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Posts posted by ShadowFlare_x

  1. IF the key user takes longer to join then the party the whole mission is failed and send back to our ships?

    Every other game makes everyone connect before starting the mission but not warframe and its becoming a problem


    Dunno if its fixable but just want to bring attention to this matter

  2. I can deal with the hundreds of bugs in warframe but the one that will most likely make me stop playing this game 

    is the constant disconnection from lobbys. 


    It never used to happen and now it does it 90% of the time


    it makes playing this game so much harder when you always fall out of lobbys and it happens to a lot of people cos they always have to ask for re invites


    Once you get re-invited and go into the mission the connection is fine, no lag, nothing, its just getting into the mission thats hard.


    Please fix this bug otherwise i cant see myself playing for much longer as its ********* annoying as hell.




  3. I've been trying to complete the codex scans and theirs quite a few bugs with it 


    mainly in the "objects" sections


    It says scans complete for the following objects


    Kurbrow Dens - wont let me scan at all


    Toxic Injectors - wont let me scan at all


    Excavation Scanner - 10/12 but wont scan anymore


    Control panel - 1/12 wont let me scan anymore


    a few that are blacked out, think there the void lazer balls "Death orbs"


    apparently its been a problem for awhile but never got fixed.


    Please fix this problem.  

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