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Posts posted by (PSN)Tyler6099

  1. So basically...

    Never question or argue against game decisions made by the developer.  Clearly the love for the game should gloss over any complaints or arguments over its direction. As OP has clearly demonstrated, you enjoyment of an IP should extend beyond mere enjoyment. It should encompass reason, and then attach to the developer. 

    So that no mistake can be argued against, as it is part of the dev's, whom you must love, plan.


    Otherwise you are being a terrible person for playing this game.

    At this point you're just trolling. There are many different ways to criticize, but slandering a developer after playing their game for countless hours isn't the way to do it. Give them feedback, but take into consideration how far they've come and all the things that they have changed and are still working on.

  2. What? No! Active reload in GoW is a game mechanic, but it's not a core game mechanic!


    And RNG itself isn't bad, it's the overuse that is.

    I was talking about RNG as a game mechanic being synonomous. I myself can't think of any way to implement RNG in such a way that it wouldn't be a main mechanic used throughout the game. Without it, it would be a 4 player co-op game with the same story every single time. Playing this game is like a slot machine, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. That's what keeps people playing.

  3. this ^


    Isn't that what my rant was targeted at? The countless of topics saying "omgwtfbbq I have to grind something I want it now"

    I never said it wasn't needed, but it's not needed as a core game mechanic.

    and saying its a game mechanic and a core game mechanic are synonymous, its a system on which the game is run.

    RNG affects everything in this game, itd what decides your daily reward, it decides if enemies drop health, energy, ammo, resources etc. It then breaks down into a further RNG process of determining which resources or ammo are dropped.

    it also affects you getting a death mark, if such marked enemy comes after you, and the rewards for such enemy.

    rng is also used when determining tile sets and the kinds of enemies that spawn. That's hoe they make the game different everytime you play it. There's also other aspects in the game that its used in but I don't feel like I need to explain my point further.

    I dont need to explain rng in the loot tables, because that's what everyone is having issues with.

    RNG is there, and it will always be there,

  4. So what? That doesn't mean it should be a core game mechanic.

    its necessary however. Unless they wanted to have each item synced to a different enemy, and have a 100% drop rate all the time, and that would be destined for failure.

  5. Complaining can be criticizing, and whether you like it or not, that's how it is. When someone is complaining, they're criticizing at the same time.

    Okay, I'll use a more specific synonym to better express my point.

    negative and demeaning criticism is not warranted, while constructive and reinforcing criticism is encouraged.


  6. Actually, despite what you think, criticizing DE does help the game. It reveals the bad parts about the game. This allows DE to see where they messed up. Blindly complimenting everything they do would only make the game into something utterly horrible.

    notice I said complaining, not criticizing. I realize that many people have very valid points to give DE, I just don't think complaining about grind times is warranted, seeing as how all mods and prime pieces are obtainable through trading with platinum, which again, you do not have to buy to obtain.

  7. Alright Tyler, I watched this long enough. RNG is not content, it will never be and will never be acknowledged as a true placeholder. As someone who's been here for a while now I would have to agree with Kvothe, this game has pros and cons and is an amazing game so far. The only main problem is the excruciating amount of grinding acquired to get certain items. Now, while most would argue that "Oh, some games require you to pay to get good items!" well, this isn't the case here. Warframe is not one of these types of games, and that reason is a simple one that most would understand: the ability to get an items is enough to drive anyone to join a free to play game. Everything in this game is accessible without even having to pay, the only exceptions being the founders pack. The games that require you to pay in order to play are normally looked at negatively and should not be compared with Warframe, it is not a way to make Warframe look good. 


    Another thing is, content is something that is still flowing out of DE. Warframe is still in beta despite what most says, the only time it wont be is when the developers officially tell the community it is not. It does not matter if you have to pay for it, or anything for that matter. It's in beta. That's final. DE is adding content. DE is trying their best. But, sadly, the efforts are sometimes misplaced. They should be working on lowering the amount of grind whilst still trying to make it challenging, NOT having everything handed you on a silver platter. Do you understand this? Kvothe does not want everything now, he very simply wants things that do not require ~3 hours of farming (and most of the time more) to get.

    RNG is not content, it is a core game mechanic in which the content is obtained from. So you're correct there. As far as the rest of your post, I agree with you completely, and perhaps my initial post was misinterpreted. This rant has gotten way off topic, of course there's always room for more content, I'm not saying that the game is perfect as it is, but for the game itself, I don't feel like the grinding is the problem. It's what keep people playing.

  8. I was hoping you wouldn't say that... stop saying play something else that is childish and very bland response. He's saying this because he wants IMPROVEMENT not a different game. People like him are what is making Warframe better by correcting them on their mistakes instead of accepting things the way they are. There's a blatant difference between complaining and making feedback, maybe you can't tell the difference but that's not my concern. Stop shoving "it's free" down every bodies throat it's not making a difference, you're only stating the obvious. Just because it's free doesn't mean the game's not open to suggestions. 


    EDIT: Phage is a shotgun btw

    You're apparently missing the reasoning behind this post. Of course suggestions and feedback help, I wasn't aiming this at the people that give valid suggestions, but to the people that just want everything handed to them on a silver platter. As for telling him to play something else, that's the hard truth. People get burnt out and tired of waiting, and instead of clogging up the forums, why not take a break and see what happens in the updates to come? Accepting core game mechanics is just something that you have to do. I'm not trying to be disrespectful at all, he has some valid points and I've noted on them and given my input.

    also, phage is a shot gun, and Paris prime is a bow, I'm aware of this, and all of them are different weapons with different play styles :)

  9. What's the difference? One takes slightly longer to aim than the others (paris). The others are more or less hold down fire while the enemies die, and that's because the weapons are by and large incredibly bland. There are really very few unique weapons (ogris, penta, castanas, stuff like that)


    I'm waiting for DE to make WF all that it can be, not some medicore grinding game.

    and that's valid, but in the end, its still going to be a grinding game, if they implement content, say raid bosses, questlines, etc, the same thing is going to happen, people are going to start farming them for the loot that they drop. I didn't create this thread to discuss why WF is a grinding game, I created it in hopes of getting people to realize that complaining about game mechanics and dissing the developers isn't going to do anything productive for the game.

  10. Saying its grind/farm is the harsh truth, but its not helping your case at ALL. Every MMORPG/RPG is a grind/farm BUT they have incentive to why you're actually farming which WF doesn't have. Theres no End-Game or true reason to why we're doing this, just farm those parts so you can be better at getting more parts. As opposed to DCUO's "get your CR up so you can fight the Raid boss/alert". If WF could implement some incentive to make farming more fun, everybody would be happy. Maybe you like seeing the Orokin halls over and over only to get another Reaper blade, but i don't. now please don't respond with something like "Maybe this game isn't for you" or "Look somehwere else for this" because hopefully you're above that and don't need to stoop to that level. Because obviously i must care/ have respect for this game to actually go to the forums and make suggestions otherwise than just leave and not even say goodbye.


    Tl;dr I care about WF just as much as you but it has it's faults and playing damage control will ony hurt WF.

    you're completely right, but the game is still being worked on and they add new things all the time. I included in my first post that some things are worth suggesting and speaking out about, my rant was more inclined towards the people that are complaining about RNG in a game that's created specifically with RNG being a major factor in the design.

  11. How about your karak and Paris prime? Or your karak and Paris prime compared to phage? You're comparing two rifles, and even those have differences between them. (20 clip difference for one)

    If you've been waiting for that long and you're still playing, something must have kept your attention, and if you've been playing for that long, then there's no way that you can deny that DE is making progress. If you're burnt out and tired of waiting for new content, find another game, but don't complain to DE when you've gotten months worth of game time out of something that was free.

  12. I dunno about you, but my karak works the same way as my braton. New weapons aren't doing anything, it's the bare minimum for what passes as content.


    As for frames, they have different powers, but nothing really changes how you play drastically. It's still spam X and win.


    Also, "it's beta" worked a year ago, not today.


    And again, everything in moderation. Some grinding/farming is good. Getting handed everything is not. However WF is way past the "some grinding/farming" like, 3-4 updates ago.

    I'm not sure I can agree with you there, I use all of my different warframes and weapons differently. Instead of getting all maxed out mods and overpowering everything, I actually look at the type of damage and take whatever type works best for a certain mission, the same goes for war frames. But that's the beauty of making all weapons and frames viable for any situation. I personally love the game how it is, and so do plenty of other people with 100-1000 hours into the game. My only suggestion for you would be to either wait for more updates to come, or find another game that has a standard storyline to appease your need for "content".

  13. Again, and people want something more. If they wanted a buggy, grinding game, I'm sure there are plenty already out there.


    And since you're on PS4, you probably missed the LS when Steve said they don't want to make a grindy game. (I think it was LS10? 11? Anyone remember?)


    And no, grinding is not and should never be the sole mechanic.


    Or, they'd need to make actual content. WOAH.

    what do you call all of the new things they are implementing? Every single weapon/warframe brings a different approach and a different feel to the game. Just because it's not a storyline does not disqualify it from being considered content. It's also still in beta, and they already introduced the tutorial questline and stated that there will be more to come, but unfortunately, almost every single multiplayer game out there is based off grinding in some form or fashion. Sorry to break it to you.

  14. ...what? RNG =/= quality content.

    referring back to my initial post, if DE lowered grind times and made all the items easier to obtain, then no one would buy platinum, and everyone would get everything they wanted and quit the game much faster than they do now. There is a way to cut down RNG and grind time, its called platinum.

  15. People want something besides grinding. WF has too much grinding, and people are annoyed because there is no real content.


    Here's the problem, all progress is RNG based. There is nothing you can do to force a prime part to drop, or a rare mat. And yeah, nothing is wrong with earning something, but everything in moderation. WF needs something besides grinding and farming.



    I... just disagree here, it's where your spouting love for DE. I'd like DE more if they added content without the grindwalls. Or if they'd fix what's broken (i.e. mod system's illusion of choice, or melee's inability to hit flying targets that "land" at your feet.)


    I personally feel DE could be doing better.




    they're punishing, not challenging.

    WF is a game that is created for grinding and farming, that's it, nothing more, nothing less, you start, you grind tour way through the planets, so you can gain access to more parts and components that you can grind/farm to make better equipment. What's the better equipment for? You guessed it. So you can grind/farm easier and more efficiently. The only amount of content you get is the first time encountering a boss or tileset, and after that, its back to grinding. Complaining about grind time in this game is like complaining about killing people in call of duty....

  16. I haven't gotten to experience it yet, being on playstation, but I'm definitely looking forward to it. As far as I'm concerned, I've gotten more play time out of this game than I would have out of any 60 dollar game out right now. Everyone knows this game is run on RNG, if you nerf RNG, then you nerf the quality of the game.

  17. It amazes me at how many people are dissing DE and the work they are putting into this game. For my first point. It's a free to play beta, and people are dumping hundreds of hours into playing it. It's also a standard grinding/farming based game. Why complain about mod and prime part dilution? If DE upped all the drop rates and just gave everyone the mods/parts that they wanted, how many people would still be playing? The whole goal of this game is to work for a certain reward, and when you finally get it, not only do you get the item that you've been grinding for, but you also get the gratification of earning it. There is nothing wrong with these aspects of the game. People complaining about bugs and game affecting glitches is one thing that's worth speaking out about, but complaining about core game mechanics that were implemented for a reason is seriously dumbfounding. If you don't like to grind and farm for components in a game that's based off grinding and farming, then find another game or actually spend money on platinum and buy the item you are looking for. DE is doing amazing, and I've been impressed with the progress they make on each and every update. Every warframe and weapon is viable at some point in the game, with or without the "required" mods. Just because your weapon isn't one shotting heavy gunners in a t3(I'm on ps4, havent gotten a chance to try t4 yet)survival at 55 minutes because you don't have all the mods for a maximum damage build, doesn't mean that its not viable somewhere else.

    so in other words, good job DE, keep the content coming and keep up the good work, and for everyone else, think about what type of game you are playing, and how much time you've spent on a game that's cost you nothing or close to it.

    rant over.

  18. Ember's starting energy color is red I believe, and I'm kindof afraid to change it lol,although the actually energy color is black now instead of the white that I had selected. and I will record me doing a WoF when I get home from work and see if I can post it. Imagine a black column of smoke and as the explosion happens on the floor a thermal (green,red,yellow) blob moves up the column and eventually disappears.

  19. So yesterday, me and a buddy were running the specter rescue, I was using an ember prime with white energy, and we got encountered by the stalker, unfortunately we were both rank 16-17 and got owned, but as the stalker spawned, I used world of fire, my energy instantly changed to black, and stayed like that, and now, every time I use fireball, RoF, or WoF, my energy is black, and has really cool thermal/rainbow effects in it, and other people can see it as well.

    has this happened to anyone else? Or was it just a bug? Either way, I like it lol

    I'm on PS4

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