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Posts posted by Lordofgore

  1. Trinity is support but i play her as a melee tank with single target control effects do to energy vampire and life strike now while you do run around and spam 2 to keep your self feed full of energy to keep that channeling melee weapon powered but you feel less like the nukers *@##$ and more like an angel of death. it's good fun especially watching corrupted butchers kill things when they hit you.

  2. And now without 'certain' mods and constant spam of her abilities she will drop after 3-4 bullets to her face!

    GJ complainers! 

    BTW, as someone who been warframer since this April, I didn't get to see or experience her through and through!

    Can anyone give me in detail how broken she was AND HOW nerfing her balanced her?

    Pre nerf trinity with max range casts blessing. Then casts link and procedes to detonate an explosive at thier feet rage would still proc through this dmg immunity so you have infinite energyto cast blessing and link any thing that got hit with link instantly died do to the reflected self dmg you were immortal had infinite energy and every thing in 50 feer of you instantly died. Thats why they nerfed trinity. There were not many people complaining about this at all the devs decided to do this. They also changed how rage works as well becuase of this.

    The community whines when they get caught exploiting something game breaking that gets nerfed. Vuabans Bastille used to stop infinite enemies. Frost's sheild used to be immortal. After many changes to excals previous ult it eventually went through walls excals would sit in a corner of a mobile defense / defense and press 4. The devs are actually trying to make the game not press 1 button and win they don't want there to be a best thing that trivializes the game

  3. ^^^^

    My personal theory on the sentients though, they are a mix between the geth from mass effect (full ai robots the orokin made that went rouge) and the necrons from Wh:40K (Lurking in the background waiting to wake up and murder the hell out of all life every where forever)in fact tombs of the sentients sounds exactly like necrons

  4. Giant scissoring blade with a big freaking hook whip building the custom attack animations for this shouldn't have really taken this long but I feel that the people and resources for community projects take a back seat to whatever the devs want and not nessecarily what the community wants or needs (@(*()$ sniper buffs I want them yesterday) maybe behmoth and mios will be released with 17 and the glorious return of the golem in the rai.... Errr...Trail

  5. Earth is the Grineer Throneworld.

    But because of the Orokin jungles thr Grineer cannot build their Palace there like they would like to.

    So instead they settle for the next best thing, the Moon and there probably allready existed settlements there like on Phobos.

    Imagine the classic bubbles covering the towns inside with a connected spacedock outside.

    Then imagine fighting in the moons low gravity :)

    I'm gonna bet on no glass bubbles and extensive terraforming by the orokin on the moon my theory and one mostly supported by lore all the factions save maybe the tenno and the infested of course were all once regular &#! humans. perhaps the orokin were aliens or just mega humans or interdimentional super beings. Regardless, the corpus and greenier were normal humans at one point in time.
  6. Weekly rotation of 20 missions hopefully each one slightly different but I feel they are undoing a lot that they spent so much time on I'd hate to be the ui team who worked tirelessly on the newer star chart just to have it smashed I feel like this will also be a detriment to the new player experience. I personally think that condensing the player base this much will put a pressure on the player base. I hope the "20" will exclude dark sectors and PvP nodes .

    To put to short what the ops point is : We deserve details of this new system and the exact metrics and algorithms it works by.

    Members of the player base don't like X mission type but maybe that's the only place to get orkin cells that week besides crafted missions. And what of nightmares and syndicate missions I truly hope they give us clearer answers next stream or Dev workshop post.

  7. Idk about rhino charge but tidal surge has a knock down I used it a lot when playing as hydroid using hydroid with brakk and grinlok very useful against corrupted heavy gunners tag the with the corrosive grinlok knock down and demolish them with the brakk tidal surge is lest DMG more utility.

  8. A reasonable change instead of this Los and awareness stuff would be a modable projectiles cap and and a hard range cap.

    really what made RJ stupidly op is its ability to deal DMG through walls and nearly every @(*()$ where trust me I'm one of the guys who hated the RJ spamming players who are indirectly responsible for the nerf ." let's do this mobile defense alert. Oh wait there's an excal I'm just gonna go get a drink while they kill all the things by pressing 4 in the middle of the room." You all complain about the Nerf(its a bit excessive) but forget why it was needed in the first place.

  9. So the whole Excalibur thing still stands?

    Well, there goes my 1571 hours of gameplay, adios Warframe.

    There used to be all the whining about how they should be moving away from press 4 to win gameplay because it is stupid and terrible for balance and when they listen and make a change to a frames ult the abusers of something clearly broken have a @(*()$ mental breakdown.
  10. NOT. ENOUGH. DAKKA. Thou must realize that dakka is not about power through powerful projectiles, but power through raining projectiles. If you have a machine gun that fires rockets, that is great! But the type of projectile is not the point; the point is the amount. Therefore, we must focus on fire rate.

    From a wonderful youtube series about warhammer 40k called If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device

    This is the Answer to a question: 

    "Is there ever enough dakka?"

    "At a point and time when bullet can pass through the inter-dimensional walls , when firepower takes up the entirety and eternity of space and time all being stuck in a neverending life and death cycle As bullets recover and destroy their bodies in quick succession , no one able to think about anything but the sheer force of the bullets rapidly flying literally everywhere in the materium Turning the warp its self  into a sea of semi automatic weaponry. Then there will be enough dakka. Or, atleast almost."

  11. A shield is NOT a melee WEAPON. Shields are shields, Swords are weapons. There's a reason we have a sword AND shield weapon, because shields themselves, are not weapons. Yes, you can hit a guy with a shield, but you will not do enough damage to warrant it to be used as a weapon.

    It takes something around 30 units of g force to kill or critically injure a person.

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