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Posts posted by unclebubba

  1. Because of that, building for crits on it is a total waste. 15% critical chance? Times 1.5 is 22.5% chance. Times two bullets with Split Chamber, and the chance of any given squeeze of the trigger going critical comes out at 40%.  

    Your math is wrong. The crit mod gives 150% extra critical for rifles. That's 15% * 2.5 for 37.5% base crit. Point strike at 100% doubles crit, 150% is 2.5x.

  2. Ok I am starting to get &!$$ed. I did over 50 GOD DAMN invasion mission AGAINST grineer and I still don't have a single mark!! What does it requires to have one!?


    PS: I did received the first mark after the patch, killed him AND I did over 50 invasion mission siding with corpus and still no mark.

    Did you kill them solo? If not you may not have been the one targeted by them and thus you are still marked. It's confusing because there is NO WAY to know who they target since lotus/G3 talk to everyone regardless of target.

    If there is a way it's very vague and easily missed.

  3.  How about the chance of spawn increasing slightly every time you do a valid mission and it doesn't spawn?

    This works. It realistically simulates the people hunting you down closing in on you as you keep about your business. They want you dead, I'm surprised they allow us to run amok and slaughter their army without swift punishment.

  4. Yet another reason why the RNG bosses are poo. Too many factors involved to make it fair or even fun.

    And yes, the ping limit seems to do nothing as far as finding good hosts, only keeps you out of some of them.

  5. These brutal drop chances PLUS spawn chances do nothing but demoralize players that have bad luck and drive them away. I can't even count the number of people I saw leave groups I was in saying something along the lines of "I'm giving up until they buff this to be reasonable." 

    Please make them drop at least one part (not each, just one part, leaving RNG to still roll the part) like the Harvester. That would be fair.

    Another alternative is make the BP/Parts tradeable.


  6. Notice: Undefined variable: msg in _mod_warframe_auth_reset_account_form_submit() (line 3996 of/var/www/live/sites/all/modules/mod_warframe_auth/mod_warframe_auth.module).

  7. I'd like to see well of life and energy vampire just be tweaked to be full party buffs instead of target based debuffs with the same duration/effects. It gets annoying when you can't use your powers on almost every type on enemy aside from bosses and some (not all) heavy mobs. Everything just dies too fast in order for you to be able to make use of them on the small stuff.

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