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Posts posted by NovemberCalamity

  1. I am honestly not sure if some high leveled Excalibur or Mag pissed you off or you're just trying to sweep a mess under the rug but no, these nerfs/debuffs/​Other terms that relate to the degradation of an item game-wise are unacceptable. I enrages me when you said Mag should just be nerfed and kicked aside, it shows how much consideration that you are putting into this post. As for why Line of Sight (LoS) is a nerf is simple:


    1) Warframe's maps are too clunky. Its a common problem, I love Ash lots and his 3rd skill Teleport would not work on an enemy behind cover when I could see that enemy completely. "Target is blocked".... Clunky.


    2) Why bother putting in AoEs that doesn't go through terrain when they place so much god damn obstacles. Logic aside, Example Mag's skills and Excalibur's Radial Blind You will find that AoE skills that is restricted under LoS, won't hit much, unless they are right up in your face which is a fifty, fifty. Fifty,Fifty as some cases you reach a room filled with obstacles, next you reach a room where enemies just spawn. However when they are at your face, would you try and cast an AoE.... Yeah but you could take advantage of their grouping and cut them into halves, wouldn't that be efficient?.... All in all, efficiency when you need AoE, down so its a bad thing.


    3) Lastly, there are Death stares in Warframe. Why ? High level enemies stare at you while firing their weapons of death and destruction at you which ends your life seconds before you even cast your spell if you don't have your Natural Talent on. Even with Natural Talent, running into the middle of enemies and doing your AoE..... Not the brightest idea unless you're Rhino. An example as usual would be Excalibur's Radial Javelin can blind the enemies but it doesn't for long and seeing as Excali doesn't have much defenses, Wallhack Grineers and Laser accurate Corpus will destroy him.


    In conclusion, these Nerfs are telling us, "No these Warframes can't late game, please use Loki only I know there are more late game Frames but...."  I don't want that. All Warframes are Overpowered Space Ninjas and they should all be able to handle some form of Late game. Right ?

  2. One annoying thing that bugs me is that whenever you want to do a mission you always check what faction you're going against and the mission type. The problems come whenever you have to transition from one enemy type to another (eg: Grineer to Corpus) or one Mission type to another (eg: Survival to Defense) and makes forgetful people like me forget to switch loadouts for the occasion. So I wish you could implement a box where by it allows you to switch Loadouts, Weapon configs as well as consumables to make preparing a little bit more easier as honestly, its quite a hassle switch the equipment from the arsenal. 

  3. I have been playing Warframe for a few months now and I loved it. However, not sure after which patch my FPS would plummet after some time. It has only became worst through time and I went to look for solutions online. Some say that offing 64 bit would help improve performance which it did. But once again, the solution was only temporary, my Warframe client's FPS would drop after awhile which makes it frustrating to play on Survival and Defense. Now being adventurous, I turned 64 bit back on and switched my performance to the very max, instead of being worst, it became better..... for a little, I am still experiencing FPS drop.... 

    Here are my Specs someone is willing to give me Feedback:

    Processor: Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40Hz 3.80 GHz

    Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB

    System type: 64-bit Operating System


    Additional examples would be me being able to play Planetside 2 with full Specs with little to no lag


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