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Posts posted by Kinxil

  1. There is only one issue which make it a meh weapon, the crit chance. A weapon designed to one shot with SLOW fire rate should crit at 100% (and have better punch through) with mods, it's just a weaker opticor otherwise because it can't AOE.

  2.  and even PSO( activities that invovle many players to fight together).


    What ? Phantasy star online 2? Challenge ? Where ? Dark Falz ? You mean the thing when everyone is on a space carpet shooting brainless-ly while avoiding MORE than easy attacks which is even more predictable than most of warframe bosses moves ?


    Such a bad example. But I mostly agree on what you said. The hardcores of this game defends the difficulty of "end-game", which is just number scaling and feel bad as a challenge.

  3. Hello,


    I happened to have the chance to participate to the puncture mod set event, giving +120% puncture damage and... uh, well I'm surprised with the price, especially for the rifle one. Sure the fact it's event raise the price. But I did some simulation on Warframe builder and in game, and it seems like in most case, you've better equiping a +90% elemental damage mod instead (because it consider all 3 basic damage types). Unless the weapon is almost entirely puncture based.


    Which leave, for rifles, the boltor (prime), the Dera, the Supra and all Paris variant. Nah, not the daikyu, too much impact and slash.


    If you want this mod to smash some grineers, well, seems fair. Unless you need Heavy caliber, Split chamber, Serration, Point Strike, Vital sense, Hammer shot, and two mods for Corosive damages, because corrosive is even more precious. M'kay, no Paris.


    I never played Supra or Dera, but I don't see those often.


    Well, is that mod only mean to Boltor prime to have a total anti grineer ?

  4. I'm also one more "I'm not a founder, and I think this should NEVER happen".


    I think we should let those who trusted in this game early on while a lot of people were screaming at everything (content, end game, farm, whatever) remain the only ones having these trophies.

    But on the other hand, I'm a dedication dude, and I feel sorry for those who like to collects everything and goes through the very end of things. I think those people could have some kind of EPIC farm access or so. Not about money. Dedication ain't money on online games. Like, well, giving access to a new loot table, as mentionned before, with really low chance to get items "retired" from the game. And the ticket to access this loot table would be to own (sold items not counting) any non retired warframes/weapons/sentinels/mods... at max level (except mods). This would concern a couple of people, and would not destroy much of founders prestige.

  5. When I see Oberon, the first thing which comes to my mind (despite any maximization and stuff) is a forest archer, especially with the Markhor helmet. And since I love bows, I would love to play him like this. But, eh, with my Paris Prime, he stab himself with it while holstered.


    I don't really mind switching for another bow, I would even prefer another to remove the shiny part of Paris Prime to make him a bit more of that forest guardian. But you can't check how weapon are holstered until you build those. I would like to know if any Oberon play knows a bow which isn't holstered an odd way (not attica neither ballistika).


    Thanks in advance.


    (Because he looks way less sexy with a Gorgon Prisma or an Opticor)

  6. I'm a Saryn player, she's my favorite warframe and I'll give a SUBJECTIVE point of view about it.


    Main issue, Miasma. Most warframes ability benefit from a main useful stat and either have another which don't affect it or weaken it, all of them are also concerned by power efficiency.


    Miasma benefit from a LOSS of stat, duration, while being granted a bonus to any others (range, damage, efficiency). But it were not doing that much damages at Fleeting expertise era. To my point of view things goes wrong at Transient fortitude release, which make Miasma even more broken. It's logical to do that, Miasma strength perfectly worth losing all three others ability.


    But I would rather kill myself than equiping Transient fortitude, I wanted to save Molt because I love it. Also, I have no fun playing a one spell warframe.


    Same things happened with my Mesa which I almost sold (full efficiency and power strength > Ultimate empty rooms by itself, even bugged LoS which make it sometimes shoot down covered enemies, before coming to reason and tune her into +30% or so of everything and couting on all her spells (much more fun).


    Miasma should not be powered up by loss of power duration. Or either be nerfed (F*** the haters, Miasma ain't fun neither balanced) and others ability buffed and/or not related to power duration.


    How I imagine it :

    1- Same, more damages.

    2- Same

    3 - Half the bonus for primary and secondary (remain same for close combat) OR allow the syndic mod to work on her own primary

    4 - Not affected by power duration AT ALL. Or strenghen by power duration, less raw damages and as long as it remain, enemies are in bad stat (for example, loss of accuracy or walk slowly or can't use spells, or so on)

  7. I mean, S#&$load of health (max, tied with uh, Zephyr?), decent shield and good armor ?


    That's awesome for Archwing purpose ~


    Wut ? Rhino ? What about Rhinope ?


    Oh, I also noticed a lot of whining about archwings and bugs and things. Also wanted to do this topic to say gg about archwings, best idea ever, can't wait to see how it will develop in term of content.

  8. I think weapon modding is so wrong. I mean, the mod type used by most weapons or build are :

    - Any base Damage adding (serration, ...) are absolutely mandatory. Just turn them into a weapon power-leveling (basically you upgrade your weapon damages with mods consumption like you would with those mod).

    - From 2 to 4 full elemental damage. Even crit build since crit work with those mod. Even status build use those with elemental+ status mods

    - Always 1-2 multishot mod when available

    - Any weapon will, depending of it type, have either punch through and/or fire rate mods.


    You can most of the time forget anything else because everything is % based so 1 less damage mod mean a giant damage reduction.


    Status chance mod (unless it's elemental+ 60% status) are flawed. Most gimmick mods are a waste of slot or just proof the weapon is less efficient than another which would not need these mod (Steady hands, ...).


    More I play this game, less I consider differents builds on differents weapons as, most of the time, there is at least 6 identical mod from a weapon to another.

  9. Comparé à ça on a l'ulti Saryn, qui chatouille les mobs 70/80, tout comme Ember.


    Tu touches un problème inhérent aux sorts de WF : Si ça ne scale pas à l'infini, c'est pas viable (par exemple, le proc radiation, qui sera efficace quelque soit le niveau du mob en face).


    Tout les sorts dédiés aux dégats ne sont pas utiles. On est contraint de raisonner en fonction des proc et des CC.

  10. Bah j'te comprend NoPr0n, mes Frames préférées sont Rhino et Mag alors que pas mal de monde les déteste x)


    On parle toujours des Warframes considérées comme faibles ?



    On parle bien du venin là? Je t'arrête de suite, ce skill est justement l'un de ses meilleurs. Les sphères de poison font de bons dégâts en tirant dedans et le fait qu'elles puissent se propager sur les ennemis à proximité rend ce pouvoir intéressant et très loin d'être useless. Couplé à une Nyx usant de son chaos c'est l'anarchie. Avec de nombreux combos le venin est intéressant. Sur ma Saryn justement je ne joue que venin et miasme et selon le build je peux ajouter ou non contagion mais qui n'est pas indispensable. Néanmoins en tant que DPS elle ne fait pas suffisamment de dégâts on ne peut pas le nier. Passé le mi-HL, elle ne tiendra plus. Elle mérite un rework c'est incontestable.


    De bons dégats ? Alors il faut jouer un minimum sur la durée, ce qui saborde Miasme. Et à choisir entre un sort qui fait des dégats nettement inférieurs à click Phage gg (mon arme de prédilection actuelle), et cette même arme, c'est vite choisit. Ca fait un slot mod de libre. A oui, le savais-tu ? Les dégats de Miasme sont inversement proportionnels à la durée des sorts.


    Et selon le Wiki anglais :


    Using both maximized power duration and power strength, each spore can deal a total of 882.8 damage over the course of 38.6 seconds, while increasing the energy cost to 38.75, reducing casting range to 17 meters, and spread range to 5.4 meters.


    882.6 dégats en 38.6 secondes. Fa-bu-leux. Allez, je fais jusqu'à 10 fois (souvent ~3k par ennemi) plus en zone avec un seul tick de phage.


    Le seul réel intérêt de ce sort, c'est de faire le proc viral assez souvent sur une longue durée, bon contre les mobs, et le fait que ça annule la régénération des shield d'un boss.



    Quand à Oberon en fait il a vraiment pas besoin de grand chose pour être un réel multitâche : des sorts qui ont une chance de proc les radiations (au moins Hallowed Ground), c'est vraiment tout ce qu'il lui faut.

  11. En tant que joueur de Saryn je ne vous suis pas vraiment sur une nécessité de rework. A mon sens, seul son premier sort est l'un des pires du jeu, les autres sont tout à fait honnêtes, et elle est l'un des meilleurs tank mi distance selon moi avec un couple PV/Armure de folie.


    Je la joue surtout durée des sorts min, efficacité max et puissance à ~ +60 %


    Mon coup de coeur est surement dédié à Mue. Il dure suffisamment longtemps pour qu'on puisse s'autoriser à réduire de 60% la durée des sorts. 8 secondes, pas assez? SI vous avez encore des ennemies en face au bout de 8 secondes, c'est qu'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas. Après il est certain que si l'on fait la comparaison avec Mirage, c'est de suite moins cool. Mais bon comparons ce qui l'est, Mirage mérite un bon gros nerf sur les clones (25 d'énergie ? Invulnérable ? What.). J'adore vraiment ce sort du moment qu'il coute 12.5 d'énergie. Il multiplie les capacités de survie de Saryn, déjà très tanky.


    Et il est inutile de débattre sur l'efficacité de Miasme, elle n'est plus à démontrer (une fois encore, ce n'est pas les dégats qui sont importants même s'ils sont tout à fair correct, mais le stun de quelques secondes et son temps de cast assez court).


    Il est vrai que sur ma façon de jouer, du coup, Contagion est moins optimisé. 8 secondes c'est assez court. M'enfin avec un Dragon Nikana et Lifestrike, c'est suffisant pour clean un pack et être full heal (votre grosse économie d'énergie favorite l'utilisation de Lifestrike).


    Bref, touchez pas à ma Saryn >.<.


    Sinon, best-of personnel des rework à faire : Lolberon, Ember, Zephyr (Debug plz !), Mirage (nerf plz !)

  12. Hello, it's me again !


    I decided to play Zephyr as we don't see it that often (I had a lot of spare Oxium, like... 150. Let's Baal !) but I just CAN'T hit with Dive Bomb for now.


    I mean, I tried it on Earth against Kubrows about 10 times and never hit any of them despite I landed about 1m max next to them. I noticed on a previous patch notes that it was fixed but...


    I don't mean low damages or anything, but no damages neither knockback at all.


    Can someone explain me why this happen?

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