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Posts posted by HerculeanTusk

  1. I find all of the ideas you mention extremely useful and should be in the companion app, especially the login reward and the clan chat function. It would help immensely people that have made a clan but due to work can't play everyday or are absent for long periods of time. Those 2 are my absolute needs for the companion app.

  2. Nice topic!!! My underappreciated weapons are:

    Latron Wraith: Really fun gun to use and synergizes well with argon scope and crit mods. It sounds awesome too.

    Phage: A really underused weapon that has insanely high DPS once the beams are concentrated but needs some time to adjust to it's style of playing.

    Penta: Since Tonkor, people just forgot about it but there was a time where it was the best launcher and it is the weapon responsible for bringing me from MR6 to MR15 as my primary.

    Quanta/Quanta Vandal: Very versatile with good damage and the ability to build it the way you like. You want fire rate for the main firing mode, you got it, you want pure power to run around like a grenadier, you got it.

    Tiberon: One of (if not) the best sounding weapons in the game.

    Torid: Just use a Viral status build and Vauban and you can go for hours on end in survivals.

    Atomos: An absolute monster with the beam range extension mod. Synergizes extremely well with Ember for even more crowd killing.

    Azima: Just throw the disc out and watch the show!!!

    Kullstar: Extremely powerfull but you need to be careful using it. Fire from afar and watch the fireworks.

    Rakta Ballistica: 20K charged shot plus one of the best syndicate procs on the game? Wut?

    Spira Prime: One of my top 3 favorite sidearms in the game, veeeery powerful even in very late game and nice looking.

    Dual Heat Swords: Just use the Swirling Sword stance and see the fire burning everything!!!

    Dual Ichor: It seems like everyone has forgotten about these gems. Give these a try, you won't regret it.

    Kogake: Breakdance your way to victory, need I say more?

    Mios: Range, damage and good stance, one of the most fun melee weapons in the game.

    Orthos Prime: Use Primed Reach and just mow down corridors of enemies like they where not even there, plus one of the sexiest weapons in the game.

    Tekko: Underused in my opinion, especially since it is the best fist weapon and Seismic Palm works wonders with it.

  3. I am having trouble connecting too. It takes ages to log in and when I do, after I finish a mission, I get kicked out. This has been going on for the last 3 to 4 days and it is really irritating. I don't know whether it is region because a friend of mine that lives in the same country has been able to play without any problems. I believe it might be that our accounts are assigned to different servers and mine is being attacked? Don't know. I was hoping it would be fixed faster.

  4. Like many others said, I don't mind much about the event and the double resources, although those are really important things. What I would love is a compensation for my missed login day, I want it to count, it is not as if I didn't try to play the game, I couldn't even log in. For me it has been a streak of more than 24 hours unable to log in and play during the 13th and as I am writing now the 14th. The weird thing is that a friend of mine told me he saw me on the friends list as if I had logged in during the 13th even though I couldn't see the daily reward screen. A script for missed days on those affected would be greatly appreciated. Other than that thanks for the hard work and I hope those attacks stop in the future.

  5. Here in Europe I haven't been able to login since it kicked me yesterday right after I finished the second sortie roughly 30 minutes after refresh. I am getting really irritated with this situation. I don't mind not playing that much, it's the login that I want to get because I don't want to be left behind and I won't be able to get it refunded with a support ticket. Those damn dungeon dwellers.

  6. Can we get a change on the Grappling Hook attack of the Ancients? It is getting really annoying while trying to solo a Survival on Eris. You are getting knocked down constantly with small chance of evading and most of the time consecutively. I would suggest a reduction in the Grappling Hook attack percentage and in order to compensate give them a minor buff, such as a 5% damage reduction while they are charging tre players. Also infested need some more loving especially now that they have their own Raid. When can we expect a new addition to the Infested enemies?

  7. As stated in the titled, for the last week or so that I have been playing Chroma I have seen that his stats on the Profile screen are bugged and do not change. Even after doing solo runs and trying to kill with Chroma's abilities there was no change in the Experience, Kills or Kill Assists. Percentage of usage is also bugged. I haven't found any other frame or weapon bugged in the Profile screen but if I do I will inform you in the future. If you need any other kind of clarification please feel free to ask.

  8. HtF8KWb.jpg?1


    Name: Beige Barkness

    Breed: Sahasa

    Build: Bulky

    Colours: Blue - Brown

    Pattern: Tiger

    Imprints: x2

    Price: 250 (negotiable)


    Name: Lotus Barkness

    Breed: Sunika

    Build: Tall Bulky

    Colours: Blue with Brown Lotus Mark

    Pattern: Lotus

    Imprints: x2

    Price: 900




    Name: Peper

    Breed: Huras

    Build: Omega Bulky

    Colours: Grey and Brown

    Pattern: Lotus

    Imprints: x2

    Price: 950




    Name: Lioness

    Breed: Huras

    Build: Athletic

    Colours: Gold with white stripes

    Pattern: Stripes

    Imprints: x2

    Price: 250 (negotiable)



  9. Thanks for making Rhino so quickly (since I consider it to be my request :P). I like the design quite a lot and I agree with the general layout of his characteristics and scars. I disagree though with his age, in my mind Rhino is a Buffed up, battlescared 35 year-old and when he uses his Vanguard helmet he is 25 years old (since he is faster). Pretty good work yet again and give us the finished Mirage when you have time.

  10. *updated* Personified Vauban added.



    This the best one out of all your drawings. I believe you have caught the essence of Vauban very well and turning him into an old man was the right thing to do. He is not really fast and despite looking really tough and intimitating he is actually fragile (as witness from his stats). Straight to Desktop for me. Keep up the Personified series because it is very good work and I want to see your itteration of Rhino. Best of luck to you Tenno and keep on creating awesome stuff.

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