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Posts posted by Furesis

  1. I would be fine if i also got the fishing/mining item that the leecher was getting. Every time there is a leecher i think to myself  "man im here doing the missions and u get the reward as well? at least let me get some of your fish or gems also" lol

    The way it is now just doesn't seem fair to me but i don't mind it that much as long as its not the whole team fishing and that we finish the bounty's.

    But come on man give me some of the loot also lol

  2. An option to fuse same relics:

    2 same relics Exceptional  5 000 credits

    3 same relics = Flawless  7 500 credits

    4 same relics = Radiant 10 000 credits

    And maybe u need something from the derelict section(make that relevant again) but nothing too crazy, or argon i don't know, or a new drop or a thing u need to get from somewhere(like sculptures) or make something like the eidolons and they can drop it(but not the eidolons). Or just some of the over abundant resources. 

    And please could u increase the amount or void traces u get when a team mate picks my reward to something like:

    1 player = 3 traces

    2 players = 6/7 traces

    3 players = 10 traces

    what it is currently is just pathetic just please look into it.

    That is all for now. Thank you for reading and have a pleasant day/night!

  3. i have noticed this too and would like it to be up to today's standards. something like uncharted, last of us smooth(or any modern game) would be nice. on that note they would need to update the walking and turning while hip firing as well. sometimes i feel like my character gets "stuck" while turning- and the rolling should be changed to a more fluid and responsive movement just like most of the game. there's still much work to do and i look forward to the future of Warframe

  4. So when i go to select the items to trade i would like to be able to select multiple items just like in my own inventory and not sent back to the trade menu. I have to do the same process again to find the next part again when it was just next to me. So just a small quality of life update that i would like to see and make my life easier.

    (Trading with people)

  5. I think it would be time to upgrade the Corpus models they look so outdated.

    A suit that looks like it's made out of plastic with a box as a helmet? That screams high tech to me! An the boring and lazy design of the other Corpus units(not the newer ones). A grey corpus, here's a yellow corpus... with a SNIPER.. but wait a RED one has appeared it seems to be stronger than the others dan, dan, daaa!! Comparing them to the Grineer witch has been beautifully designed and fleshed out with so much variety(and more coming) the Corpus just feels so unfinished. I think it would be time to get rid of the color code(The Grineer also has but somehow it works better) and Box head and maybe go for a little more futuristic look. 

    Oh.. and the infested look like plastic as well (not a fan but i don't know if it was intentional)

    I think it would be a time to re-introduce the corpus with a bang and make them more interesting like what we saw in one of the first warframe CG videos with alad-v selling warframe parts now that was cool. it seems like alad-v is the only corpus character that's interesting (the Void guy is just annoying. I just can't get behind the ridiculous design). I might be asking a lot but just the Basic Corpus enemy unit models done from the scratch would make me really happy.

    Love the game and i want all the best to it and the team behind it

  6. it would be cool if u could go rogue and/or turn evil or something. There could be an event where those who stayed and supported Lotus would fight against the other tenno who would be attacking lotus's hideout or something like that "with great power comes great responsibility"

  7. im not talking about the range. ok so when u aim your weapon it follows where u aim it right? but this isn't the case with melee weapons so it can be hard to hit those air enemies or something on the ground like some of the infested. so when you're aiming down your swings should go downwards not straight like it is now etc. 

  8. This is something that i think we really need. It would make meleeing much less frustrating when trying to kill a flying enemie or someone who's in stairs but u are higher than them. it's just frustrating to swing your sword over the enemy and knowing that if only i could aim the slashes i would hit. A lot of games has this and implementing this wouldn't be so hard i would imagine. Please make it so that i don't have to always jump and melee and just fly over the target over and over again. Vertical Melee You Can Do It!

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