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Posts posted by -Vane-

  1. Not weeb enough. It doesn't fit with the anime/manga inspiration of Warframe.

    Warframe was not inspired by anime or manga, inspired by medival Japanese culture that is what DE stated first as for saying its inspired by anime is for chinese community.

    And they are Space Knights. Samurai only used the weakish Katanas. Tenno use powerful Greatswords as well. So no, they are not Samurai.

  2. Melee is already really weak compared to guns. Even my fully modded scindo prime does piddly damage 40 minutes into T4 survival, unless I bring something to make it stronger (Radiant Finish Excal, Chroma etc etc) And most things that buff melee buff your guns too.

    If anything Melee needs a buff across the board.

    Use Prisma Skana, best melee ingame.
  3. The name was *******, and I wouldn't be suspicious of a few headshots, but when it happens over and over again (from crazy angles/distance), then I don't buy the skilled/lucky explanation. He was either hacking or people here are incorrect about the damage of the channeled explosion. He was constantly one-shotting even the Rhino on my team...

    There's also another explanation... AoE damage in Warframe has the tendency to headshot *cough* Tonkor *cough* and the Glaive in PvE has a pretty large explosion AoE. If DE only adjusted the damage stats on it without tweaking the AoE *cough* Jat Kittag *cough*, it is, potentially, an incredibly dangerous melee weapon at the moment. I'll test it when I have a bit more time.

    Don't name and shame. I know this user and as i said he is not hacking. He is just that good.
  4. My favorite is the "I wanna join Stalker" or the "I'm a rogue, mercenary Tenno working on his/her own oooooo".

    The Tenno are mercenaries though. We do stuff to our own profit. No one forces us to do anything. Its all optional. So yes we are mercenaries. Working on our own? No, we are heavily dependant on Lotus as it is. But we do stuff to our own benefit and fullfil our contracts just like mercenaries.
  5. There's a reason the Tenno are loyal to Lotus beyond just her saving us though.

    It's clear that Lotus lets us make our own decisions and deal with the consequences. And she never judges us for them, she just rolls with it. That's what a real loving parent does. They let their kids decide for themselves, but they are always there to support them. That's how Lotus is. Despite whatever syndicate's we are fighting for, or whatever side we choose in events, Lotus is still there to help out. And while other syndicates may send death squads if we don't follow them, Lotus never sends anything after us like that.

    I convince you that 50% of Tenno would join someone else if they could, so loyalty more like no other option, in order to survive we have to work for Lotus since no one else is capable of getting contracts that fast and providing us all this information. Lotus won't turn on us but we might turn on her. And at last only a few thousand Tenno stand by Lotus since others offer supperior rewards and information. It is all just a buisness.
  6. Tenno were a tool at one point. Made just to fight off sentients. Lotus took Tenno as her own, giving us another chance. Lotus did good but Tenno are mercenaries and no good mercenary works for the same contractor twice.

    We pursue our own goals, Lotus cannot possibly stop our agendas. Even if she tried she would only get killed. And that is how Tenno work. Atleast i do. When one stands in my way he has to be eliminated, no matter what they did for me. I am just a mercenary and no more.

    Come at me loyalists!

  7. I just played against a melee-only (probably Russian, judging from the name) player who didn't miss a single glaive shot on me... while I was kiting him. He kept anihilating my squad with mostly 1-hit (headshot) kills. To my surprise, Warframe doesn't have a report option for hacking. Makes sense because of the PvE focus, but oh, well...

    Hacking aside, the glaive is not an easy weapon to handle and I'm fine with its current damage.

    When you said Russian, i automaticly know who he is. He is not hacking, he is just that good. He missed me alot Soo... Hacking? No. Luck? Yes.
  8. Well, now that you put it like that, I suppose that is true, but that also bears the question: is our world even IN their timeline? An intriguing question indeed...........

    About a third of Dark Sector is possibbly lore friendly, which means it is but DE decided not to get into legal issues. Thing is our world very well is in it, but what year or century is it, i mean grineer hasn't celebrated halloween for a mileenia soo... There has got to be a huge time gap.

  9. The way I see it, the RV-SM alliance is due to the fact they're both the most proactive in combating the Grineer and Corpus - Loka and Sequence seem to take a more side approach (spreading wealth and... whatever Loka does), at least in terms of doctrine, and based on their doctrines Suda and the Arbiters just dont' seem to care.

    "Burn and kill everyone" is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to what Veil does, imo - as I see if they want to bring down the institutions they see as corrupt, not walk down the street whistling and decapitating people.

    Fixed the Arbby one for you.


    Yeah 'Burn and kill everyone' is bit of an extreme description. Thinking about it, I would have thought New Loka and Red Veil would make good allies, as Red Veil want to cleanse the system/ burn away corruption, and New Loka want to restore humanity's 'purity', both seem like a good fit with each other. What you said about their proactive approach makes a lot of sense though.

    Fire kills trees. New Loka likes their trees.
  10. Maybe invincibility is not the thing, but everyone admits Rhino needs a plenty of buffs after all. I just want Rhino to be not worse than other Warframes. Just look at other warframes they can do some serious sh*t and what can Rhino do now ? Since he has no serious damage skills or CC he's gotta be f*cking indistructable.

    No CC!? Duuuude, he is a CC Buffer like holy S#&$ his 1 ragdolls like hell, his 4 stunlocks a large area like really large i stunlock whole rooms in void, duuude, his 3 buffs like charm and his 2 is the only one that needs a buff.
  11. The thing is, Nyan, so much time has passed in Warframe (from a lore standpoint) that Archwings are/have become one of "the Old Ways". Also, I completely agree that there should be a new character (complex ideas first, perhaps a Corpus Void scavenger, somewhat like Baro Ki'Teer goes to the void to get his wares, but he almost became Corrupted and used a nearby Archwing to escape. Another possible (and more usable/reasonable) backstory could be that the new character would be of Orokin descent, hailing from a large family tree of Archwing masters after the fall, which all but the character got wiped out trying to take out the Baylor Formorians, maybe somewhere between the fall and the first Tenno awakening). Idk, just some creative input. ;D

    P.S. I know you're listening dev. It would be huge to me if you could do this, or even use my ideas as a springboard. I'm perfectly fine with it so long as A) It's in the game (hopefully soon), and B) If you do use my ideas, to at least credit me for it. I'd really appreciate it. ;D

    No i mean, Archwing is centuries old but Gun and Blade goes back to medival ages and our tims, which could be millenias from Warframe s timeline. I very well know my way with Warframe Lore. So my point being, Archwing is way newer than Gun and Blade.
  12. Dude that's like... BullS#&$. Like why!? I honestly like Rhino the way he is, If you can't manage him the way he is, stop playing Rhino, he had its fair share of being a noob frame for a long time, now that he has some spotlight you wanna trash him? Sure the Iron Skin does need a rework but for fucks sake not invincibility. Its stupid. Invincibility sucks. At most scaling with armor and that's it.

  13. I don't think so. Read Mag Prime's Codex, Archwings are not a new invention lore-wise.

    Old ways are gun and blade. Not Archwing. Archwing might not be new but i doubt Tenshin taught us how to use them. And i read the Mag P codex a long time ago. My point is, Gun ans Blade are old ways. Archwing is Orokin Era invention, where as the other two arent.
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