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Posts posted by are2dude

  1. Make the weapon selection menu search box active by default. I have a lot of weapons and scrolling through them can be a bit tedious. Different sorting options help a bit but still the fastest way to find what you are looking for, is the search box. The only thing I don't like about the search is that I have to click it to use it. Why can't the text box be activated as soon as I enter the weapon selection menu? The only letter key inputs that do anything during that menu are T for chat and Y for opening the sorting menu(why is this a feature btw, you can't do anything to the menu without a mouse anyway). So I would much rather not have to click anything before typing in my search and having to click the screen and then T or just clicking the minimized chat if I wanted to chat right at that moment.

    Also can we get an option somewhere to disable the platinum market weapons at the bottom of the list please. I already mastered them, sold them and have no interest in buying them especially for platinum. This has been asked before and it's still here so I guess not...

    In the escape menu, move the Arsenal button to the first level of the menu right next to navigation. Having it under the equipment menu makes sense thematically but not much in terms of user experience. Move the operator stuff under equipment if the first level of the escape menu gets "too long". We already have hotkey for operator stuff anyway: 5. Which brings me to my next point...

    Hotkeys: Hit a key and you will be teleported to a menu or a station in your ship.

    1 for Arsenal

    2 for Foundry

    3 for Mods

    4 for Syndicates (why is this not even a menu shortcut yet? also news and conclave are also missing a menu shortcut btw)

    5 for (Operator stuff)

    after that it's probably easier to continue with letters: I for inventory, C for clan and so on.

    These keys are not used for anything in the ship, they would do the same thing as the menu and this would be completely optional.


    Bonus idea:

    Quick arsenal. This would work something like ctrl+K in discord. It brings up a search box where you can type what server or chat do you want to go. Once the right thing pops up in the search you can just hit enter and go there. Quick arsenal would be a similar text box that you can bring up anywhere in your ship. There you can search for any weapon, warframe or companion and once the right one pops up, hit enter to equip it. Then use 1, 2 and 3 to select config A, B or C.


    What do you think?


  2. I also have 4 positive syndicates and I switch between red veil and new loka. I just ended up equipping red veil sigil on every frame in appearance config A and new loka for config B. I also wear the sigils on the front and my colors are mostly themes somewhat around the syndicates so I can easily see what I have on.

    That being said, I'd much rather them do away with the whole sigil thing and move the active syndicate selection to the syndicate menu. Something like the selection of primary focus school. (Funnily enough I would like the ability to set the focus school for a warframe build kind of like syndicate sigils work right now...) Then you could check the active syndicate by just looking left from the navigation console. Keep the 15% bonus if you own the sigil, just to keep the "investment" relevant. Don't make it mandatory to wear specific cosmetics.

    Also while we are at it: could we separate arcanes and cosmetics already? I have like 20 different syandanas but I only use 1 on every frame because it has a good arcane on it...

  3. I have had the same issue with performance with my laptop.Sudden fps drops from 60 to 5-9 fps out of nowhere in missions and even in liset. These issues started just a couple of weeks ago and I have had no such issues with this laptop for months and before that I used to play with even older laptop without any issues. 

    I did some testing with corpus.outbreak and the results seem to suggest something thermal related but the but it still doesn't make much sense. It feels like the fans don't seem to react as agressively as they should. (The laptop fan settings are set to increase fan speed before throttling) Judging by the sound I'd guess the fans only go to 60% when the fps drops to single digits, at which point the fans slow down even more. After 10 seconds or so it got back to 60 fps and stayed there until CPU and motherboard hit about 75C and the whole thing happened again.

    Seems logical enough so far but during the same test on another "lag cycle" the fans actually ramped up to what sounded like 100%, fps was around 50-60 and temperatures were about 80C. Someone smarter than me figure this out....


    I also tested Dragon's Dogma and Salt and Sanctuary. SaS ran smoothly as expected. DD, however showed similar fps drop once but after that the fans kept running at 100% and the temperatures were about 80C.

    Have some screenshots:http://imgur.com/a/n7xKR


    When the frames start to drop


    Shortly after the drop


    The last case

  4. Same thing. Experienced 5-9 fps from time to time while playing infested survival sortie. I didn't get frame drops on the infested spy so I assume that the cause for this is some effect caused by dying or attacking infested enemies.

  5. When I press W or S, my warframe does not move. I can strafe with A and D. The key binds are right and the keys are not broken. Also when I turn the camera, my warframe always turns towards where I'm looking. I noticed that some people had had the same problem in the past but I didn't find a solution other than the problem mysteriously fixing itself somehow.

    I'm pretty sure this has something to do with my PS3 controller that I had plugged in when booted warframe. A couple of times I even got the movement to work right by spamming random controller and keyboard inputs at the same time but it broke again every time I opened the chat window or gear wheel. Also the controller inputs don't do anything. I unplugged the controller, uninstalled the drivers, rebooted and I still have the same problem.

    I don't care about the controller not working for warframe. I just want my keyboard working again. I have used the controller before and even played warframe with it in the past but never had this problem before.

    Also while I'm at it may as well point out that I can't even use the controller to play warframe. Meanwhile I have no problem playing Dragon's Dogma with this exact setup. I'm using ScpToolkit for the controller drivers.

    EDIT: And it's fixed. I disabled a xbox360 controller driver that windows had for some reason. I also reinstalled and uninstalled the dualshock 3 drivers a bunch of times and managed to possible break scptoolkit in the process. I guess I can't have a functional controller and play warframe at the same time...

  6. A group of corrupted bombards shot me while I was changing my loadout in simulacrum arsenal. After death the camera was behind the arsenal machine and the arsenal UI was unresponsive. 


    Step 1: Spawn Bombards

    Step 2: Shoot at them from the platform until they are mad.

    Step 3: Go to arsenal

    Step 4: Profit?


    Or would you fit one between each finger? Except that would make them fan out instead of directed assault against one target.


    That wouldn't be a bad idea either. It could work similar to Ivara's Artemis Bow: Click to throw a vertical fan and hold to throw a horizontal fan.

  8. Throwing knifes are somewhat designed for stealth gameplay. Unfortunately they don't pack quite the punch to take out those heavy units in one shot to keep your stealth combo going. So you are pretty much better off with a silenced Lex Prime...


    That's why it would be nice to have an alternate fire function were you just basically throw a handful of knifes at once. It could work as a charge type trigger by holding down the alt fire button. The number of knifes thrown could be 5 or 10 or as many as you could thrown out normally during the charge time limited by magazine size.


    So, what do you guys think?

  9. Remove the nerfs:

    1. Remove scope sway.

    2. Remove hip fire inaccuracy.


    The actual buff:

    3. Reliable damage: At least base 40% crit chance. Also Innate 10% multishot to make it reliable with split chamber.

    4. Innate punchthrough.

    5. Nullifier shield bypass: Would make snipers a viable counter to nullifiers.

    6. Finisher damage on headshots: Increases effectiveness against armored targets.

    7. Remove the timed reset from the combo multiplier: Combo lasts until you miss a shot.


    Additional ideas I would like to see:

    8. Remove the bonuses from different zoom levels and instead tie them to a secondary timed combo multiplier that maxes out after 3 shots. Also halves reload time if your magazine ends while the combo is up.

    9. X-ray scope that highlights enemies through walls like codex scanner.

    10. Different scopes with different zoom level options. Or let us manually set the zoom levels for our scopes.

  10. I really don't like the operator transmissions. They say stuff that is dumb and out of place and it has my name on it. The kid is also so nooby. I have been doing my thing for years and you just started and still you feel that I need your tips?


    Option to turn off the transmissions please.

  11. Endless missions are way too long and boring. Enemy level doesn't scale (at least I haven't noticed) so defense is just wave 1 over and over again. Make the missions difficult by lowering the objectives hp or reducing the life support or something.


    I would like the option to replay the missions (without additional rewards of course) because sometimes the missions are short and intense and very enjoyable.


    Also duplicate rewards, weapon parts and market items(lens blueprints) as rewards as terrible.

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