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Posts posted by Dolynjo

  1. il y a une heure, LazerusKI a dit :

    Usually a Frost because his Snowglobe protects me while it also slows down enemies inside, or throws them out of the zone when they made it im. Chilling globe also helps and Avalanche is a good way to press the "stop button".

    Frost literally did what vauban can do again now - lock down an area. he can still do it a bit better though since he has a higher survivability and protection from ranged.

    My friend uses his Slow-Nova, which means that there are rarely any enemies near the consoles at all and he can run around and "pop" them

    In some cases i have even seen very effective Garas who glassified a huge amount of enemies, or Khoras with a pretty big and effective Dome.

    yeah, there is to many frames who can do as well (if not better) in term of CC as Vauban. Moreover, they add special bonus of their own :

    -snow globe = defens

    - slow nova = damage

    -hell, even zephyr turbulence can CC as much and provide dps

    The list of that have "same CC as Vauban + something more" to offer is just to big. At the moment, Vauban is not the go to frame of any situation.

  2. Il y a 2 heures, (XB1)Erudite God a dit :

    What do you use to solo Interception sorties?

    Limbo. Hydroid. Gara. Frost. Hell, even Nezha or Rhino. Vauban does not have enough survivability to be sure and enjoyable in sorties when there is frames like I said before to better take care of the mission (in my humble opinion)

  3. The more we talk about grenades the more I dislike it. They have pitiful range, terrible drop off to aim, crippling your chance of landing it where it'll activate and they're slow as hell and don't work on the air. The idea that Vauban is launching gadgets is OK but he could use some quickening, like making it look like a launcher. Point, aim, fire, goes quickly where you want and activate as soon as possible. Would be some quality of life he could benefit. 

    Other than that, I think that Bastille has a much better disposition towards synergy. It's an area of effect clearly defined where enemies are meant to be shot. Thus we could see some of Vauban's abilities working in the entire area of Bastille rather than in their original mediocre range. Like a shred affecting all enemies trapped in bastille or tesla arcing through enemies caught to enemies outside of bastille and so one.

    Vortex could be kept, but sucking in enemies in and losing affinity occasionally is not the best in my opinion. Even if, that's true some synergy is possible. It simply doesn't tend to be as clearly defined and practical in my humble opinion.

    On the other hand, trip laser and bounce are just bad ideas. Unless the ability cost 10 energy it's never worth a cast. It's simply not enough and the idea itself cripples the efficiency that it could have. We don't need those, their role is already taken by vortex AND bastille, and far better for the actual cost, even bugged. 

    Vauban needs new stuff, he's full of CC and deserve something else as an engineer. He's not a goddamn clown  making enemies ragdol in the sky or making them slip on banana laser trip or whatnot. He's the guy that we should rely on when he's here. He aught to be some kind of a buffer or protector. Or whatever but no one is seriously interested in ragdolling enemies. Being funny won't suffice for him to be interesting.  

  4. Well #*!% me I've been away from my keyboard then wrote this. Didn't think they'd make a new update so quickly. So sorry for my rage on that point. Now, what about the rest ? Let's wait. But seriously it's a bitter bone for the wait. I'm of those who think that Vauban needs a real rework with proper new abilities replacing old ones, rather than some tweaks.

  5. I'm not used to writing posts but I feel the need to this time.

    Overhaul I'm here to complain, even if I know that it's not the final rework. I just want to max the chances of DE changing there mind. (hopefully)

    With all my respect towards DE, this rework is a joke, exept his passiv.

    -Tesla is still useless because it's uncapable of zapping more than 1 enemy per shoot and per hour. It's to slow for the pace of the game. For exemple, Khora's WHIPCLAW deals AOE with good damages. 

    -Minelayer is filled with useless gimmicks.

       1) Bounce has been useless since parcour 2.0.

       2) Trip lazer lacks consistency for it's only reliable against infested cause they're the only one to run into this ability often enough to make it feels like it's doing something. 

       3) Shred is still a time limited debuff that need an entire specific build that doesn't suit Vauban's other abilities. While Oberon can whipe out enemie's armor in 2 cast for ever.

    - The augment Repelling Bastille. What a shame, it had one known insue that only needed to be fixed for it to be very good. But it has been nerfed and left bugged. Why  ?


    I don't really understand the way Vauban is treated, he need some simple tweaks to  solve the issues that players are complaining about. He wouldn't be overpowered  at all compered to some other frames, like Saryn or Ash or Equinox, or other. He could be enjoyable and fun to play. But the only thing he receives is a slow casting for Tesla to be nearly usefull in a fast paced game. A forever bugged augment that can now only work every 4 seconds, again, in a fast paced game.

    One positiv note is his passiv that makes a lot of sens in his theme.

    So DE, with all my respect for you and the game I love since the beginning, Why such a bad rework ? Will there be some other rework for him like there have been for Saryn and Oberon ?A good passiv can't save him.

    It can't be its final state.

    PS: I'm french, sory for the bad english.

  6. I'm here to adress some changes that I wish to see in this new game mod. With all respect to DE !:satisfied:

    First of all, I don't think that the sanctuary onslaught mod will replace the focus grind technics that we all have if it stays the same. The only convergence lens at the beginning of the zone is not enough. It would be more apropriate to make it appear at about 40second in the zone, so we've had the time to build up combo mutliplyer, powers buff etc... or give us one at the beginning and one at the end of the zone. But one is not enough it it keeps the % that it has right now. It's just not enough.:nerd:

    Second, I don't think that putting thoose scenes in the table drop is not a good move, at least not at this drop percentage. Speaking for myself, I'm not realy into captura and I see this as a big waist of reward, given the fact it's most of the rewards I get and as a consequence, I'm not happy at all when I see this stuff drop at each god damn rotation:sadcry: It's a nich thing and it needs to be in places that won't overtake the most wanted rewards for the majority of the players. More over, what's the point in dropping many times the same scene, you won't need another one when you have it once. I think that it needs to be in another place of rewards, like syndicats and simaris.

    Third, I'm not realy against all those relics dropping cause I'm always poor in relics :highfive: but I feel like it's gona move a lot of the community into this game mod for this reason. Aside from the scenes, I only get relics at an impressiv rate. I understand that it might have been the goal : to make people want to play this game mod - but it might make us borred cause we love the tilesets taht we have, we love the cool camping technics that we've came up with to grind stuff and all of the aspects of a warframe mission. This one is straight to good for relics, in my opinion it will become a chore to go grind resources after dropping all the relics we wanted, which leads me to my fourth point.

    Where are the ressources ? I understand that given the fact that all the tileset and all the factions are in this game mod, it wou'ld be to easy to make everything drop according to the place and the mob we're fighting in each zone. But nothing is not a good option in my opinon. :sad: I would rather see a strict drop in the void onslaught with some low drop rate given the S#&$ tone of enemies that are spawning. Make this mission drop some stuff, but not to much, we have to play the rest of the game without feeling it's a chore.

    Fifth, why no token system ? Or reputation ? Giving a meaning to our score would be great, cause for now I realy don't give a damn about my score. It would be nice to be able able to spend something to get some other things. We have this for syndicats, I don't ask to transform it into a syndicat like mission, but this system is waaaaay more appealing and rewarding than RNGesus. Moreover, it would solve the ''too many scenes drop'' problem that I mentioned earlier :devil:

    Sixth, I saw a lot of people complaining about the fact that there is no quest for this game mod. It's true that it doesn't make realy any sens in the lore and feels like a botched introduction for a game mod that definitly deserve this kind of opening.

    Seventh and last, Is it me or sometimes the counter just does what it wants ? I feel some times that it's not realy responding to the billions of ennemies I'm butchering my through and it makes me very frustrated and feel weak. Even tho I change of equipment all the time in order to stay away from simaris restriction for overuse. So I was wondering if it was just me or a bug :highfive:


    Here is what I observed, I quite love this game mod and I can't wait to drop all Khora's parts ! But I wish It was more than it's now and better tuned for what it was aiming at for focus.

  7. I won't judge to hard that rework or whatever you call it, cause there is a lot of ideas that I'm okay with up here. Accordding to that, I think that Hydorid should have a new ability as Excalibur had one. It's not bad to combine Undertow and Tidle Surge all in one and to give a new ability to Hydroid, who relay need some new features at the moment in my opinion. Because to be fair, if there is something that prohibit barrage to be better (RNG) there is some improvment to be made to Hydroid so he'll be better and viable. Right now he's realy funny, but I don't think it's enough

    PS : sorry if my english is not perfect.

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