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Posts posted by sparsco

  1. the quest does a poor job of explaining what needs to be done, after the first time you go out to the plains you need to go to konzu and farm the pieces for revenant, then build them. after that the story keeps going, they really need more voice lines for the quest, like something for konzu to say after nakak mentions you should see him. it's pretty hard to figure out just from "you should talk to konzu" and then not have him say anything related to the quest

  2. Is anyone else having an issue with the harpak where the alt fire isn't doing anything? i can fire about 8 alt shots into a corrupted lancer's face body and legs and all it does is hit him with some slash damage

  3. Is anyone else having an issue with the harpak where the alt fire isn't doing anything? i can fire about 8 alt shots into a corrupted lancer's face body and legs and all it does is hit him with some slash damage

  4. I recently started a clan with the same name as my league of legends ranked team, i'm looking for some people to play with just for general enjoyment. if you're interested let me know your in game name, favourite/most used warframe, and when you are available to play. i am on most days after four, weekends pretty early. thank you for looking into The Vision Creed

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