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Posts posted by (PSN)Artennos

  1. The thing is if Valkyr is not invencible then there's no point in using Hysteria. Excalibur Exalted Blade can sed energy waves that doesn't require him to be close for melee! But for hysteria, Valkyr needs to be really close and if she's not invencible she'll die before being able to melee the target. 


    I seriously don't understand why people have so  may problems with this. if it was a competitive game I would agree but considering is a PVE game where everyone benefits from the experience I see no real issues here! Buff those frames that needs buffing YES but not nerf those who perform well! 


    Valkyr's immortality doesn't affect other players experiences or gameplay. She doesn't other people gameplay, she's actually very helpful.

  2. I gotta say i'm really happy with Excal, Frost and Valkyr. Haven't tested Saryn yet but I do like she seems to be more than just Miasma everything and move on! Definitey more active...at least I think so!


    Considering Rhino is already good, he just needs some tune up, I'm not worried. But i'm very curious to know what will be done to Mag. Everything from powers to passive ability! Just wish she  would come with a deluxe skin of her own, lol

  3. All this discussion about the Gersemi skin won't change the date anyway. Also, Drew already explained why they delayed it. While people create chaos the skin is 2 freom being released and I'm sure it won't be delayed again. Hold your horses people!

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