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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. I agree with this for sure. The closest to this I got was on some infected levels when distruptors, green poison ancients and many other small ones attacked at the same time, hell then it was really fun because I actually used super jump for tactical and dodging purposes and also used a lot of wallruning tricks to split enemies into smaller groups that i had to fight with. In generall it was a nice situation to fight in.

    With all these suggestions I could also add that they could probably increase the randomization even more? Make the levels with randomly scattered covers, a little different stats for bosses and enemies each time. So the effect is kind of like left 4 dead when the waves of zombies and special infected are placed depending on the situation so it makes every minute of playtime unique, no preplaced bosses at the exact corners.

  2. I agree, seen several posts about this and I'll just post the same example of what pretty much happens:

    you sweat and raid the level like crazy to get all the possible crates, containers and enemies for even a single bit of rubedo, you finally get some along with some very needed mods for your warframe... but HEEYYY let's just not update all of that S#&$ at all and let you sit and cry later

  3. pretty much it goes like this:

    you sweat and raid the level like crazy to get all the possible crates, containers and enemies for even a single bit of rubedo, you finally get some along with some very needed mods for your warframe... but HEEYYY let's just not update all of that S#&$ at all and let you sit and cry later

  4. so much discussion here, I just want to add up to the idea that it becomes too easy, I can go to any planet and any mission and I won't have any problems beating it (20lvl warframe), where's the feel of being a weakling like in a true level based online game? Maybe simply make the hp and shield increase MUCH lower (like up to 175 upon lvl 30) on all non tank classes and make the survivability mods act as common ones. (And i mean common, not just a word typed there to make it a cheap thing to sell)

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