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Posts posted by ThrottleFox

  1. 7 minutes ago, TzXtetriC said:

    Too much Sun on that shirt, same as my Adidas black shirt. They should of sent you a white one xd

    Yep lol, Been wearing it for 5 years or so, for only being faded and one hole in it I think that's not bad considering what its been though

  2. Maybe. But please play it first to see... you may think the risk makes it more exciting. I did


    Seeing the mods I would loose are crappy cores and sentinel mods.


    I rarely get anything other then a hellfire or what ever the rifle fire damage mod is. If the mods at 10, 15 and 20+ are worth it to risk for which they aren't worth that risk at this point, seeing the crap core most of us get or farm for are what we use to upgrade I think i can see more dropping out in the lower waves. If you have this risk make the reward better at the higher waves.

  3. Just killed endless defense missions. I will quit at 5 or 10 all the time now and I normally run in an organized group. Pointless in doing them if you get a good 20+ mods and on wave 16+ and you get over whelmed, loosing everything is stupid, I risked that wave 15 reward in hope of something better at 20. screw even going past 10 on the lower maps and past 5 on the higher ones. If I get a rare mod as a drop in a defense you can be sure I'll be leaving the group even if it is a clan group

  4. Starting Platinum? Multiple accounts? What your experience is doesn't matter. Means nothing.


    You said you can get anything without paying. You can't get inventory without paying platinum. That's what I said. Nothing more.


    True and I agree you can not do that, but 3 slots is quite a lot if you are farming and not paying money and plan on super charging them

  5. I bet that even if the probability of dropping a potato was 1/10^9 you guys would still say that it's perfectly normal to get the item in-game. It's also particularly interesting that always the guys who pay say that the game is not pay to win. Sixteen hours into the game and I haven't looted a single damned potato. I got so &!$$ed off, I decided to buy a Founders package, maybe a Grand Master one, just waiting for my credit card to come fully functional once again.

    OHHHH 16 hours. in a good week or so I haven't got a damn multi shot mod and those are common compared to potatoes.

    You get the BPs for potatoes from alerts with a ? from what I know, and they are rare but you can get them.


    For the millionth time THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN NOT GET IN GAME THAT I BUY WITH CASH, I PAY TO SAVE TIME(Prime not included)

  6. I have the opposite effect Desmir, people get excited when I'm on my Prime they 1st time the see one I guess.


    I was the same arune, though I sold my Loki before he got to rank 4 and then bought Trinity and loved the game since, then bought more and more frames and then went and built my Loki again.


    No one minds if you are a free player you can still get everything us paying players get, some of the paying players probably didn't go stupid with their plat like I did. Not paying just means you need to have to wait to get to use the item, if you pay, means you get it right away and its superchaged and you are also supporting some of the best Devs I've seen to help improve the game. This is beta still things might change up a little you never know

  7. The Z would be nice if it was a toggle and not hold, so While on Trinity or frost or something, you know who is taking damage and can use your blessing / snow globe to help them out. Good idea though you have, something always on screen or option for that

  8. The statement most of us have an issue with, clearly he is not a founder, and unless hes paid for platinum he hasn't bought anything.


    if i buy a game i expect



    Call it a cash grab, call it convenience, either way the game is free and money has to be made some how to pay for the servers and the devs pay for working there day in day out for you to play a FREE game. Be thankful they allow you to acquire the other frames via drops and so forth, most games would force you to pay real money for them and that would be the only way to get them DE didn't.


    Getting snippy over a 12h-3day wait time for something you didn't pay real money for and are getting for free is just stupid, either cough up some money and support the game and get that item for instantly, or shut it and wait

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