to haggle you for a better offer they can. Which would be common with auction house.

    4. Deals not going through because seller already sold item already happens, it'll just be more transparent.


    The whole point in this is to not stress over waiting for someone to sell what you're looking for. Right now it's based on if you're lucky enough to see the item you want in chat or spam every 2 minutes for hours so a seller sees it.

  4. Taking the good qualities of an AH without devaluing items, to put simply.


    The only difference with this version is that players won't be able to list their items for a price. Instead, they'll only be able to list their item - and buyers would have to PM their offers.

    The seller can then accept any offer that pleases them, or haggle all incoming offers.

    Items will be listed even when players log offline - until the player removes item intentionally, or item has been sold.

    Buyers can send offers even when seller is offline, and messages won't disappear from logging off until deleted intentionally. 

    Buyers/Sellers can respond to offers even when the buyer/seller is offline (currently you can't reply to an offline player).



    Items wont lose value since they can't be listed for a certain price (which leads to undercutting), they can only be priced/haggled through PM/DMs.

    Won't have to stare at a screen 24/7, you can leave your monitor/tv or go offline, and come back to see offers.

    Offers won't disappear from logging off, this way you don't have to stay online and worry you might've missed an offer.

    Players can reply to offline players to settle a deal. With this new feature, if a buyer/seller isn't online at the same time - a player can message saying when they might be available to trade, so when they buyer/seller does come back online - they can respond and can set up a time to trade.

    A good addition would be to add a message feature to the warframe app so mobile people/sellers can see they got a buyer. So they know to get online before buyer goes offline. (And to also respond to the buyer on mobile).

    Even if they don't add the feature to message on warframe mobile app, consoles have an app to see messages that buyers can send to their psn/xbox account. And I'm sure PC might have something similar. 


    This would essentially be trade 3.0? 

    An overhaul which I think is necessary to improve ease of trading in Warframe, without breaking the market.

  5. 58 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Adding brightness/saturation would make things like the Smoke palette irrelevant.

    Very true, that is why adding such functions would cost plat, lets say for ex: 200-250p (since you'd never need to by another color palette).

    Which is why I doubt they'd do this - since color pallets are a revenue source, although I'm sure very few buy more than 2-3 palettes so in my opinion this feature wouldn't hurt much if the function were 200+ plat.

    It would be a better alternative as it would essentially by a "smoke palette for all colors" approach.

    Saturation dial also being the key component difference.

  6. 8 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    How other people said in this topic, the biggest issue would be the huge data base increase requirement.

    To solve this database problem, I think it would be cool to have access to a sort of "advanced custom set" that allow us to change color of each armor piece, including helmet, but in a limited amount of slots that require some plats to buy (maybe 50).
    So, only people that really want advanced custom pay for these specific slot, and it make the database a lot lighter adding to the plats players pay for, like Rivens.

    I believe iv'e posted such suggestion a year or so ago, I'd love for them to add brightness/saturation "dials" for a perfect coloration in all aspects. 

    But between that or a small UI/database change - wouldn't doubt they'd choose the latter.

  7. 42 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    The helmets already have their very own tintfiles and even their very own defaults -- they used them briefly when the new Default options was introduced 2 years ago now.

    All it would cost them would be a small UI change and a database change, which would be the biggest issue I take.

    And to be clear, I want this to be a thing so the freaking energy color mismatch stops being a thing. WHY DE. WHY.

    Also, I believe the sigil's energy color being determined by Warframe energy color can be a problem as well.

    Warframe energy color may look fine but the sigils can look horrible - sadly sacrifices had to be made in my case..

  8. 2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    The helmets already have their very own tintfiles and even their very own defaults -- they used them briefly when the new Default options was introduced 2 years ago now.

    All it would cost them would be a small UI change and a database change, which would be the biggest issue I take.

    And to be clear, I want this to be a thing so the freaking energy color mismatch stops being a thing. WHY DE. WHY.

    Thanks for sharing, I figured there would be at least something that'd be a slight issue to doing this quickly.

    This wasn't as much as an issue for me years ago, but now with captura being a thing it's gnawing me.

    I'll be posting my example picture in just a minute as well.

  9. Yeah. I know.

    Sounds like more work than it is useful. It is.




    Lemme say this.


    With all the new deluxe/tennogen, created for dozens of different warframes, you'll start to hit a wall in fashion frame.

    That mixing different helmets and skins - do not meld color wise - for the sole purpose of their "material" being different. (I'll say material because I'm not technical).


    Example 1, combine excaliburs obsidian skin or graxx skin with a prisma helmet and use any bright color on all slots. You'll see a big difference that hurts the flow of the whole frame because of their opposing "material". Typically noticeable on slot 1 (main body/helmet color channel).

    Below images you'll see the difference, not affected by full lighting.






    Example 2, say you got your obsidian/graxx body to be colored perfect, but the prisma helmet is thrown off - not entirely because it's a different helmet and "material" (like example above) but because the way the helmets coloring channels ( were designed specifically for the whole set - so any patterns could be thrown off as well if you mix content.


    I know I can make up the different material/coloring shortcomings if I was able to color the helmet and skin seperatly. If the skin looks normal with a certain white but the helmet is much brighter - I can just tone down the white on the helmet so they meld smoothly.


    Being creative by combining different content and making them look great is one of the core foundations to artistic freedom in my perspective.


    If you can find it in your hearts and have the time to do so, please - seperate helmet and skin coloring.

    If implemented there will be no limits to the options and fine tuning for fashion centric players!

  10. 12 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

    which captura ? console are  behind -. - so which onees are you referring to? can you do a demo

    Too lazy to demo lmao


    Only ones that work so far (haven't tested on other maps yet) is teshins and arbiters 

    Just use operater power - face against the barrier and you'll teleport past it, basically. 

    Arbirters: barrier where you ask to trade your points for stuff at the very end of the path.

    Teshin, the barrier at the very top of the hill, by the water creek.


  11. 40 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    1. Because I disagree that it should be Auxiliary. Whether or not that affects me in any way is not really a point of matter for me, but more the fact that it represents Umbra's appearance. I can be blamed for wanting a Cloak for Nekros, but that's not happening either.

    2. Mm... unsure what you mean. Valkyr Prime's bonds are not usable on Standard Valkyr. They're exclusive to her. Regular Valkyr's Bonds were added after the fact of her release and were in the market for purchase. Due to that, it works similarly to the Mortos Binds and can be used on both Valkyrs.

    I'm more or less giving you the leniency of the conversation and the benefit of the doubt that they magically let it be used on Tennogen.

    As for Umbra's Model, it is substantially more detailed than Standard Excalibur, with many new pointy and textured bits. Regular Excalibur is very plain looking.

    3. None taken. Though again, I'm the devil's advocate of your idea. Sell to me why this should be implemented. 

    1. Alright, say that scarf is exclusive to umbra Excalibur himself, wether they allow the scarf to be auxiliary for tennogen etc on umbra is up to them, but that idea in itself is harmless as an addition and brings player choice to boot.

    I preferably don't like umbra excaliburs body ornaments and much prefer caduto or graxx Excalibur body to be with the scarf for appearance - giving me and others that option would be a great addition.


    2. The body may be different but size ratio should be rather the same, making it easier to implement other scarfs for vanilla/prime/umbra excaliburs.


    3. My sell is that DE will make potential profit by making umbra Excalibur's scarf auxiliary for tennogen (etc) skins to be equipped onto umbra Excalibur himself for fashion frame centric people.

    Secondly, creating an auxiliary spot for this scarf can open up new scarf content from content creators for umbra as well as vanilla Excalibur to wear, making another revenue gain.

    Also opens up the idea of giving all frames a auxiliary of their own for specific customization of ones favorite frame.


    I am all about fashion, this would give me more leniency to be unique as a player.

  12. 3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    1. Of course it is my opinion, such as the OP is yours. You cannot have a debate without 2 conflicting opinions, otherwise I'd be agreeing with you.

    2. Regardless of how you get Umbra, it's still Exclusive to the frame. Can't put accessories on frames that don't use them, similar to how Valkyr Prime's Prime Bonds are exclusive to her, and not her standard variant, for example. Even if it was an auxillary, magically, it'd still be locked to Umbra himself.

    3. I understand you topic, I understand your view. But this is an idea and an opinion which you posted in a General Forum, as such, I will state my view and opinion right back, but will not purposefully shoot down your idea.

    It's just discussion.

    1. Then why disagree with an opinion that has no negative sides other than you not liking it yourself (from what I can understand) It's understandable that's an opinion to not like/disagree with my opinion/idea - but is it necessary? 

    2. Still doesn't disprove my point in making it auxiliary for Tennogen skins or the fact that new scarfs can be made for vanilla Excalibur since it'll create the auxiliary option for Excalibur like it does with Valkyr (like her base and prime models). 

    Also, umbra model is relatively the same as vanilla - same frame model. (As far as I can tell)

    3. True, you are correct. Yet I do feel as tho your first response is pure pessimism to a suggestion that won't create any problems but create more options. No offense of course.

  13. 3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    Here we go with all the numbers XD

    1. Don't care for Excalibur's looks. It's the premise that the scarf is unique to the skin. 

    2. Standard Excalibur IS the Posterboy. He IS a starter. Umbra is not, and is a different frame with different requirements for acquisition. Allowing Standard Excalibur to have the Umbra scarf "just 'cuz" is not really plausible. Besides, with how Primes work, you'd have to wear Base Excalibur's Skin on Umbra to make that work, IF they even let you wear his OG skin.

    1. Your opinion 

    2. You wouldn't be able to get Umbra's scarf until you buy or unlock him. If they release other scarfs then a new players could add it to the vanilla Excalibur 

    This whole topics purpose is to give Excalibur an auxiliary slot - for scarfs 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    1.) Make Demanding Title for a Post for something not yet implemented into the game.

    2.) Attempt to Bribe DE with the notion that your idea will somehow make them more Money, despite the fact that They are the ones with a Development and Business team backing them up on their decisions, and you do not.

    3.) Add in a final polite plea in all Caps, making it seem more Forced and Demanding in the process, ending your Post in the same way your Title started it.


    1) A suggestion post for something that's coming to the game

    2) My opinion as to what may happen if idea is implemented, how you believe this is a bribe is... 

    3) Added sense of humor, never knew saying please was demanding or forceful - seems you need to chill a bit.

  15. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    1. Scarfs really wouldn't help many of those Tennogens.

    2. Scarfs for a single frame are highly profitable? I understand Excalibur Umbra is popular, but that's too niche to profit off of.

    It's part of his outfit, not an accessory.

    Excalibur got some Hipster lessons and now he won't stop talking about being Vegan and Nickelback.

    1. Oh believe me, if there's a will there's a way "looks at Excalibur Grace skin + scarf" mmmmmmm

    2. Excalibur is the poster boy + new players have access to base Excalibur = they may want scarf = $$$


    Hipster scarf frame confirmed 

  16. Vasto/Vasto prime needs love too, weak peashooter and obsolete compared to pandero stats.

    They need to be the higher damage variant with their lesser magazine size.


    Buff their damage (Vasto 80-90's, Vasto P 100-110's).

    Buff their critical chance by 10%-15%.

    Give them the pandero alt fire.

    Also, a nice magnum category buff would be to add a damage bonus every time the weapon is drawn (QuickDraw bonus).

  17. 32 minutes ago, Aedwynn said:

    Interesting idea, but that's not happening. 1) How many weapons there are now? 300? You suggest to do unique challenge for every last one of them? If you use generalised challenge, then what's the whole point? We have generalised mastery rank challenge now.

    2) That method continues the issue of OP and easily accessible Prime guns. Makes all other weapons obsolette. With our 300 weapon base you can always find Primed weapon that fits your playstyle. And it will be better than regular weapons.

    Once they get the system made, typing in challengings for all the guns and frames wouldn't take more than a week or two. It's not like they have to create something besides the system - all the challenges are keyed in and will become easier to key in as it gets rolling.

    Without completely revamping the game - this implantation is simple enough yet a huge difference - that's the point. Didn't say it's the salvation forever.

    The whole point in primes and variants is to be better than the regular versions - that's just how it's going to be. Getting the better version of a weapon in itself is progression after all.

    With weapons that are easily accessed currently (because MR requirements needs a enter revamp in itself - all weapons need a MR requirement from 0-23etc so that new players have incentives to increase their mastery) but this is another issue I won't get in to.


    But disregarding all that - I'm just throwing in an idea as a placeholder that'd add some depth to the games shallow areas


    Warframe itself can't just have 1 "deep trench" in its shallow ocean, it all correlates together. Gotta start somewhere - its progress after all.



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