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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. The game then starts up what seems to be "controller mode" and unlike other steam games, blocks mouse clicks and some other stuff, forcing me to use the controller. This in turn forces me to close the game and restart it without controller plugged in since I play with mouse and keyboard.

    I am using Xbox One PC controller through USB with native steam support for controllers.

  2. Basically it would be a standalone title on steam and all other platforms. Even more isolated than it is now, for it's own well being.

    • You could transfer your progression from the PVE warframe.
    • You could get gear and fashion within the PVP game.
    • However you couldn't transfer items back to PVE game with the exception of some cosmetics.

    This achieves:

    • A stream of new players checking it out. The monstrosity that is main warframe will not overshadow the PVP as much as it does now.
    • The balance will be even more isolated with PVP team potentially reworking gear to suit PVP even better.
    • The codebase and netcode in general could (I guess) become more tidy because the game would be a lot more lightweight. Better performance.
    • Smaller download. Some people care only about PVP.
    • Server browser, ranks, stats, UI, replays, all that good stuff that a proper PVP games has.
    • Publicity on twitch since it's a different title. Competitive scene.

    Kind of like don't starve has different game for the classic version and don't starve together for multiplayer. And some other battle royale games I think.
    Anyway under the hood the game is still mostly same, the art and the engine.

    Please please please please please please please please please.

    I go into conclave but literally nobody is playing. 😭

  3. Also looks like there's going to be even more feet sliding action since lots of those animations are wired up for specific full body movement with specific movement speed but with players moving so quickly the legs either just slide or don't keep up.

  4. To me, that was probably the best warframe cinematic so far. Not that the previous ones were lacking, but I feel it finally grew into something truly spectacular. The saryn prime cinematic was a breath of fresh air and this one just confirmed how excellent this model is. With PBR and other rendering improvements, excellent voice and lore so fitting to primes it really shines.

    And with the latest one, I feel the pacing, framing of the shots, background ambient music, the choice of location were all excellent. Thank you!

    Now I really want to hear what Ballas has to say about all the past prime frames, and it goes without saying that each frame would make a beautiful cinematic short like the last 2 however I believe that might not be possible to achieve now, right? Primes ain't gonna stop coming.

  5. I appreciate all the love and care Steve puts into various shaders and engine's aesthetics. Poor guy puts some screenshots on a stream being all excited and showing what has improved and everyone else is sitting there not understanding what he's even talking about :(

  6. I think they overdone the reflections in some places though. Some surfaces look too rough to have sharp reflections based on how it reacts to light (pbr properties), but then goes full mirror once you get to lower angles. Also all the artifacts of their reflection technique get exposed very easily when things are so reflective.

  7. Not sure if this is the same issue, but I noticed terrible performane drops on eris with infested enemies shooting all kinds of goo that has a lot of particle effects. Minimizing and maximising seems to clear them and the performance temporaly goes back to normal. I don't remember it being THAT bad before U18

  8. Dude you cant be happy with anything, they fix one thing now you just complaint about it being the same thing as with the rest, what do you want ffs?!

    taking a look at the forums I can say for sure I am far from a type of person you're talking about.


    They could have tied focus to something interesting and varied like sorties, high level nightmare missions, unique challanges (like conclave), style points or whatever.

  9. I'd add something like hidden caches/medalions for bonus nitain troughout the mission or some sort of agile, hard-to-catch units that would drop bonus nitain in addition to the one given for completion.


    Pls DE It's not that hard to make the game more varied and less grindy.

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