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Posts posted by -ghostberry-

  1. Is there a way to compare two different rivens in a build? So the Mod selection 1 and Mod Selection 2 columns would be the same, but be able to select different stats for the two different rivens. I see that there is a magnitude and comparison column for rivens but changing the comparison percentages doesn't seem to do anything for the Mod selection 2 riven (not really sure what the comparison column does). If the functionality is already there let me know, otherwise it'd be a nice feature to have. Otherwise I like the tool it's straightforward and easy to use once you get started.

  2. Imo energy was fine before operators and focus trees existed and will be fine after they are reworked. Sure you might need to alter your builds somewhat to compensate, but it's not the end of the world. If you want to leave because DE is changing something you should probably leave now because they change, rework, nerf, and buff stuff fairly often.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Repiru said:

    I have read that you can upgrade your prime access pack! But does it give the difference of the platinum

    It will give the difference. So if you originally purchased the "sonar" bundle that came with 1050 platinum, then upgraded to the "silence" bundle you would receive an additional 1575 platinum on top of the original 1050 to equal a total of 2625 platinum received.


    28 minutes ago, Repiru said:

    For the price, is it also the difference, or do u pay another set of dollars?

    The price is also the difference, as in the previous example if you originally purchase the "sonar" bundle for $50, and then upgrade to the "silence" bundle, the new bundle price would be $30 ($80-$50).

    31 minutes ago, Repiru said:

    For Steam DLC, how would you know what Warframe Account is linked to your steam account?

    If you go to warframe.com and log into you account then navigate to the account management drop down in the top right. Once in account management there will be a hyperlink that says "Linked Steam Economy Profile" click this link and it will bring you to whatever steam profile your account is linked to.


    *Keep in mind my first two answers are using the warframe store not steam. I assume steam would work the same but I'm not positive.*

  4. 36 minutes ago, (PS4)OG_Game_Mentor said:

    Which Warframe should I get? I'm thinking of getting frost p, rhino p, trinity p or Loki p.

    I don't know what your playstyle is but if I were given the choice of those 4 I'd go Loki or Trin depending on if you like to support by healing/providing energy or by debuffing/distracting the enemy. Loki, Rhino, and Frost are currently vaulted though, so you may have to suffice with the non-primes unless you want to fork over a ton of plat.

  5. Warframe/Weapon/Sentinel/Kubrow/Archwing slots and Orokin Catalysts/Reactors (If you don't want to wait for the occasional alert).

    You could also buy a color palette or a syandana if that sort of thing interests you.

    For the most part though slots and catalysts/reactors are going to get you the furthest in terms of gameplay.

  6. Sure, short-term i'm sure the market might drop slightly with people wanting to test out the new system and thus farming for parts they may need. Long-term it will probably go back to normal because people get bored or tired of farming and just buy the stuff they want. Overall I doubt it will affect the market all that much as there will still be people that don't want to go through the process of farming.

  7. You said you've read up on their refund policies, but have you contacted them? They might not be able to do anything but it doesn't hurt to try. Otherwise since you bought it through steam did it give you a code or anything that you could gift to someone through steam?

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