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Posts posted by ShadowOfThorns

  1. A virtual reality room (Shooting Range) where you can spawn your scanned mobs. You can pick a level 10-30-60. So you can damage test you weapons you currently own.

    I love the idea of the codex scanner being good for something now!

  2. Perhaps if they increased shots per second a lot, a bigger mag, and a halved reload time.

    Then it would be useful, and they could save the crit and status for the prime.

  3. I think that the community should have the power to ok new warframes and or help dream up new ones.

    There seems to be a lot of chatter about how one warframe is too weak or one is just like another or that it doesn't live up to its description, ect.

    Maybe we can lessen this by having new warframes/abilities be put on the forum polls or something similar so the players can decide.

    Yes, I do have some ideas myself, but I'd rather there stop being so much whining over how much platinum is wasted.

    Think about is DE, you could easily make MORE money if the newest warframe was well loved before it's release. Maybe you could even tie new weapons into this system so the players get what they want and you get what you want.

  4. We NEED a place to practice combat skill, try out new weapons, master wallrun combat, ect.

    Maybe use selectable factions/target dummies.

    Maybe then we could be better Tenno, not to mention a good place for new players to experiment.

    P.S. I love the idea of an armory. Maybe you could attach it to the place I just described so we could try out a weapon prior to purchase.

  5. could you per-chance make it possible to survive solo missions? lower level players are getting creamed with the new prologue. maybe up the difficulty as the party grows?


    also, making EVERYTHING only buyable with platinum is really quite unfair, you force some of us to craft every-single-thing we need, sticking us with low-powered weapons far past an appropriate level. 

  6. my launcher has glitched.

    it is "zoomed in" so that i can only see parts of the update area and the upper left corner of the launch button.

    launcher reboot has not resolved problem.

    i can still play, but it is difficult to receive and read any news( such as the new prologue)


    has this happened to anyone else?

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