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Posts posted by Suprkeke

  1. Apparently, the only type of 'challenge' DE believes in, are pwn-auras of doom.


    Actually making enemies 'tough,' however, is a no-no.


    Go figure.

    How about make Lephantis actually hard. Hard as in "you should have good weapons, high shields/hp and/or very good reflexes or you'll die" instead of "Oh you want to use a rusty shotgun and a broken sword, don't worry, we'll turn Lephantis from T-Rex to a chicken".

  2. Having bosses scale as your conclave rating increases is a system, which basically PUNISHES players for improving their gear with level ups, high tier mods and even equipping their frame with a primary, secondary and a melee weapon.


    Imagine having to kill a boss called X with a level 30 Lato. Bad damage, low fire rate, small clip. Just a bad weapon in general. You do manage to kill the boss after struggling for 20 minutes. After that you level up some more, grab twin vipers, level them up and go back to boss X to try out your new weapon which deals 10 times more damage and has 5 times higher fire rate than your old shabby Lato.


    The first thought that pops into mind is that the boss has no chance, and this is as it SHOULD be. Unfortunately due to scaling the boss now has 10 times more health and 5 times more armor taking yet again 20 minutes to kill. Can you see what's wrong with this picture?


    DE should add content appropriate to high-tier/maxed out players instead of just mindlessly scaling beginner content linearly harder depending on what the player is wearing.

  3. I'm on the forums to help make suggestions to see if more interesting things can be added to the game. You apparently, are just here complaining that the game takes too much effort to play, which to me, means that you need to go away and play a different game, as apparently this is one is too much work for you.


    EDIT: Also feel free to remind me how much money you are pumping into this game per month, and we can discuss what DE owes you in the way of handouts.


    In one play month you can unlock basically everything. One play month is a lot longer play time then ANY game I have on Steam, as the play time on those ends 10 hours max into the single player mode, and then only thing left if PvP "grind" because a lot of things are locked behind other things, ie guns in MW2.


    Free games don't owe you anything, and putting some bumps in your way is not the same as stopping you.


    I fail to see why you would want to unlock more then one frame and one gun. Oh, for the challenge? Well, stop complaining then and treat grinding weapons as challenge, or simply don't do it.

    PvP really isn't a grind since the environment is dynamic. Grinding a weapon from unranked to 30 is a grind because we're playing vs an AI which doesn't change its' playstyle according to what we do.


    The reason people level frames and weapons are pretty simple: a) variety b) to achieve something (mastery rank, a full collection of secondary weapons etc.)


    "Free games don't owe you anything" that statement is true. If a free game wants to stay alive, though, they'd darn better listen to feedback from customers. While some of us play and pay, and some only play without paying, all customers are important to ANY and EVERY game. I did actually take your advice to go away and play a different game, had huge fun with Rust and Rocksmith 2014 this afternoon. Since you seem to like WF very much you'd better hope the majority of us aren't that easily driven from this game or you'll end up playing alone.


    Faster leveling also nets DE money. Players will use Formae & Orokin Reactors/Catalysts to Frame, Weapons and Sentinels/Kubrows, some of which will be bought from the market with platinum.


    Your comment on why players would "want to unlock more than one frame and one gun" is just pure f*cking stupid. What other real content does the game offer other than trying to obtain that better weapon, trying to obtain this new frame, praying for that one mod drop and then maxing them? If we'd all play with the same principle that "all you need is one frame and one weapon" the game would've been dead and buried ~a month after closed beta.


    EDIT: Comparing Warframe to CoD single/multi player warrants you to be stamped with "RETARD" in the forehead. WF is an MMO RPG-Shooter-Hack 'n Slash mashup IN 3RD PERSON while CoD is an online FPS game with minor RPG elements (killstreak bonuses, weapon attachments etc). Also, the main focus in CoD is the MULTIPLAYER. Most online FPS games have a very weak single player campain if ANY at all.

  4. Here's a quick solo exp test I had after I decided to start grinding a bit again.


    To get the gun to max level, you need 450 K exp. (warframe, 900k. If you spam 4 only, double the exp gained

    This is via Affinity quest also completed.

    Use only that weapon for it

    No booster.


    5 minutes Pluto DS (for secondary weapon grinding)




    Exp gained : 25 k. Needs about 18 runs to max level. Assumin about 7 minutes to get in and leave at 5 minutes, it takes 126 or 2 hours and 6 minutes without booster to get to max. (Note : this comes with 360k credit)


    30 minutes T1 Survival (for any weapon)




    EXp gained : 163 k. Needs about 3 runs to max level so about 93 minutes (in-out 3 times).


    Assuming some time wasted in apollo and random stage to get weapon to lv 10ish so you can mod it, it takes about 15 minutes at most so for quick solo grind, it takes about 108 minutes - 141 minutes to reach the max level for one weapon.


    For warframe, spam 4 only = 108 - 141 minutes as well, probably less because of the huge range. If grinding another weapon at the same time, it takes 216 - 282 minutes to get both the frame and 2 weapon to max level.


    So yeah, even with the eximus nerf, it doesn't really take long to grind. The only thing really removed was "AFK leech" method. If you have a team of 4, the rate is even faster since the spawn is 3-4x more. Get a good group, go T1 survival run and enjoy getting stuffs maxed in 2 30-minute runs.


    Was this after the hotfix? I did a couple of Sechura runs in Pluto and I noticed slightly increased XP gains (volatile runners & chargers 80xp -> 102xp or so). Eximus units seemed to give around 450-500xp.

  5. Why can't we have something like this


    EDIT: they'd still have to fine tune all the menus (scaling, giving us the option to make mod list etc. static, different styles of display for foundry etc.)

    EDIT2: Another option would be to make the UI in .lua and allow users to customize it as they see fit. Player made UIs could be pretty cool.



  6. Maybe your XP gain went down by 75% because the amount of members in the squad you were supposed to have for good XP gain was 75% too low.


    Get a full squad, maybe get the guts to go past wave 5, then you'll see those numbers at the end of mission screen fly up.


    I've been leveling my Vauban in Sechura/ODD till wave 20-30. I can tell you that the XP numbers don't 'fly up'. You're lucky to get a level and a half.

  7. Don't tell me you're playing Infected or Apollodorus.

    What does it matter? Formula for XP is Total_experience = 0.1425 * base_exp * (current level)^0.5 + base_exp

    • Base Exp: the base experience value for the enemy. 
    • Current Level: the level of your target enemy.

    Assume a monster has a base exp value of 100. Killing a level 10 enemy of that type would award you with ~145 exp points. Killing a level 50 enemy of that type would award you ~200 experience points. Killing a level 100 monster (found on Defense wave 40+) would award you a whopping ~242 experience points.


    Tell me which is harder to kill: a level 100 ancient with ~100k hp or 2 level 10 ancients with ~1k hp?


    It will actually be faster to kill hordes of low level monsters than to try and farm high level ones since every monster type has a set amount of EXP they reward, which is then SLIGHTLY affected by the monsters level.


    Also, nerfing the XP rates DOESN'T make leveling Frames and Weapons any HARDER than it was before the patch. It isn't any more difficult to play a defense map to wave 40 or survive until 40 minutes on a survival map now compared to pre-patch. What the nerf does is make you repeat that mindless repetition aka grind multiple times instead of just once or twice as it was before.


    PS. To make things even more difficult Defense maps seem to be bugging as every time I've played one to wave 30 and tried to continue towards 35 our group disconnects and gets "session closed" error message. Fun times indeed.

  8. I've been playing a couple Infested Hive maps now and I absolutely think they're brilliant. The amount of enemies you're facing there compared to Defense and Survival maps is just astonishing.


    I'm wondering why Survival or Defense missions aren't like that as well? Sure, there's groups of enemies in both mission types but compared to Hive missions the amount is lower by a big margin. Also, I dislike survival maps because some maps enemies are hard to come by - they spawn in such low numbers that sometimes reaching even 20 minutes can be hard.


    What if we could select between 2 different difficulties when starting a mission?


    Normal - this would be just the way it is now.


    Hard - selecting this difficulty would spawn 2x-5x more enemies. More Heavy/Ancient monsters, more Eximus units. The rewards for completing maps on the Hard setting would be increased as well. In Survival missions you would get two random rewards every 5 minutes. The same would apply to Defense where you would gain two random rewards once you claim & exit.


    Nightmare - unchanged.


    I believe a change like this would be things a tad bit more interesting and exciting. Survival would feel like survival instead of the current hide-and-seek with the enemies, where you desperately try to find groups of monsters instead of the monsters swarming on and around you. Defense maps would be more interesting as well when you'd have a couple dozen enemies zerging your group and the cryopod from every direction.



  9. This is just bullS#&$. Survival for 20 minutes and my Vauban went from lvl 13 to 14. Leveling weapons and frames is boring. Having a maxed out weapon or frame and then pushing it to the limits is fun (solo surv 60min+, solo def wave 50+ etc.)



  10. 1. Make helmets have an enchantment slot (every helmet)

    2. Bring back the old arcane helmet stats as enchantments which you can obtain from alerts and get as a drop from void missions.

    3. You can now add the enchantment to boost your frames' stats to ANY helmet you wish.

  11. Try bringing an unranked weapon to ODD / Sechura Pluto. ~25-30 waves would net you around 10-15 levels on the weapon, now you can barely get 5. This patch basically turned WF into a korea grind. Artificially increasing content longevity by nerfing XP rates isn't the way to go.


    Glad I managed to forma my Boltor Prime 4 times and my Penta 6 times before the patch. With the current rates creating weapons like those would take weeks.

  12. Nope. Yes it is very buggy, but I still love it.


    Also, ever since the start of the update, I don't even have the Region and Trading  tab on my chat. AND I can't even trade, let alone have access to my dojo's trading kiosk, while everyone in my clan is able to. Did I complain and start a thread about it? Nope. I went immediately to send in a ticket and told about this bug. Only to have a reply for me to wait on the next hotfix. Next hotfix comes in and I still don't have Region and Trading tab on my chat and still can't trade.  


    Still not complaining over here. I'll just go back and have fun with my Mirage and petting my Kubrow.


  13. IGN: Suprkeke


    Prime Parts


    Ankyros Prime Blade 

    Bo Prime BP

    Bo Prime Ornament

    Boar Prime BP

    Boar Prime Receiver

    Boar Prime Stock

    Boltor Prime Receiver

    Boltor Prime Stock (3)

    Braton Prime BP

    Bronco Prime Barrel

    Bronco Prime BP

    Burston Prime Barrel (3)

    Burston Prime Receiver (2)

    Dakra Prime Handle

    Ember Prime Blueprint

    Ember Prime Chassis (2)

    Ember Prime Helmet (3)

    Fang Prime Blade (2)

    Frost Prime Chassis (4)

    Frost Prime Helmet (3)

    Frost Prime Systems (2)

    Glaive Prime Disc

    Latron Prime Barrel

    Latron Prime BP

    Latron Prime Receiver

    Lex Prime Barrel

    Loki Prime BP (3)

    Mag Prime BP (3)

    Mag Prime Chassis

    Mag Prime Helmet

    Orthos Prime Blade

    Orthos Prime Handle

    Paris Prime Lower Limb

    Paris Prime String (2)

    Reaper Blade (2)

    Reaper Handle

    Rhino Prime Systems

    Sicarus Prime Barrel (5)

    Sicarus Prime BP (2)

    Sicarus Prime Receiver

    Wyrm Prime BP


    Stance Mods


    Bleeding Willow

    Burning Wasp

    Clashing Forest

    Cleaving Whirlwind

    Coiling Viper

    Fracturing Wind

    Gleaming Talon (maxed)

    Grim Fury

    Homing Fang

    Iron Phoenix

    Reaping Spiral

    Seismic Palm
    Shattering Storm

    Sinking Talon

    Sundering Weave

    Swirling Tiger


    Whisper me ingame with what you need.

  14. So it's not just me... Sorry, I didn't see your post.

    Anybody knows if it's intentional?

    Hopefully not. It just adds more pain to the painful grind that is unranked to 30 :(. It's especially annoying couple with the fact that you have to forma most rifles multiple times forcing you to level them from unranked to 30 3-6 times.

  15. So to summarize what people feel:

    Half of the user base don't mind the new UI.

    Half the user base absolutely hate the new UI.


    Half the user base tell the other half to get used to it.

    Half the user base tell others why it is bad and they want the old one back.


    Half the user base are getting sick over the new UI.

    Half the user base are semi-alright with the new UI.


    I think with all these opinions and desired changes that people want and throw about i say we give them a week or so since they did just release this update, while it may have not pleased many some have enjoyed and some have had bad or worse experience with it as opposed to others who have had a swimmingly good time with it.


    All these hate/change the UI/give us back the old UI threads need to quiet down not because that the new UI is here to stay but there is a thread dedicated to this new UI feedback. You have to remember that some changes you might not personally agree with but you can't do anything about but relay feedback as to why you don't (make sure it is positive feedback). 

    How about give us a choice between the "classic" and current UIs? Unless DE's plan is to sell UI packs & bug fixes for platinum in the future..

  16. and that is a good thing, i dont understand whys so many people hate this new UI, sure you have to click a few times more, and you cant aces everything instantly with one button but, have you guys  even tried everything out before you start complaining and saying  that the old one was better. The new one is even faster in many parts for example, you can create your own weapons+Frame loadouts+Sentinel and finally  everyone stays in the lobby after a key mission. Sure many things are bugged atm and dont work properly but seriously start adapting and stop complaining.


    Its a few days after patch day after all.


    By the way, everyone that says the new UI is made for controller purpose and not mouse/keybord  dont even have an idea what crap they talking about because the controls are horrible with controller

    For some reason I feel like people like this guy have never played a game with a good working UI. That their experience comes from playing these "B Grade" games with micro-transactions (F2Ps/Koreagrinds).

  17. your analogy is not accurate.

    an accurate analogy to major new mechanics in Warframe would be if Toilet Paper manufacturers decided to use a different kind of fiber for the paper. a fiber which, isn't quite as smooth, doesn't hold together quite as well, needs to be a bit thicker, but is completely renewable and can be offered for a fraction of the price.


    or something like that.


    as that's more akin to mechanics and interfaces which are fresh off the boat and will be tweaked forthcoming, rather than trying to imply that this Update is deliberately trying to harm your experience of the game.

    The thing is the new UI can't be fixed by minor changes, it needs an overhaul. Currently ANYTHING you want to do requires you to go through tons of menus. Planet chart doesn't show what resources drop from which planet unless you select that planet. Also, the planets only show their name if you hover your mouse over them.


    Party interface is broken. Why can't we first invite people to party, then select the mission we want to play? I do like that you can see party members weapons, their levels etc. but still it's a mess.


    These new 3Dish menus might be nice if this was the 1990s. Unfortunately it's the year 2014 and menus like these aren't functional. They are beautiful to look at but that's about it.


    The mods menu has also taken a biiiig step backwards. Pre-U14 you could go into your mods and from there you could fuse, sell, transmute and view your mods. Everything under ONE menu. Now we have to go to mods and from there select mod collection, sell mods, fuse mods or transmute mods menu separately.

  18. There's lots of people who don't like the new UI system and even more drones who keep repeating the "give it some time, you'll get used to it" mantra.


    Bad is bad. Bad won't magically become good with time passing.


    To all those people who say "give it time": imagine this. Toilet paper manufacturers decide to replace soft toilet paper with this. FUcj5W0.jpg

    Sure, it's new, shiny and exciting but it will make your @ss bleed and hurt every time you wipe. Naturally you complain "But toilet paper companies, this new product will make my @ss bleed every time I go to the toilet" and the toilet paper company replies "Give it some time, eventually your @sshole will harden and develop callouses causing you to bleed and hurt less, you'll get used to it".


    My point is: not all changes are good. Taking a step forward in visuals while taking two steps back on functionality is not worth it.

  19. Just did an ODD till wave 30 with a new frame, I went from lvl 11->lvl 18. That's basically ~25-35% LESS than pre-patch. To top that I was playing nova casting M prime and shooting with penta so I got loads of kills (=bonus XP).



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