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Posts posted by Troyard-Slaine

  1. 31 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

    Titles a little wrong there... "again" is kinda saying he was great sometime in the past. 

    As he is.. hes always had an identity crisis. His skills all have priest/cleric/paladin names.. but they're all radiation based? And for some reason he keeps getting shoved at the nature theme. 

    His #1 should really just be like a bolt of lightning from the sky on an enemy or group of enemies, you know.. as if god smited them. Goes by the name. Smite. With your addition of blind though.. ZAP, BOOM! then all things around it get blinded from the light? 

    Not sure I can really picture your #2 in my head, sounds like way too much going on. Can't he just say a prayer and buff his allies with the status immunity instead of having to corral his sheep into a pen. 

    #3, agreed. BUT I'd also rather not the stupid thing turn off when I hit full life if I have duration remaining on the timer. Makes the death timer buff useless on it. 

    #4 an increase to range would be nice, to around other AOE frames. You can't really build him for it if he can't reach the enemies. Damage wise hes still okay. its more than most frames, you just cant reach many enemies with its short range. 


    More to the point though, his abilities don't just have to be balanced within themselves.. that leaves him a boring frame. He needs his abilities to actually function together and have some sort of focus. like.. they'll all benefit from range mods.. or duration mods.. etc. currently he kinda has a heal thats the inverse of the others by needing pwr/duration, instead of range, his ult needs pwr+range but less duration, his #1 needs Power and duration mainly with some range.. and his box.. you tell me, i never use it cus I never stand still long enough to use it effectively


    Makes him viable for late game Excavation and Defense xD

    A lightning bolt? Nah Volt needs a better looking 1st

    I do understand your thoughts on #2 but hey people forget Frost is also an offensive frame because he has a nice looking sheep pen xD


  2. 22 minutes ago, ScribbleClash said:

    Oberon is not a Paladin. He is a Paladin/Druid-type. Thus fixating on only the one aspect would be a fatal flaw.

    A Druid is a Priest in a Celtic region. They still use the power of light

  3. I hear rumors of Oberons rework and on the wiki it says he will so hopefully it's a nice rework and not just because Titania is coming into play but because Oberon actually needed it.

    Alright so here's my ideas for his abilities:

    Ability #1: His 1 should keep the proc on the target but instead of shooting balls out it should blind enemies within proximity of the target (as he is a paladin who are users of light I believe he should have more blinds) affected by power range and duration of course. Think about it.. you proc radiation on the target and as the enemies in proximity are blinded it will kill them xD

    Ability #2: The power of light is very versatile so I believe his 2 ability should be able to switch between two skills almost like Ivara with her 4 skills on her first ability. It should keep the box like thing on the ground but the first part of the skill is DEFENSIVE you put carpet on the ground and walls come up making it like an actual 3D box. Enemies can walk through the walls but are blinded upon entry. Bullets cannot pass through said walls xD. The second skill which is a switch to like Ivaras is the same thing a 3D box but it does DAMAGE and survivors receive the Radiation proc or blind (I don't really care which). I would say it would work similar to the Hado #90 http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kurohitsugi

    (not a bleach fan I just think it would work for Broberon) And of course all is affected by range and duration^  DMG of 2 is affected by power strength

    Ability #3: Come on DE you know we all don't want that travel time >.>

    Ability #4: I like it but it could use an increase of base range so stretch alone could get it to 36m and the DMG (T_T) please buff it.<I am thinking though because his #2 would be more versatile then his 4 could be a buff to all allies. Sorta like the smeeta kavats (aye that animal synergy though) casting it gives a random 1 of 4 buffs (can recast to stack and get new buff) affected by pwr strength, duration,and range should be the affinity range> Buffs could be armor increase, damage increase, immunity, or speed increase.

    NOT asking for Oberon to become OP just if he's going to be a versatile frame then make it to where his abilities are balanced within themselves.

    PS: Bro's augments are trash


  4. I've been thinking about

    Mirage: Offense and Defence, good frame against all factions.

    Mag P: CC/DMG/Lock, good against all factions.

    Mesa: DMG/Solo, good against all factions.

    I want something that can solo/team play but not need an EV Trinity to shine.

    I'm just bored of the Meta's Rhino, Loki, Nyx, Nova, Trinity and I need something new.

    Also could you give me a brief description of why I should choose one over the other and if you have a suggestion that is not of these 3 please let me know.

    I currently have Loki P, Ash P, Nyx P, Rhino P, Frost P, Nova P, Chroma, Volt P, Equinox, Excalibur, Oberon, and Hydroid


  5. No not puppet master but at least a warframe that uses strings maybe for some forms of crowd control.

    I honestly have no concept ideas besides that^

    As for Limbo..

    •  Sending enemies to the rift should a % of their health like Trinity's EV.
    • Limbos 4th Cataclysm should increase in size the longer you hold down the button to use it. Just like Ivara the farther she walks the more energy is drained. For Limbo of course the longer he holds the bigger the bubble the more energy is drained.
    • Rift Surges name should be changed to Rift Purge and all the enemies in the rift should be blinded as if under the effects of Excals Radial Blind. That way Limbo could be used for finishers and it would benefit his teammates more than Rift Surge as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                
  6. Bid starts at 150p for both imprints and increases in increments of 50p. Buyout is 600-700p 800p and kubrow will be insta sold. Auction will end 2 days after first bid unless buyout is met.

    PM me for pictures and meet me in game @ Troyard-Slaine for an in person depth.

    (PS.Its not letting me post my images.-__- "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

    FlySocietyKicks winning auction @150p
  7. Bid starts at 150p for both imprints and increases in increments of 50p. Buyout is 600-700p 800p and kubrow will be insta sold. Auction will end 2 days after first bid unless buyout is met.

    PM me for pictures and meet me in game @ Troyard-Slaine for an in person depth.

    (PS.Its not letting me post my images.-__- "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."



  8. Name: Tigris

    Age: Puppy

    Gender: Male

    Subspecies: Sunika

    Build: Looks to be muscly/bulky

    Height: Presently knee-height but still a puppy

    Fur Colour/Pattern: Bright Orange with black stripes, white inner ears and a cream/grey belly. MAY potentially have a black lotus symbol on the face, or at least markings similar to that (faded black).







    Bidding by default will be for 1 imprint, if you wish to place a bid for both imprints please specify in your post, thank you!

    I will update this post next reset once he reaches maturity to confirm final appearance :)



    150p per imprint - Troyard-Slaine

    Check your inbox for  PM

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