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Posts posted by (PSN)HikarisSavior

  1. You guys don't get it, do you? If we are to keep playing and pretend like nothing happened because the nerf isn't a big deal, then what was the purpose of actually nerfing it anyway? It seems like the Devs are sick and tired of people complaining about all the weapons. Shut your mouth and play the game. The ammo nerf was so people stopped complaining about the launchers. The only time people use their launchers are when they are doing ODD or any other infested defense. I have tried using the ogris against grineer, and they blow up the rocket plenty of times. Penta and the others are worthless against infested when they charge up on you and you blow yourself up. They have to be used from an altitude. Most of the time, they are used to level up other weapons, so why the big fuss? If you're in an ODD, you're usually there to level up anyway. The people complaining about them needing a nerf have nothing better to do than to complain. You guys don't care because you probably don't use them, but I bet if the developers nerfed the weapons you use, you'd be angry too, especially since you spent formas and time making them good. Hypocrites. Eventually, we won't have any weapons to take into T4 50+ waves and minutes.

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