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Posts posted by Vidorra

  1. 9 hours ago, ayaundwolf said:

    You're looking for fennec ears and guppy tail. Hope this helps. O/

    Yes! Thank you for the help

    3 hours ago, Phookamom said:

    PM me an offer if you're interested. Pretty sure his energy is white too.



    I sent you a PM in game, don't know how much it worth

  2. Any plans to add an "automatic afk message"? seems lot of people like me sometimes leave our warframes afk on relay and go do something else and when i back i can see few people that pmed me, some asking for help then i check the time they sent their message and it's too late for a reply, so i just want to know if there's any plan for it.

  3. Clothes physics and Operator functions


    - Question about Vauban, Frost and Volt, when they'll get cloth physics?

    - Will we be able to use our operator inside our ships or anywhere else? Or we will be able to use our operators to do something more "useful" or just to talk with our friends visiting or something like that, you guys have a plan for it? or are still thinking? will they get new clothes like a cosmetic? what about an outfit based on which syndicate they are?


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