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Posts posted by Draven_Luv

  1. I noticed today, when wanting to start the newest quest, that the "Vor's Prize" quest shows up as not complete. This make little to no sense to me as this is the very first quest you get into which you practically have to do in order to continue further into the game. That, and the fact I've been playing this game for 2+ years. This is why I'm confused. I looked around the forums but haven't found anything similar to my issue. Wanted to first post to see if others are having this problem or if this is known and will be fixed, etc. before contacting support.

    Screenshot of the Codex/Quest page in spoiler:





  2. How do you play Nyx?: I'm mostly a Nyx main and ever since I've had gotten her prime counter part I've mainly used her for her Chaos ability. Chaos gives me room to breathe, damage enemies in the mean time, lets me pick off the bigger guys and score some good head shots. Usually use absorb if I'm caught in front of high damage dealing enemies and don't have the time to react quickly (or when drinking my coffee ^-^ Can just sit there for a bit and take in the damage without a care).

    Against what?: Against pretty much any enemy. Though my preference is mainly Grineer and Void enemies over all else. Just a personal preference rather than one based off of Warframe choice. 

    On what mission types?: Mainly take her on defense, survival, interception. Any mission that requires for you to stick around longer or get encountered by a high enemy count.

    How does Nyx stack up?: As I mainly use her Chaos power think it stacks up quite well. Can be used on almost any enemy and with her kind of recent change, it can be cast as many times as you want. 

  3. My only bug.


    Description: 75% framerate drop (around 60 at all times to 15 at most). My FPS was fine until I started the Second Dream quest, and now the game is practically unplayable. I wouldn't have said anything, but over on r/Warframe I saw some complaints coming from people with monstrous PCs, so I figured it's an issue your side. Once I watched the initial cutscene, my framerate went from 144 (in liset, my fps is uncapped) to 15. It has stayed there since. I have restarted WF 3 times, as well as my PC, and nothing is aiding in the issue. There is also massive stuttering on top of what 15fps would explain for stuttery movements.


    Who: Me. Framerate went out the window.


    What: FPS


    Where: Everywhere.


    Can I reproduce this?: Unknown. All I know is my FPS dropped harder than bass usually does in modern dubstep. I can only assume it's tied to the quest.


    Steps to Reproduce (theoretical): 

    1) Start Second Dream Quest

    2) Let cutscene play uninterrupted

    3) ...

    4) Feel the FPS drop.


    I had the same issue, however this issue was mainly in the part where you must get the death orb eye guy to hit the pillars with it's attacks. I'm usually getting a solid 40-60 frames but while that part of the gameplay in the quest it dropped to 4-9 fps. I was lucky to have a teammate b/c otherwise there'd be no way for me to continue.Thinking back on it, the fps tanked badly as the bombs of radiation fogs were deployed by the flying death orb. Also, to add, it only ever happened during that part...everything before hand and after the fight was running smooth.

  4. I second this!! 


    When waiting for teammates at extraction I sometimes just pop-up the meditate emote and enemies always think it's hilarious to spawn in hordes. It would be great if I could get out of the meditation by a keystroke...a quite fair amount of damage can be done to your warframe while trying to access the gear menu.

  5. I fully agree with Archistopheles. Everything is so tiny in Archwing. Both enemies and resources dropped need a boost in their visuals. Considering how hectic game-play can be sometimes it can be really hard to find that one enemy or find that one resource. 


    That being said, I would love it if there was an addition as to how we pick up loot or as mentioned by OP to have drones (or even a specific sentinel used for archwing alone, or just a recycle of being able to use already owned sentinels). 


    Addition of other rewards to archwing would really make it enticing as well (kind of how atlas is placed on the J-3 Golem).


    And finally, have archwing and submersible archwing (sharkwing) be separated -- meaning, have sharkwing specific weapons and archwings.

    Also, having our gear magically appear and reappear on us during game-play in the submersible areas is a bit silly; however, that'd just be nit-picking.

  6. there must not be a reason for your posts to be deleted, tho I guess it was deleted due to you being toxic, dev-bashing is also a valid reason

    How is anything that the OP wrote "dev-bashing" or "toxic". If anything you can go assuming that the comments lead to such things, but if OP quoted his post word for word then I see no reason for it itself being deleted.


    Also, OP, as people have mentioned, these Fomorians will show up from time to time. Like alerts! But, will last 4 days to give people the chance to go at it. So there'll be plenty of times to still go for those parts :)


    I understand it's frustrating to not be able to get that one part, but this does happen in normal game play as well (prime parts). And considering this is the first time such a quick alert has been out I'm sure some adjustments will be made further down the line.


    It's not about that it would happen, it's that DE even bothered to make the threat.


    I mean, what if noone liked Archwing, wouldn't we all be screwed because we wouldn't want to play that? That's the point, it's not a matter if people are doing it in place of me, it's the fact they made the threat at all.


    Immersion does not equal good game design. Plot does not make good game design. If DE has to threaten to take away content because I don't want to use other content, they're doing it wrong.


    No one is threatening to take away anything here. And even if there was a compromise to something within warframe...as a tenno you'd want to protect that!


    It hasn't been posted as a PSA but I've seen places where DE Rebecca has said that we will be seeing more of Fomorian's pop up. I do not think that they would ever think of taking away a relay that has a main goal of welcoming new coming players! I think this will just be an extra thing to do for those who really do like Archwing. 

    --> Here's the thread where DE Rebecca responds https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/546035-is-this-the-only-fomorian-were-going-to-get/?p=6132263#entry6132263


    I am quite positive as well, that if a huge majority of people disliked the content there would be priority over it, to make it more likable. 

  8. Honestly, I see great points on both sides. However, I do tend to agree with what you're saying here. I really do think people should give archwing a try after some of the fixes and additions that were put in it...and still will be given with the next big update. Since, archwing now has a more diverse set of missions to play it is a lot less boring than just going through interception missions to level your stuff up. 


    Also I think of archwing as another great addition to the tenno arsenal in general. We are space ninjas, so fighting out side of buildings/ships and planets makes a whole lotta sense!


    But even though I like archwing I have my frustrations with it. And I also was a bit bummed (at first) that atlas was placed behind the wall of archwing. However, just learning what you might need for that mission or running with a group that has done it already can give you much insight! You can still get at the J-3 Golem even with low level stuff! I know, I did ^-^


    Sadly, I think it'll be a lot more fixes, and additions, and changes to Archwing until people start getting the hang of it or be able to be ok with it...but, I'm sure we'll get there soon.

  9. For me it was the Despair that never wanted to drop. I, too, considered buying it, but it was much more satisfying when I was able to get it by just farming. It's a much better way of being able to rub it in Stalkers face >__>


    Good luck on it though!! I'm sure you'll be able to get it soon ^-^

  10. Yes, you have a great right as a human being...being able to make your own opinions. But you know what's even better, being able to choose to state that your opinion is wrong (or just plain silly), and point it out to you. You are a small voice amongst many others in the opinion that you state. Such relays were made that new players can come to a place and be able to ask questions, chat, and learn from other players! Even more so the Guides of the Lotus are almost always present there. It is a sure place where a new player can get their information on the spot! And also, just feel welcome and part of the community.


    Being rude and purposefully making the thread head towards a toxic life is something that is not welcome on the forums. If this was structured in some other way, brought forward a healthy discussion, or even some problem solving then maybe this all would have been fine and welcome. Please spare yourself the time and the effort and just think it through before you go on posting such things.


  11. This has honestly been something that bothered me a lot ever since I started playing. However, it seems that a lot of the time the immortal skin variant fixes this issue of the choppy edges (not fully, but to a point). And yes, this is only very noticeable while using dark/black coloring. I really hope that since skins/updating warframes is a huge thing now...this could possibly be addressed as well. (This issue was always the reason I never ran with a mostly black colored trinity b/c the textures really were a visual problem!)

  12. There is now a problem with the void mission Tower 4 Defense: The Spawn of the enemy is weird and they stay still in their spawn point

    This is not only happening in T4 but in other towers. It is most definitely something that needs to be fixed stat. Getting through just a single wave was painful. Took us good few minutes to be able to get all the enemies to spawn just for a single wave. Enemies will come out of their spawn at the beginning of the wave (around 5-10 enemies) and the rest is stuck within their spawn points looking clueless at each other!

  13. Yeah, I had sold my ether daggers as well. For some reason I thought they were an item already available on the market... Many months later it turns out they're not :( I really do hope that the quest replay-ability comes into play soon. I really love the ether weapon family and would love to be able to get those back!

  14. I'd like to take a moment to laugh at everyone brushing this off as whining, when in fact it's just evidence of the balance problems Warframe is still facing. And personally, I don't think Mastery Locks are going to solve this, at ALL.

    How would mastery locks not solve at least a small portion of new players being able to get their hands on items that should be obtained later in game?? 


    There'll be a Mastery Rank lock not only on normal weapons but even prime parts. So, this way you can obtain prime parts but cannot craft them until one reaches the correct MR level. That is what balancing would be...and this would also be just a start to other things that will bring balance to the game.


    And yes, after the numerous post of talking about the "rhino p + boltor p combo = scrubs and noobs" is getting annoying and not bringing any sort of healthy discussion or solution to such a scenario. 

  15. I do not understand why, when one person says how they were unable to require said item. Then the other posters say,in short,"Hey, you had your chance." Everyone has to jump at each other? Things like this are not new. I do agree that being able to trade them at rank 0 could be a consideration. BUT I also think catering to EVERYONE'S personal times and life distractions is not a good way to go about it either.

    Well, because they did have their chance. No one is jumping at anyone here, rather just stating a fact. Also, you are very correct at the last part.


    I feel your pain, event weapons should be tradeable (0 rank just like special weapons). Would give guys with two some extra income, create sales for DE, and puss off the elitist jack a$$ez that seem to think they are better than everyone else because they happen to be at home when event came out.

    I missed the cercio event so I feel your pain. I waited a long time to get my hands on these. If it's any consolation, they are not that great. Good, but not worth losing sleep.

    Good luck getting sympathy in these forums. I think a lot of guys here are happy you didn't get it so they can say they did...


    The only sad thing here is your attitude towards others. Things happen, other things get in the way...it's understandable someone will miss out on stuff. But DE is not held accountable to make sure everyone gets everything. Not only would that be saturating the game but also there'd be no point to calling these weapons "special" or "limited" as they should be. They have a fancy prefix and a fancy skin (and come with boosted stats), they're supposed to be a nice reward but also something you can show off...


    DE has made it clear that it will be recycling items on through time...so, you'll just have to wait again to receive yours. There'll also be plenty events/tactical alerts that will dish out cool weapons and other items; not to worry.

  16. I suggest that you just start building any weapon that you can obtain at your mastery rank, and one that you think suits your play style. If you're really going to stick with this game for a longer period of time, you'll see yourself having owned several weapons...and, of course warframes as well. Also, keep Excalibur (if you like playing as him of course)...he is a great warframe and will get you through a lot of missions!

  17. I do not think that the vipers will come around that quickly after they have just been given out as a reward. When they first appeared, the vipers were a reward in the Cicero Crisis Event and have since not been around until this recent tactical alert. And...yes, you do have to just deal with the fact you missed it. There was at least a weeks notice of the tactical alert through out most, if not all, social media that Warframe is on. They can only accommodate people so far...3 days seems quite a stretch whereas 24hrs is more realistic. I am sure that some time in the future the previous weapons will re-appear again. Next time, just plan ahead.


    Also, remember this was a tactical alert (meaning that they're usually short, 24hr alerts). If it was an event I would have been more inclined to agree with you...since, events usually take much longer (spanning over a few days). 

  18. Pretty much how Trichouette described it! The Trin, loki, nova, mirage and vauban...is usually a party that can run raids quite easily. I'd also add on a frost with a large snow globe, especially if you're still fresh to the whole raid. An extra hand and his globes do not hurt at all to bring along! A second trinity is also optional for constant bless, but honestly the one trin is plenty.

    As for weapons, anything that you can get a good amount of corrosive projection (for the armor, since it's all grineer enemies) on and has a fairly good fire rate. You'll only ever need to worry about killing Vay Hek in the last stage. Having nova and/or frost ult on Hek will help deal loads of damage as well as slow him down to kill him quickly.

    The more you do it, the better you'll know the kinks and tricks of how to run it at a quite efficient rate. 

  19. I really can't criticize too much about his powers since I've not played them...however, from just the preview, and as you and others have stated, I also do not think that his last power really suits him. I mean, sure, it's super neat that we can have golems fight for you...but the frame is a brawler himself. He should be the one in the fight, dealing out the punches! I hope that there'll be some last minute polishing to that frame...and maybe just as with parkour ziplining was changed up a bit (we were supposed to be sliding by using our hands, not runin' on top of the ziplines---just if anyone was confused)....this will as well.

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