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Posts posted by ZUBO-EGT-

  1. I have the same issue, image freezes, but the game goes on in the backgroud it seems, as I can still fire my weapons etc. and the sound plays as normal. I will also get all rewards if the mission finishes. This problem has been especially bad for me in Onslought, there is a ~70% chance that it will happen and it is the worst because unlike other missions you can not just wait until the team extracts. It also seems that it is worse now than a few weeks ago, but that may just be coincidence.

    I will try disabling certain things in the settings and see how it goes. I am using a GTX770 by the way.

    Update: Tried a few things: All AA settings -> no change; Fullscreen istead of borderless -> no change; disabled all effects -> no effect. This is a serious issue for me now, Onslought has become more or less unplayable as there is a ~70% chance to crash before 8 rounds are done. Other missions are less of a problem, but it can still happen.

  2. Well I think that active Focus farming should be something that you ONLY do if you don't have enough time to just play the game. The problem right now is that just playing the game gives you a tiny amount of Focus. Without a booster playing for ~5 hours various things (bounties, sorties, raid, etc.) I only got ~40k focus. In a single 10min mission of dedicated farming you can get more than that.

    And that really is the problem. There must be a LOT MORE sources for Focus that allow you to comfortably reach the cap if you play 5+hours a day. There are already many ideas all around the forums like Focus rewards for just finishing a mission.

    Personally I would like it far more to keep the cap in place, but just make us earn more just by playing the game. That would feel much better and those who actually want to grind out the cap faster could still do that.

  3. Hi,

    yesterday I encountered some odd behavior related to melee blocking and Rhinos Iron Skin. Whenever Rhinos Iron Skin was active melee blocking would not work properly (Tested with Silva&Aegis P and Galatine P) as in the block animation would not be displayed properly (some block sound did appear) and the blocks would not count towards the blocking achievement and also were not charging up S&A block counter.

    Now I don't know if this is actually working as intended or if this is a bug. Might be worth testing out other similar abilities (Nezha, etc.) if the same thing happens or if it is only related to Iron Skin.

  4. Hi everyone,

    today we have encountered a new bug related to killing a Teralyst. We killed it (I actually got the achievement for the last hit) but it then immediately disappeared without dropping any loot (the exceptional cores for the limbs did drop). We had 5+ charged lures nearby and the Teralyst was tethered the entire time.

    One possible point to investigate would be the Opticor disintegrate effect on kills. As I said I got the last hit - with an Opticor. So perhaps this is related.

    If there is any other information that may help you please let me know.

  5. The spashing effect is MUCH rarer in the Ocean. But every 15min or so I see one, sometimes too far from shore to throw a lure in. Got 1 Murkray from two Baits though - not the most. I think they should either explain how this is supposed to work, or just make baits work reliably even without the "special circumstances" like the splashes. Otherwise is will take many eidolon days to get enough fish.

  6. Well, some of these changes I like, especially bringing some of the old weapons into the foreground.

    However I feel sad that you only touched a small number of them - there are a lot more that need some love.

    As for the nerfs, some of them are justified. I personally hated the overuse of Simulor and Boltace, even though I myself sometimes used it. I have no idea if the new Boltace mechanic will be usefull, we will see. I think the idea with the Simulor change is to put the most damage into popping your "bubbles" instead of building stacks. But as the numbers read now, it seems it is a severe nerf. Perhaps some more tuning is needed here, but the general idea I like.

    Now the Tonkor change is twofold. The reduced crit change is nothing more than a damage nerf, which i guess is justified considering other launcher weapons. The self damage makes sense I guess, but there is a problem here: The tonkor is more unpredictable than other launcher weapons. The ogris always explodes on impact, whatever it hits and the Penta you detonate yourself, so it is predictable. But with the Tonkor if you slightly miss the target very unpredictable things can happen. I think this will make the Tonkor the less attractive alternative to the other launchers.

    And finally a general remark. It seems that now we will see everyone using the Tigris Prime in sorties. It was already popular, but since alternatives are now scarce, we will probably see a lot more of these. In addition "damage" frames such as Mesa or Nydus will probably rise in popularity in endless missions. And finally cc frames will also become even stronger as it may now be necessary to rely on them even earlier if you want to go really far anywhere...but I guess this will affect not very many people.

    So overall these changes are good, but may result in player weapon choices that are not any less monotonous...we just have to wait and see.

    One thing is for sure - the moment this change hits it will be hilarious to see all the people not reading the forums blowing themselves up with the Tonkor.

  7. Hi everyone,

    well my wishlist ingame is actually quite full, but the one item on there I really like is the Palatine Pack.

    Also how does gifting work? Can you only gift shop items or also something from your inventory?

    Because I have a Machete in my Codex but no Machete anywhere...

    Also please don't gift me boosters until the 22nd as I will have not much time to play until then...

    Happy Holidays!

  8. Very good idea...i frequently have to check my notes on this...

    Maybe to add here it would also be nice to be able to see if and how many of the presented rewards you already got (you know, like everywhere else where it says X owned) so that you can pick something that you don't have yet.

  9. After the recent changes I still have some issues with the system.

    - Riven mods are too rare. It should be easier to obtain them. Best option is probably to add them as a reward somewhere besides sorties (assault missions?)

    - Cost of re-rolling rivens should scale with disposition as well so re-rolling mods for normal and strong weapons is cheaper (my suggestion is 33% cheaper for normal and 66% cheaper for strong)

    - Even with that I suggest a cut-off where the re-roll cost no longer increases. (My suggestion: 4500 for faint, 3000 for normal, 1500 for strong)

    - To promote the idea to use these mods for weak weapons change the limit: 3 for faint mods, 5 for normal and 15 for weak.

    - Add a "riven vault" where you can store mods that are over the limit, that you do not currently want to use, but want to keep, just in case. You should not be able to do anything with these mods (this includes selling them) until it is in the "active" category again. Somewhat similar to Kubrow stasis.

    Somewhat related to this (Kuva):

    - Why not make kuva something that spawns in any 30+ mission? This way it is way easier to get it as a bonus to doing something else(like syndicate missions, sorties, etc). This feels much better than farming it over and over (which is still the fastest way).

  10. The changes that are already planned seem to go in the right direction. And I have no problem with RNG, but it should not be too bad, so here are some suggestions:

    - Make riven mods a reward for finishing the first assault mission of the day.  (With that you can make sorties accessible to players who have not yet played TWW and assault missions will get the attention they deserve)

    - Since mods are now easier to get you should probably make re-rolls more rewarding. (would work very well with the option to keep the roll you already have, perhaps you could also add 3 options for each re-roll you can choose from in addition to keeping the old one)

    - Make nonsensical stat combinations impossible. (what is the use of +200% crit damage if the mod also has -120% crit chance?, or impact damage on an elemental weapon?, magazine size for a bow? Crit chance on a weapon that cannot crit? etc.)

    - You should not be able to get another mod for the same weapon (this opens up nice options for people who do not use the "best" ones to make some plat, while the people who already use the "best" ones cannot get them again - whatever "best" is.)

    In addition you could think about these things:

    - Add riven mods as rewards from alerts on the fortress (visible only if node unlocked for spoiler reasons)

    - Make kuva missions invasion style where for a while some nodes of the planet where the fortress is spawn these special missions. This way you would not interfere with the normal missions.

    - Make kuva something that you can also farm on the fortress tile set (drops from enemies, found in containers, reward in endless missions instead of endo, etc.)

  11. 19 hours ago, High_Velocity said:


    So if u got a team of 4 players using all radiants of the same type there should be a 4 * 11% chance to obtain that rare item(from all 4 rewards).
    On 6 runs with that team you should get 2,64 rare parts on average(from 4 * 6 rewards)...
    If u run alone for 6 times u would have a chance of 66% to obtain the desired rare item(from 6 rewards).



    So, I have not read the entire discussion, so it may be that this has come up before, but still I wanted to say something here.

    The part quoted is where you went wrong. If you have 4 people rolling for something with 11% probability, the combined probability to get one part is NOT 4*11% but it is (1-(0.89^4))*100% (*100 for percent) and that is not 44% but ~37.3%, however there is also a small chance to get two or more rewards, but that is useless since you can only choose one.

    The same is true if you run the the relic solo 6 times, the chance to get the 11% item is (1-(0.89^6))*100% and that is roughly 50%, not 66%.

    So I guess you overestimated your chance at getting the specific item. Still, after 3 runs in a 4-man group the odds are favorable that you get it, and I am sure there are people out there who get 3 or more rares in a row that way, while there are others that are not that lucky. One specific item for example did not drop for me even after 11 tries in a full group, but that is bound to happen at some point with so many prime items you have to acquire to get everything.

  12. Hi,

    so I was a bit bored at work today, so I wrote myself a little matlab script to answer your question using a random number generator. The result (1 million draws(=Players farming Equinox and stopping as soon as they have all parts), percentiles):

    1%=9, 10%=13, 50%=20, 90%=33, 95%=38, 99%=51, 99.9%=68, max=116(this of course becomes larger the larger the sample size, there is no real maximum).

    This leaves only the question if you trust all the involved random number generators ;)



  13. A bit late, but here comes my feedback:

    1.) Personal targets for the credit rewards - these should in my view be replaced by a bit more ambitious goals that only need to be completed once by the team. This would promote teamwork and reduce trolling etc.

    2.) When you cash in your Points you should either be healed back to full health OR health globes should restore much more HP. To be fair if there is a Trin in your group you won't have that problem, but why not make it a bit easier for teams without a healer? The same could be said about energy orbs. 90% of all matches I did not use a single ability because I never had enough energy.

    3.) The endless scaling is too fast. It should start a bit lower and increase more slowly. If at all possible damage should scale even slower as it just turns into a one-shot fest after a while that is no fun at all. Instead it should just become harder to gather enough points to extend the clock. Perhaps each point could then extend the clock a bit less.

    On the plus side I really liked the enemies and their unique mechanics. Its something different and that's good.

  14. Hi all,


    with the new focus system you get access to a skill and than several other abilities that make that skill better and now I have two questions:


    1.) What is the benefit of "upgrading"(spending focus on something you have unlocked already) the Skill? (There are 3 little dots below it so I guess that means it can be upgraded 3 times) Does it say that somewhere?


    2.) Recently I did a void interception mission and did not activate my skill for quite a while (its that madurai laser beam). After a while I did and was surprised that I could use the ability sveral times in a row. Does that skill gain "stacks" in the background?



  15. Hi everyone,


    after a long brake I am back in the game and slowly getting familiar again with all the mechanics.


    However there is one thing I could not find an answer to by searching the wiki.


    It seems there is a way to have a "ranged melee attack". Ingame it looks like a sword (could be something else though, but I have never seen it for heavy weapons for example) that if swung while stationary creates "waves" that travel in a straight line for quite some distance.


    Now what is this? Is this a specific weapon? A stance? A combo? It seems to be quite powerful.


    Thanks for the Help.

  16. Thank you for your suggestions.


    I think for now i will stay with frost, but i will definately try out some new weapons. This will surely keep me occupied for a while.


    After that i may try out a new frame. However for now i would be grateful to hear of suitable weapon setups for frost in addition to those mentioned already.



  17. Hello everyone


    It has been a while since i played the last time, but now i want to start again.


    However i cannot decide what i should do now. Originally my plan was to get frost prime and try to outfit him to the maximum. However i am not sure this is wise any more. Some people told be frost is actually not that good in "end-game".


    What other frames are good for endgame? I usually like to kill from a distance (Latron is the weapon i use often) and while i melee when swarmed i do not really feel comfortable with that.


    So what would you suggest i do? Stay with Frost, or try a different frame?


    In case i stay with Frost i would probably need a new weapon loadout. Currently i use twin vipers, the latron and dual ethers (staggering enemies is really nice). What should i use instead?



    Well that are a load of questions. Hope you can help me. Thanks

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