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Posts posted by AxlYin

  1. Please fix Antimatter drop host bug ;-;

    Edit:Also, Please make Sonar's target color the same as energy color. It's damn near impossible to see in Tenno Conflict.

    Edit2: When inviting someone to group via right clicking on their name in the chat tabs, it completely breaks the UI, making it impossible to use anything other than the chat. ESC doesn't work either, only alt+f4

  2. If you mean the crashes everyone is having, believe me it's not because of healing ancients, since a lot of people crash after missions where there are only grineers.


    Anyway I heard about what you wrote and sometimes they don't take damage from melee attacks, but they do take damage from ranged weapons. I don't know what's wrong with them really :/

    Well, this was happening to me with my Ignis, as well as Nova's Antimatter drop (of course only when I'm host, since that's when AD works)

  3. I see the "Post 14.0.8" megathread, but it's not seeming to be updated. I'd really like to know if certain issues the community has mentioned are getting noticed. Such as the Antimatter Drop Host bug. Where your AD doesn't absorb damage, and also moves insanely slow when not the host.


    I feel the community would really appreciate knowing they were heard ^^;



  4. I believe it may have something to do with either particles, or with the new healing ancients. It seems almost every time I fight a large group of infested in defense missions, and one of those bastard healing ancients show up, I see a shower of 0's from the damage floating combat text, then almost every time this happens, I crash. Also, it tends to only happen if I am the host, also happens to my friend when he's hosting. So it's likely it's either that, or something with their aura particles they create...



    JUST MY 0.02! Hope it helps!~


    Hotfix 14.0.10
    - Fixed numerous gameplay crashes
    - Improved performance of visual FX on low-end hardware
    For the more impressive list of fixes from last Friday, see https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/273702-hotfix-1409/


    I'm sorry, you seemed to have misspelled something here... Let me give you a hand. "For the more impressive list of ways we broke PvP last Friday, see  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/273702-hotfix-1409/.   

    ;3 <3

  6. Quick list of things that happened.


    Frames are listed as unranked


    not gaining hp/shields


    experience is now very difficult to come by


    with the HUGE nerf in damage, without a buff to mods unlocked, it's relatively difficult to kill anyone.


    with above said, weapons with low ammo, like snipers, run out of ammo rather quick, with nothing to show for it


    an Ash was apparently rank 60 in my game, and was taking 0 damage from my entire team


    If you are going to remove the energy nodes, at least start us out full energy on revive, or lock access to them once you leave the spawn point. Some frames revolve around ability builds.


    Not sure if intended, but specters were spawning multiple of the same person's at a time, instead of having 1 active at any given time.


    I got 1 mod unlock the entire game, please increase the exp if it's going to be divided between the team.


    Please give us auras!



  7. I think you don;t understand what DSC happening, thats war, Israel VS Palestine, USA VS Iraq, Georgia VS Russia.

    No fair and balance in a war. have fun, we still and will bomb your hospital/ respawn point. 

  8. So since I've started playing Warframe, my end-game goal has always been to PvP, even the original reason I farmed my first frame, Ash. However, after playing for a few months I had noticed that I have yet to do just that, PvP. So I decided to look into conclave! After being very excited finally attempting PvP, I setup a frame to fit various conclave ratings, but to my surprise, there was nobody joining conclave! So I skulked around a bit and went back to the wonderful (sometimes tedious) PvE aspect of the game.

    Then came U14. I read the section about Solar Rails being moved to a PvP system, and I was ECSTATIC. I had been watching Sword Art Online II and decided to base my character around a character from the show.

    I designed my frame after Sinon, and used a Nova frame, with Vectis as my primary weapon.


    Super excited, I jump into the first solar rail I could find, ready to tear other players apart. So as get into the game, the first thing I notice is that my shots are doing VERY low damage. "Oh, they must have balanced PvP damage!" I thought. So being on my Nova, I decided. "Alright, time to Molecular Prime!" "BEEP" Oh.. I'm out of energy, right. So I go around and grab some blue energy balls around the field until I hit about 120 energy. "Ok, I guess I can't use my abilities here, whatever". So I blast a few baddies, and see my first ability pop up, and a maxed split chamber mod as well. "OH! We get to unlock our Mods, ok that's neat I guess." 


    Fast forwards a few days later


    I now have a Nova build setup specifically for PvP, where I use only Molecular prime and duration/power mods, and my only weapon equipped is my primary weapon, to avoid getting mods activated on my secondary/melee weapons, which I don't really use on my build. So after a decent handful of games, I've noticed quite a few things that should be changed. And being someone who plays most online games exclusively for the PvP content, I feel my input may be useful in this beginning phase.


    1. As neat as the mod unlock system is, there's a few changes that should be made to it, with a few options I've come up with.

       1A. Keeping the mod unlock system, I feel like you should unlock mods based on your frames level, and if it does or does not have an Orokin Reactor installed. Also in this setup I strongly feel Auras should be activated at the beginning. This would do 3 things. 1, it would separate the new players from the old players. New players jumping straight into PvP should not really be on the same field as players who have been around since launch (will go into this more later). 2, it would allow us to start with a few mods of choice, just like if you had a brand new frame as an old player, throwing a Reactor and Aura on allow it to be slightly more useful at the early levels. 3rd, it would allow us to use our entire frame, and not just a dumbed-down version of what it really is.

         -Also with this change, experience per kill should be increased, possibly doubled or even trippled, to allow us access to level 30, and full frame builds.

         -Now one concern with this, is exactly what happens in dojo duels. At some point you become so strong, that anything you do will almost always 1-shot the other frame. So my answer to that, would be a balance team for PvP, in which either A, Players would take a small percentage of actual damage, lets say 3-5%. Making those 20k Sniper headshots with split chamber, totalling to 40k damage per fire, down to a total of 2k damage at 5%, still a kill shot for anything without damage mitigation, and still requiring skill to get said kill, you know... headshots and all. 


      1B. Change the system to begin with your entire loadout, and add in the above changes for experience and damage, but remove the ability to "charge up" at the energy beacons. Start out with 50% of your total energy, and be able to collect orbs through battle like normal.



    2. Diversity in play fields. As much fun as the objective system is. I believe you should change this to a modular build system similar to the Dojo. Allowing players to choose rooms to "build" their solar rail with, still allowing placement of things like turrets/traps/unit spawners etc. Each with it's own individual cost. 


     2A. Also, more vertical room to play with. Warframe levels are PACKED with wall-run space, climbable parts, obstacles, etc... Why remove this from PvP? What about Sniping perches, pitfalls, trenches, rooms to hide in to grab spawnable blue orbs etc...


    3. As an attacker, not only do you have the disadvantage of having to fight turrets etc, but you also have a spawn point that is, but SHOULD NEVER, be accessible to the enemy team. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a Vauban walk up to the attacker's spawn location, throw up a net or a grav ball, and cripple the attacking team ENTIRELY. Also on this point, as an attacker, you have no access to the enemy spawn points, as the doors only allow defenders access. Extremely one-sided.


    4. Most of us PvPers come from other games, where we play with teams. Please allow us to build a team to fight in solar rails, that actually gain points, and perhaps PvP based rewards. For example, a set of "Solar Charged" Mods, that would do more damage/more defense/more efficiency in Solar Rails.


    5. Coming from the same view as #4, and as many players have already suggested, a Ladder ranking system, and please give us rewards for successful victory of attack/defense, in order to more easily obtain the mods that solar rails have. 


    EDIT: 6. Just realized (was cleaning apartment) that I forgot to add on to new vs old players. There should be a separate queue for unforma'd/Potato'd frames/weapons. Or perhaps >30 frames and weapons.


    EDIT2: Mayhaps have a separate location for ladder play, that isn't actual fighting in solar rails.


    For now this is my list of ideas. I may come back and edit this post with more as I come up with them, but I feel you guys are on the right path to making an absolutely EXCELLENT PvP setup in this already amazing game!


    Love you DE!

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