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Posts posted by RageFlakez

  1. It's a stupid nerf but whatever.


    Rage and QT takes up 2+ mods slots and a lot more mod points. you'd survive just as long using redirection which is simpler anyway.

    You have no idea how wrong you are.  My Nekros can could take a huge amount of dmg with QT+Rage+Equilibrium.  some #s for you math lovers.

    My HP is 500 (no maxed vitalities :/) Energy at 300, maxed QT (240% energy to HP conversion), maxed Rage (40% of dmg on HP to energy).

    assuming they tear through my HP and QT procs...  300(energy) X 2.4(QT) = 720 HP from QT using my energy.  Add Rage into the equation and...  720(QT HP) X .4(HP to energy buff) = 288 Energy.  288(Rage energy) X (2.4 QT) = 691.2 HP (round down to 691).  Add it all up... 691 + 720 + 500 = 1911 HP.  I have a 1,911 HP buffer that they have to tear through (not including dmg resistance from armor) before they can kill me.  When you find a redirection mod that can give me 1,911 extra shields (which don't increase effective HP because of no armor) then ya, it might be better.  So far we don't have anything like that though, so I'll stick to QT + Rage assuming it hasn't been nerfed too badly. 

  2. Same here, I have a beastly custom built computer that is always at 60 FPS (It's capped there) and drops to about 45-50 when there are tons of enemies (like around 40 mins in a T4S) but now I'm getting a consistent whopping 40 FPS that drops to about 20 when there are a couple enemies around.  I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm not happy about this FPS nerf or the Radial Blind nerf.  14.6 is a bad update in general...  Thanks DE.

  3. I'm beginning to think that they nerf the popular guys and buff the unpopular guys......oh well, I'll stick with Obie.

    I don't really recall Excalibur ever being popular, I started really loving this frame again after brushing off the dust of months of no use just today.  Then they killed him :(


    RIP in peace Excalibro

    3/25/13 - 9/10/14

  4. wait... what?  


    You have to beable to see the giant blinding flash to get blinded?...


    OMG..  what is this ..sense that is coming into my game..


    its the end of the world...  people getting blinded when they see a massive flash of light, and those that don't see it don't get blinded...  @_@








    Seriously?   It sounds more like they are improving Collision effects in the game, including things like Light Effects, which is pretty awesome.  So instead of being able to blind people that aren't in the room yet, or even behind cover.. you now have to make sure they are in the room?....  rather then waste the energy for when you really need it?....

    I really don't care that it doesn't make sense, I do care that Excalibur is useless now though.

  5. Still haven't tried exca since the update, but if this is true, they just trashed one of my favorite and most played frames.


    Not like any of his other abilities have usefulness or actual damage.

    whiteout radial blind, much like the noobs call it: "Excalibur is poop."

    He really is useless now though.  Radial blind was the only thing that made him worth anything in late game survivals/defenses.

    Guess I'll just go back to my Nekros because at least his ultimate scales with enemy levels.

  6. Moved to a proper section.


    Let's keep this civil and not lash out at DE for this. Give constructive criticism, not rage.

    thanks, didn't realize I was in the wrong section (I don't use forums that often).  I also edited the original post to see less angry with DE and more just annoyed that an already weak frame got nerfed.

  7. It was too good and everyone knows it.  And oh no, the ability makes sense now?  What are the Tenno going to do now!?



    Stop your complaining. Are you the one with 5 forma on your Excalibur? I am. I still use him quite often and I don't give two S#&$s if that got nerfed cuz It still works how it was intended to be used in the first place.

    Just saying, it's a game about space ninjas.  If you want realism, you're gonna have to go somewhere else.  And now the Tenno aren't going to enjoy 4x melee dmg in T4s, that's what they'll do.  


    Only 1 forma, and I did it about an hour before this update, gotta love that goes.

  8. Excalibur's only useful late-game power has now been nerfed.  

    For those of you that haven't noticed yet, radial blind no longer affects enemies behind cover or that are out of line-of-sight even if they're still in range.





    As some of you may have stated, some changes occured on Excalibur's Radial Blind, causing a hekload of rumours about stealth nerfing... Keep in mind : THESE ARE RUMORS ! That change is very likely to be unintended (very common), or the information was just forgot to be mentionned in the patch note (very rare). In both case, you have to report it to the staff, assume this as a bug until further information from the developpement team.


    Some of you may remember the times where Mag's Pull was unable to pull anymore, and a bunch of you though it was a nerf, but it was just a nasty bug. Let's not repeat the same error.




    So don't loose your mind here or go full paranoid. At least discuss on the megathread and wait for a staff member's answer.


    Thanks for your attention.


    - Einde


    EDIT2 :



    This issue with Excalibur's Radial Blind has been reported to Dev.


    It's possible that this is just a bug, but hang tight as we investigate! 


    Thank you.

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