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Posts posted by Aramanth

  1. For some reason my block isn't working when I use the melee weapon.  At first I thought it was a nerf to knuckle weapons but even using the Silva & Aegis I can't block at all.  I checked my configurations and I have the right mouse button set up for blocking like normal but it just doesn't do anything.  Am I missing something here?

  2. I just think auras shouldn't stack.  As hilarious as it was to see my rhino literally frozen in his tracks for this event, it made me a sitting duck to six eximus packing detrons.


    And no, I wasn't rushing.  I opened the door to the next area and apparently they were having some sort of party to celebrate Disney's newest animated film about an ice queen and talking snowmen and letting things go.

  3. I can understand that after two weeks of gameplay you have seen and experienced some things and you built yourself a point of view on the different topics. 


    Most people that are angry about the ammo nerf use the launcher weapons for high end gameplay. Reaching pass a certain amount of waves or pass a set timer on the clock for survivals, you dont oneshot things anymore. If you have cleared your first few planets, you must have found out that in survival, difficulty scales with time. In defense, it scales with waves. But you warframe and the defense objective stays the same. Where at waves 1 to 20, the pod can take a couple of hits from a few ennemies and still be ok, its not the case in later waves. Thats where the launcher weapons shined there brightest. True, 20 rockets or grenades is alot if you kill an entire group of ennemies, but what if it takes you 4,5 rockets/grenades or even more then one clip? True, you could roam around and gather more, but then youd let the objective die or get one shotted by critters trying to rip your face off. 


    And that is why people are &!$$ed for the ammo nerf. not for early game like you have experienced, but for late game and challenging gameplay that now needs to be rethought of a bit


    What's interesting about this is, if your username has anything to do with it, you haven't experienced the nerf yet (unless they released the nerf on PS4 anyway).  Yet you make the most sense out of anyone who's used these launcher weapons.  


    Really, the only thing I can say to counter this is we have two other weapons to use.  Have one launcher for AOE, but also a medium-long range weapon as backup if you run out of ammo.  Use that on enemies if the launcher can't kill them in one hit.  Switching back and forth when one runs out of ammo should help refill the other one.

  4. Yes, that's usually what ham fisting something means; doing it really badly.

    Also, it still hasn't really ruined her for me, as I, in all honsety, pretty much skipped all the cutscenes.


    Come on, I wrote more than just that.   >.>


    I'm agreeing with you to a point.  This last patch showed us reducing the ammo of OP weapons down caused a massive outcry of people who can't live with the fact of maybe, possibly, using another weapon.  How much backlash would there be if DE gave a face and personality to Tenno and destroyed the fans' waifus?

  5. Samus isn't exactly mute, she did have a monologue in Fusion, but they ham fisted the actor and the lines for Other M.

    And remember, she really hasn't had anyone to talk to, and Retro did the good thing in the third Prime by not having her talk. Doesn't mean she can't.


    And ruined her.  She was a badass female protagonist who killed pirate dragons and mutant jellyfish that turn into giant turtle monsters and blew up planets because it was Tuesday.   Giving her a voice (one approved by the company that made her, no less) gave her a distinct personality that most likely differed from what we saw her as.  



    The same with the Tenno.  I could claim Rhino is an arrogant jock with a crush on Ember and Valkyr's essentially River Tam as an adult but then DE decides something completely different and ruins my (and anyone else's) interpretation of them.  It's best to just keep them masked and muted.

  6. That's why I suggested that be rewarded like another helmet - you either use it if you like it or you pretend it doesnt even exist


    Problem is by putting it into the game it does exist.  This is like giving a voice and personality to a mute protagonist in a game like....I don't know....Samus Aran from Metroid.


    Look how that turned out.

  7. And I bet there are a lot of people who take offense that you use that overused arsenal setup. Not me, really, as I usually solo or play with friends, but you're most likely ticking a few people off in pubs.


    Not my problem if they do.  I'm not playing with him because he's easy mode, I'm playing with him because he's a tank and I love playing tank characters in game.  The same reason I love my valkyr and want to give Saryn a try one day.  Boltor Prime's just been reliable for me most of the time too, but so has the ignis and tysis and even the heat dagger.  I play with what I like, it just irks me people assume I suck at the game because I play with my favorite character.  It's like playing as Metaknight in Smash bros. because you think Metaknight's a cool character not because he's broken and OP.



    Not sure I understand this right, but why is Rhino your main then?


    I like tank characters.  I like being the big guy who soaks up damage for the team.



    For the record, I'm one of the few players I've met that actually likes having Nova nuke the screen.  It means S#&$'s getting done.  Keep in mind I'm on your side:




    Get a Soma/Boltor/Paris Prime and get rid of that Latron dammit


    Yes, how dare we have variety in our weapon loadouts.

  8. The mystery behind the Tenno is we don't know too much about what they look like under the suit.  It'd ruin the mystique if we can dress Valkyr in skimpy outfits and jump around a HUB world like this was World of Warcraft.

  9. Corpus are clones????

    I thought that it only was the Grineer


    I must've mistyped, sorry. :(  What I'm saying is if the cloned army (grineer) has females, why don't the normal people (Corpus)?  You can say "well, the grineer are ruled by women." but I counter with "then why make male grineer?"

  10. *Internally laughing* Ahh, I pity the haters of oberon.

    Also, think about a female corpus... Just


    Why do pepole want more female ennemies... They are still waiting for sayrin-like bewbs


    If I wanted to play a game for %$#, I'd play Scarlet Blade.  I'm just trying to make sense why the race that mass produces clones like they're trading cards has more females than the cultists.

  11. He's some guy from Youtube, not the lead singer of Aerosmith!  What difference does it make if he or Markiplier or the Game Grumps, or even MasaeAnela, give their approval?



    ....Well, maybe if Masae gives approval....


    Look, I was one of the many people who hated the UI.  I still do, it's a stupid concept.  You can't have third person menus without your character blocking your view somewhat.  I have screenshots of it, and even after the fix it's still not that good when playing a fat frame like Rhino.  But, and this is the important part, I've gotten used to it.  Yes, I miss the old star system, but I've gotten used to it.  Yes, the old menus were superior, but I've gotten used to it.  I've learned to deal with it and just accept the change like everyone else should.  DE might make a few tweaks here and there to make it better, but they're not going to revert back to the way it was or even add an option to give us the old UI.

  12. Because a common mod not worth much.  It will cost you more credits than a fusion core if you attempt to using it to fusion.

    Rare mod can be use as a transmutation fodder. :P


    *mean while, marking a thumper mod at a starting room*


    To each his own.  Since credits are so easy for me to make now the costs are negligible.

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