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Posts posted by Valarfax

  1. I recently pulled out my Galatine Prime again after not using it for a while. I have changed nothing since last time I used it a few months ago but all of a sudden I'm getting knocked down left and right during combos by everybody and their grandmother. Was this a patch at some point that I missed or is this a bug?

  2. Aye, I read the whole post just only quoted the part I replied to. The system you suggested would be fine from my perspective, and has been suggested before and even implemented in other games to great success. The problem that I feel people would have, (not me specifically) is the power creep nature of it. I don't think it's an issue in this game currently, only because there are so many "overpowered" combinations there's absolutely no way to fix it all. But when you have the option to re-roll just one specific stat, for example that -grin dmg one, well you would come out with an absolutely insane mod eventually.

    I'd be perfectly happy with that system, honestly anything to just lessen the sheer amount of luck you need to get something you'll be happy with. But I know plenty of people still complain about Galatine Prime being too strong and I can't imagine making those +200% anything modifiers easier to get will make them feel great.

  3. Just now, Sahansral said:

    I completed TWW quest, got the new weapons. I'm a completionist, and I think I belong to the target group DE aimed for, when Riven mods were designed. To give us something to do. To make older guns more viable.

    To make it clear: if riven mods would guarrantee fixed, nonvariable stat-combinations with DE balancing current content and give us fixed progress bar (like focus system), I would be fan of the new mods.

    But when I look at the sheer layers of RNG put ontop of each other, to play lottery...no, just no. I thought DE would value our time a bit higher.

    So without Riven mods, what else gave TWW us as new long time goal? Nothing. Then it's time to say goodbye to a once beloved game.


    I completely agree, if there was a fixed, knowable, tangible progress bar or fixed stats or whatever, I would be entirely happy.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Santiak said:


    1. Not wanting to play.
    Don't get me wrong, I do understand your emotions in this - hell, I can feel envious about a cool armour or effective weapon too - but for me, it becomes a motivator to try and obtain it myself, not a demotivator to playing the game. RNG is, after all, random - it doesn't have agency.


    And that's exactly how I've felt thus far in all of my time playing Warframe. But until now, the path to obtaining it myself has always been within view. Either I'd need a set amount of resources, or have to go through a set amount of planets, or the numbers required for RNG to pan out weren't as bad. But here? Random chance to get the mod, random chance on weapon/stat/numbers of the mod, then if you don't like those grind kuva, and then re-roll another 3 stats with god knows how many variations on the numbers.

    The reason it's a demotivator (for me) rather than a motivator is because before I would never lose anything to the RNG. Spent a relic and didn't get what I wanted? That's fine, I still got something and getting more relics isn't so bad. Didn't get the neurodes I needed? That's alright I can run the mission again. Here? Oh wow I got 150% crit chance, 130% damage and oh look... -100% damage to grineer. Now there are two exceptional stats and one horrible one. So do I re-roll and risk losing those great stats in favor of something potentially stupid like +zoom, or do I keep something I'm not entirely happy with? And if I do end up going the re-rolling route, how long until I get something I'm truly happy with? One re-roll? Two? A thousand?

    That's the demotivator, the not knowing and the risk outweighing the potential reward.

  5. With that logic all mods are optional. Yes, I could run into a sortie mission with a completely unmodded Soma, but why would I do that when the other guy is using primed mods and optimal elemental combos?

    Warframe's community has evolved around efficiency. I could TRY getting into Bere (Or old Draco) as one of the non-meta frames, but most groups would probably not take you. So yes, Riven mods are optional, the whole game is optional. But there's no reason to not bring a 200% damage Riven Mod if you have one. Unless you're intentionally gimping yourself, which while it can be fun, I doubt you'd do while running real content or actually trying.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Qynchou said:

    Never thought I'd say this since closed beta but I feel the exact same way. The main issue with riven mods is accessibility, you only get them from sorties and its a fairly rare chance (I got 2 rivens, BOTH sentinel mods completely useless especially with how hard it is to level sentinels and their weapons). Now theyre not adressing it, they stated that exponential curve will stay so that means at some point the mod will become useless due to the kuva cost being too high. This means in order to acquire more rivens you have to play sorties (small chance of once per day, chance to not get anything a.k.a sentinel mod, small chance to get it for weapon you like, like braton, ogris, etc) or ofcourse, buy them for platinum from other players.


    Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I bought 5 supra mods so far, I rerolled them to 7.3k cost each and I still didnt get anything decent. Its always, IPS or zoom (lmao) or status duration combination. That's about ~20 rerolls without getting anything decent, quite frankly not even usable, +95.4% puncture damage? wow, why not just use piercing caliber then?

    Eh, whatever, its extremely exhausting when entire playerbase agrees on something and its completely ignored.

    I love your youtube videos man! Absolutely incredible editing and so damn informative. But I guess that's off topic.

    The problem here is that even though the majority of the community agrees that this system isn't really well thought out, they've already allowed the mods to be sold for plat. I have absolutely no idea how they're going to change/remove/tweak the system without upsetting the people that have spent thousands of platinum on these mods.

  7. What would've been cool is a way to manually increase stats on a warframe. Like let's say +10 hp is idk 4000 Kuva. Then another +10 is 8000 kuva and it just keeps climbing up to a LIMIT. Like idk, once you've gone up 1000 hp or something crazy that's the cap. A lot less RNG and you can customize and put the time/effort into the stats you want. Plus you get rewarded for actually putting the time and effort into something, (something you actually LIKE for that matter not a useless weapon) rather than just getting rewarded for being luckier than the other guy.

  8. That's exactly how I feel notlamprey. I love the game and I want to see it do well, but excessive RNG and especially poorly thought out RNG has killed so many games in the past. I know multiple guilds that quit a game like Wildstar simply because you could get something stupid like tank stats on a healer item in the raids.

    I'd be a lot more ok with Riven mods if you could individually reroll either the weapon type, or individual stats. Like lets say you get 150% critical chance on something like a dread. That's pretty great! But then you also get something dumb like +90% impact damage or hell maybe even a negative stat. It'd be nice to be able to reroll just THAT specific stat.

  9. It's not exactly similar. It's more along the vein of that kid at the birthday party being a good little boy getting all A's in school and getting a sock for his birthday, while the bratty kid gets all the neat toys. It's less, "Man, that guy has cooler stuff than I do I hate this game now." and more "No matter what you do it's mostly out of your hands." 

    People having cooler things than you has always been a part of the game, but until now it's always been a good thing. Until now whenever I saw someone using a really fun looking weapon or warframe I always though "Oh wow I can't wait till I get to try that!" But with these Riven mods there's a very good chance you'll never get to. No matter how much time or effort you put into the game.

    I just dislike the unfair luck aspect of RNG. And I know RNG has always been a part of this game, but man is it stronger than ever. Like... I dunno like working for 30 years at a company and the new guy gets the promotion because he's the CEO's son or something. Yea, I can't say I wouldn't be upset man.

  10. Yes of course, it's a game based around looking as cool as you possibly can and being as strong as you possibly can. The whole point of the game is grinding yourself up to have better gear, warframes, weapons, etc. That's the entire gameplay loop. You go out and have fun shooting and killing stuff so you can get better.

    I know all the content is incredibly easy with the right equipment. We have a dagger mod that just instantly kills anything. And these mods don't exactly fix the "power creep".

    But yes, the fact that you might never be able to close the power gap between yourself and another player no matter what you do does upset me. And hey man, if you're cool with that, well that's great! I wish I was too :)

  11. The grind was always bad, I mean it's a grind game. But at least you could always see the goal off on the horizon and you knew even if you had to grind for days you'd get there eventually. You knew that if you ran into a player who had god-tier weapons and mods if you were patient enough or you worked at it you could do it. Some guy have awesome prime weapons or primed mods that you can't get yet? Whatever Baro'll stock them again eventually, and run enough void missions you'll get your prime gear. But these new Riven mods? Man I don't know if I can do it. There's just so much RNG that even thinking about it makes me want to stop playing.

    I just keep thinking: Ok, I'll grind god knows how many sorties to get some Riven for weapons I like, then grind the kuva necessary to reroll over and over and over again until I get decent stats. And then guess what? I'll probably be super happy with my +100% crit chance and crit damage. And then I'll run into a guy that has +200% crit chance and crit damage. I'll run into some guy who's hit the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% RNG chance jackpot and got something crazy like +500% anything and I'll know I'll never get my weapons to put out as much damage as him even if I play till the end of time.

    All the other issues aside, you know things like game balancing, or plat sinks, whatever, the amount of RNG here just takes all the fun out.



    Too much RNG makes the power discrepancy between players WAY too high and not based on skill or even time invested.

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