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Posts posted by DeerRekt

  1. 1 hour ago, RavenTheReap3r said:

    5 @(*()$ days now and still no fix lovely. Looks like im quiting.

    Yeah i tryed to be patient also, but 5days to fix something that cut the progression of everyone is just really stupid, that should be a #1 priority. 

    Sadly i just dont feel playing the waiting game in my ship for a Fix to continue the campaing, There's so many great games coming out anyway atm..

    @Digital_Extremes, Giving right ETAs for majors Hotfix in the future would be a great customer service, just saying.  

    So yeah.. customer support = words of the day guys.


    .. ho and also, in my Ship i have a ''News'' pannel, maybe it would be a great idea meanwhile the hotfix is coming up just advertise the mission bug for every others players that dont go on forums so they dont get stuck in a infinite loop of Raptor mission.. me personally i dont care anymore but again.. customer service.

  2. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowds230 said:

    I'm guessing the devs, since it was said last night, but no hotfix as of yet, normally we should see a hotfix, or maybe in a few hours hopefully.


    Well, I don't think that matter really since it's the same bug isn't?

    Yes its the same location/boss but it is not really the same issue. Now the bombs just doesnt effect on any of the 3 ''Grav Conveyors'' and like i mentionned the path finding of the boss's also broken. But i guess the devs will probably just test the mission by themself and figure out the problem anyway.

  3. On 23/07/2017 at 1:09 AM, QQ420NovA said:

    Hey , after destroying the first two Grav Conveyors and picking up the last "explosive" , I threw it in the last Grav Conveyor , but it didnt explode for some reason. I couldnt pick it up nor extract. No raptor respawned , but he still "spoke" to me. eventually time ran out and the mission failed.


    I tried "resetting" the room by walking far away but it didnt do anything :[


    screenshot :




    not sure if helpful , but it might be :)

    Someone can explain me why is that now OP ? Thats outdated from July.

    Now thats not only the last pipe that is broken but all of thems.

    And the boss's also bugged ( He's staying and getting stuck in the ''Portal things/Pipes'' instead of moving around the room sometime), and thats end that the bomb just fall into the ''pipe'' and u cant pick it up.

     Anyway just making sure that the devs dont just fix the same issues from July .

  4. This boss is totally broken, ive watched a tons of videos on youtube about how to beat it (because i though that was maybe me who was doing something wrong).

    But no, you cant beat that boss actually , hes broken, everytime you drop the bombs in the pipe holes nothing is happening.

    That need to be fixed because i have nothing to do to keep progressing in the game beside that.

    And before someone tell me that i am doing something wrong, im not; ive tried reseting the mission like 10 times and with 10 differents parties and nothing change.

    So now im stuck because i need to kill him to unlock saturn junction..

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