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Posts posted by Meepsauce

  1. Give me proof...


    Helmet variants are not meant to look like the original...they are made to be different...what that was was just an upgraded MAG helmet giving semblance to a Prime version of her...


    Tell me where that was an alt helmet and I'll abandon my thoughts on it being MAG Prime...



    Give me




    That is exactly what you are seeing, Season 2 of alt helms as Mynki discussed in Livestream #5.




    The main sections of editing on the tablet were related to the head also. I didn't see anything for the body. Considering they're recovering from e3 now and their latest big update just came out and they've still got to iron out the void issues, loot tables, clan-tech weapons, dojos etc, I'd be very surprised if we see another prime shortly. I imagine they'd treat a prime warframe with a bit more sensitivity.

    If the video showing the helmet was a leak why wouldn't they just admit it?

  2. How funny...MAG one of the worst Warframes in this game and she is getting a Prime version before the other females...

    Wasn't that stated as a helmet and not the prime variant?


    Either way, a re-work is needed. I quite like pull because I can tug enemies up to silly spots on defense missions, it can knock-down. The worst abilities are her 2 and 3, they're pretty much useless. Polarize doesn't do enough to be worth the cost, and bullet attractor has no damage bonus. When we have something like Sonar, it's even more useless. But that's because she hasn't been re-worked after these frames came out.


    I find crush fine as it is for everything but very high levels. Armor ignoring would be nice for scalability since I think as it is, a lot of Warframes do not scale well when we're thinking bigger, badder than the enemies currently are (or just higher waves of defense).


    I thought bullet attractor could be re-worked as a target-able defensive shield, bullet repeller, with a chance to ignore shots. Could use it on the Cryopod too.  It's sort of like a probability based chance to ignore damage as opposed to a % damage reduction. Would work nicely on top of Rhino's current Iron Skin or an Overheat Ember etc. The idea of re-working it to aim at weak spots is good too, but I'm not sure how that would work for enemies like Jackal / Lech Kril with changing spots. You could be smart and not use it when those spots have to be hit, but I've had many a mag place a bullet attractor over my sonar as it is.


    Shield Polarize should be re-worked, shield regen would be nice, everyone also seems to agree with an area effect on Polarize too. This would be great for corpus shield drones and the Cryopod. Not many heavies that have shields other than the drones/heavy Grineer though.


    Something I think we should have in the game regardless is self-targeting. I don't believe we currently do? It should just be like, modifier key + ability key to self-cast or something. Maybe block + cast? I don't know if DE would go that far though. Polarizing yourself would be neat.

  3. Well, I liked the update a lot. Thought it was really good stuff, the individual fixes and changes were promising. Movement felt really fun and fluid. Until the hotfix. It's hard to say one step forward, two steps back. Though I suppose in movement speed we all take two steps back for trying to go faster. The initial update was great, stuff like that is encouraged. We can all look past the update issues, the flip animation being a little buggy. But the slide nerf? Putting this controversial change in on a Friday is only going to have the devs come back to a riot again. Shouldn't we have polls on changes like these?


    Anyway, in complete spite of this I have a max switch teleport loki with max rush and dual zorens with max fury to go pub with. 2slow

  4. I found this silly when such weapons were added at all. Twin Vipers have higher stats than Grakata and Dera and they're secondary weapons. Flux rifle will be the third to this list, I assume.


    EDIT: We already have the Ignis adding to this list. Flux rifle will be fourth.


    Also, since secondary weapons can get 220% damage and 120% multishot, they scale far more. So, vipers are 220% damage of 16 with 120% multishot. Dera is 165% of 7 damage with 90% multishot and a higher innate fire rate.


    Also OP, what you use for such beautiful gifs?

  5. So spend the chance at a new polarity slot (which I can potentially use to spare myself 6/7 energy anyway) with a resource I can only get through alerts, void runs or 20 platinum (the price of a potato). A resource also used in clan construction and clan tech weapon construction.


    Am I the only one that finds this counter intuitive? Not forma, make something else that isn't universally required while sharing the same platinum cost.

    It could have a blueprint, it could be alert based also, it could cost 10 platinum. Make the blueprint cost 100k like the Sentinels or something. I'm not using my 20 platinum forma on a potato. While they're easier to obtain there is an equal drain on these and I can only see this becoming a contradictory move that then makes people want to remove their formas too with the next type of potato. .-.


    The reason I state this is because I can't ever see this happening. We'd all be inclined to keep 1 forma but DE would make no return in the process. We'd never have to spend platinum on potatoes. Either that or I've completely mistaken the purpose, in which case I apologize.

  6. We understand this is a beta, we understand things wont be perfect. But when there's potential money on the line and given the nature and context in-game platinum is used for, we would certainly like cleaner implementations of these new items. Extremely low drop rates for said items will only encourage purchases from people who don't realise the odds are scaled far against them, as we saw with the void keys. That will make people unhappy.


    This for many is more of an issue in principle than it is as a game mechanic. I'm sitting on my void keys knowing I cannot get Master Thief currently. But what if I didn't know this, what if I wasn't so pessimistic or hesitant. It's the potential to sink so much into the impossible that we find scariest here.


    First step would be to clean up the tables. Make sure that players can eventually get something good. Who knows, maybe you could adjust drop rate weight based on what drops people have received more often, or a token system could actually solve this for good. You have a similar implementation on the Cronus blueprint that does the inverse (not complaining, just mentioning the opposite has been done once).


    You could even add mods as part of this token system. It might be scary to allow players to get a thunderbolt mod easier, since I'm aware it is a big incentive as part of the 1k platinum bundle. But if it took 10 tokens that's a few void runs. Players that want thunderbolt might want this alternative since void keys are available and group runs can net multiple players tokens. That's one less player whining about how he's wanted <x> mod really bad but he hasn't found it over 200 hours and there's no trading system, etc. This too would encourage void key purchases so people can farm up what they want through this system. It's the "pay to save time" mechanic at work. I realise you have to make money.


    The persistent issue, the core issue in my opinion is not actually too big. It is rather that the chances for the things they want is too little, and the time investment can be very unforgiving. If a player can certainly reach his goal he will be much happier. If a player has done 200 void runs and he's not even certain he'll get what he wants, and he knows he's not any closer to his goal statistically, you can be sure he's getting frustrated, angry and bored. Many games offer a way out of this, through a group roll system on items or by simply having the rare item trade-able. Since the trade system is a no-go for a while - and rightfully so because it is a big undertaking. I would say the token system would be the best system until those commitments are made.


    There's a lot of criticism, a lot of complaining, a lot of whining. I think we certainly need to clear the waters and focus on how to mitigate or fix these problems, merely stating them through frustration gets nowhere, and it doesn't make it any easier on you guys. But I think the fact people are adamant to express this shows they don't want to see this game 'take a fall'. They don't want to just drop the game and forget about it, because there is something wonderful underneath these issues we build a consensus on.

  7. that is a very.... self-centered way to see it.

    YOU only want multishot. YOU think its necessary. YOU are demanding a preference on a system the dev team has clearly stated they dont want in the game.

    can YOU envision farming bots? going out and running constant mission to get the mods people want? slowing down the servers and inflation the price of whatever is being offered?

    cause i can.

    that is a very.... self-centered way to see it.


    The reason why I'm bringing this up is because I don't deserve all these spare mods. There's much guilt and frustration for those who have spare multishot mods that they can't use. I want to be an honest joe and help out a friend


    YOU only want multishot. YOU think its necessary. YOU are demanding a preference on a system the dev team has clearly stated they dont want in the game.

    Read again:

    The reason why I'm bringing this up is because I don't deserve all these spare mods. There's much guilt and frustration for those who have spare multishot mods that they can't use. I want to be an honest joe and help out a friend.


    can YOU envision farming bots? going out and running constant mission to get the mods people want? slowing down the servers and inflation the price of whatever is being offered?


    With these limitations, there will be no economy involved and it will be a system exclusive to players that have ventured deep into the meta and late-game who need their icing on the cake.


    And for one, they're banning people that cheat. For two, a bot in a first person shooter? Would those bots not require decent equipment to even hope to do missions? And then they'd eventually risk bannage. For once the grind in this game has an advantage for such a system.


    And coming back to this: demanding a preference on a system the dev team has clearly stated they dont want in the game.


    We all know that DE doesn't want the dangers of a trading system to corrupt Warframe, and I'm fairly certain that everyone here knows the negative impacts of such a feature.


    Also, if you think DE aren't already thinking about a system similar to this, I'll have an edit on with the livestream with them stating they intend on a very similar system that's even more ambitious than this one.

    EDIT: Here's your link.


    Please, if you're going to give these devs $250 at least support ideas and know what's going on in the game.


    Personally, +1 for sure. I have a friend that badly wants split chamber but has spare shotgun multishots, I have 2 spare split chambers.


    TL;DR read a post before you defend DE.

  8. First, they have to make some reasonable cash.

    Second, this is the standard for online game with RPG elements.

    Sucks, sure, but like i said at the beginning, they have to make some cash. Eventually they can adjust the rates to where it becomes easier.

    Remember, U8 i just over one week old.

    Then they should make cash reasonably. Ruining community trust is not a clever idea for a long-term commitment. You don't want your players to come in, spend money, get a bad taste and run off forever. Also, a happy customer is a returning customer. An unhappy customer tells one friend, that tells another friend, etc. I don't hate DE, I just don't want to see this get any worse.

  9. The data right up to damages, reload speeds, crit percentages etc were right. There was data extracted for everything. I don't see how drop rate percentages couldn't be found. If someone hosts a game and they're the host locally, as stated there is probably a period of time where this information is available to the client. If you had to maintain a solid connection then one could assume there is a constant connection to a third party server.

    The fact they tell people not to extract when doing hotfixes suggests we send our progress data at the end of a mission, hence why aborting/crashing doesn't upload this information.


    Your theory on internal leaks would suggest someone gave the entire set of new blueprints and weapon data. Who would honestly do that, and if so why specific blueprints and not everything in the game? Also, could we not apply the 'internal leak' mindstate to these results and then claim it's datamining also? Bit of a contradictory approach that serves no purpose in disproving the validity of these results.


    Valve run the TF2 economy which is literally worth millions but someone found an exploit to give himself any item possible in the game through a client-side exploit in the schema, which he then forced to update with valve's servers by adding a name tag. That was no small deal but it certainly happened.

    Most technologies and applications are exploitable. Anything created can be deconstructed.

    Also, his comment wasn't about the drop rates. It was about the resource requirements for the clan tech weaponry which was datamined within a day or so. They've stated in a few areas that the 'RNG' is broken or needs to be changed. We've proven once that it's not the RNG at fault but the weight they put on drop rates, making certain items hard to find to encourage platinum purchases. It's kind of like a community bait and switch.


    Hey guys, we've added cool new stuff in the void! Latron Prime, Reaper Prime and Frost Prime!

    We didn't tell you that the drop rates are absolutely tiny.

    But.. with the hundreds of keys we'll have 'sold' where people think we made the drop rates fair and think they're having a spree of bad luck.

    As opposed to if we told them the chance is less than 1%. Money.

    We'll then give them compensation in the form of better keys to get what they wanted and some forma.


    But the damage was done, the money was taken, and those players invested far more platinum than was needed in a system they trusted DE to make fair. They'll never get that platinum back now. So when they release the next thing that's difficult to get without platinum, they'll have to compensate for lost platinum by buying more to get it easier. Do you see how this cycle is intended to money grub? Call the people that spent it stupid all you will, but it's still unfair to -all- players.

    Call me pessimistic, but there's some underlying truth in all of this.


    Seriously, this stuff isn't right. I'm not asking for it given to me on a plate but I don't like the fact I'm expected to always pay money to get something exciting in a game I'd like to enjoy more. I can't bring myself to pay 90 platinum for mods that I could legitimately gain by actually playing the game, but I'm aware of how rare one mod is specifically so I know my chances rely on that pack and that pack alone. It's not right.

  10. Thats cute, but he never actually commented on the validity of that data. He mentioned that people "datamined the values and were not happy" so he will have to take a look at them. Nowhere in his comment has he confirmed (or denied) that the values were actually correct, just that the perceived results were too low according to the results the players have been getting.


    The fact he mentioned them is confirmation they're accurate. If they weren't accurate he would surely say so, instead of admitting he has to go through the values because it's "fair".


    Dude, just make any blueprint. They're on the wiki, they have been for days, and they're all 100% accurate right down to the weapon handling itself.




    Guarantee unless it's patched, those values will be accurate in 3 days time. I already have an Ogris. How did I know exactly what to build? Because the values were accurate.

  11. What proof? You said that there is proof, but didn't provide it. Thats not how proving something works. The placeholders (placeholders in Beta?!?!? The travesty!) do not prove the validity of the drop rates.

    The fact every clan blueprint I have bought to date has matched the values. Have you not been paying attention to the wiki or blueprints themselves? Also, those datamined values were posted on Reddit. Reddit =/= these values are false. I understand Reddit is not the most reliable source, but datamined values were proven to be true once before.


    Scott confirmed they were true on the livestream. I'll find the point and edit when I find it.



    "I just got blasted because people datamining the game for the blueprints."


    Also, they allowed us to rush build to get to these placeholders quicker. You're okay with them taking money for incomplete stuff under the guise of it being player stupidity, despite there being no prior warning of them being incomplete weapons?

  12. People asserting these values.

    People asserting these values are fake.



    Thread will defend DE unless proof is specifically given for datamined values despite the fact datamining was 100% accurate for clan weapons.


    I'd say these values are accurate simply because we have more evidence on the side of them being accurate than them not.

    Going with the side that's proven itself once before as opposed to the developers that couldn't even deliver weapons that weren't placeholders yet were happy to take money for rush building to get unfinished content faster.


    Also, you can get mods from missions. I remember getting mods for my mercury farming a few updates ago. Just because these are potential tables does not mean their drops are actively enabled for missions.


    As for omni ammo boxes, you are wrong. So wrong.


    I certainly didn't pay platinum for that, got it from a defense.


    Why are people so quick to defend DE? They make mistakes. They admit mistakes they're called out on.

    If nobody had complained about the Receiver rate, if a key exploit hadn't existed to project the hideous numbers, how much money do you think they would have received before this was noticed legitimately?


    Honestly. No more words.

  13. +1 to all of these. Dojos are for player made content, so giving the players more control over what they want and what they receive would be a great idea. I'd imagine taking suits off would have to be optional, some players couldn't bare the world without it being through the eyes of their Black/Red ash.

    On the stream it was stated a concern is having content take months to create that players snap up in a few days, but these ideas retain a lot of playability (especially the controls over pooling for clan-wide XP, credit boosts etc) that give a fresher, more community based benefit.


    Of all those ideas, I like the one about finding specific alerts the most. While DE like to encourage the purchase of potatoes and such, at best they could give finding these items a cooldown, especially if it's a group-based resource/credit pool to get such blueprints. Could even add a rush option on the cooldown should they please.


    Also, we need couches. I liked the previous ones just fine.

  14. This was the biggest disappointment since Vauban being alert only.

    I think it's a matter of standards, because I'd mention U8's disappointments what with the huge resource costs, massive implications for farm and the fact that void runs were 1) generally buggy and 2) required 200+ runs for some people to get everything. It's just that we're used to this, but this has reached the newest low level. Maybe the plan is we farm so much we level all our gear, so we feel like we could be getting more mastery by blowing our credits into weapons to farm up, or blowing plat on forma, to continue the grind to get worthless weapons we can then grind up and forma some more.


    I don't think I should post any more. The progression does seem to be stagnating though.

  15. Hold on to your hats people. These weapons clearly aren't fleshed out yet. The devs admitted being completely bumrushed by the insane speed those huge clans used to research these things, so I wouldn't be in the least surprised if they half-assed the weapons just to have something to put in there for now.

    Why offer hideous rush build prices if you know your content isn't ready.

  16. Reaper "Prime": low charge attack, no polarities, requires minimum 3 void key runs, but due to drop tables probably far far more due to "keeping it fair for players that play less because of lottery system"


    Prova: Requires a Dojo, Oracle, Lab, all the resources for the research and construction prior to it; the blueprint, requires 2 things made in foundry, one with a 12 hour build time, one with a 24 hour or a forma bought for 20 platinum, a 24 hour craft time in itself.


    And it's a worse variant of the Jaw Sword without unique animations and it doesn't even have a polarity slot.


    I think the thing concerning me the most is how rush building can ever expect to be feasible when the first ones through the door are the first ones to realise the party isn't even started yet.




    Let's not forget that this weapon isn't even going to be super available early on unless everyone crams into the same clan, and that there's an expectation of multiple clans to do these requirements before..

    They too

    Get to experience

    ~The "Jaw Stick".

  17. There's a few things that are fairly obvious.


    The drop rates for Latron Receiver, Scythe Blade are bad. I got mine in two level one runs one after the other. I know a few others that have got the same. The fact that others have had to run so many shows there's bias in the drop rate though. This is quite unfair considering the amount of farm required and the fact the option to buy keys is available.

    The fact the drop rates are so low will counteract the key exploit in a way, which would be shunned more had the drop rates not given this a rational reason. Wouldn't be very special if -everyone- suddenly had their prime gear regardless but it's quite unfair to those that did buy the keys for these things. We could have had the level III keys be rarer, but have those drop the rarer parts or have parts universal when it comes to building our items. The lack of a trading system right now gives nobody a bypass to get these parts quicker apart from buying keys.

    The keys -are- renewable. They -can- be found from defense missions. But the scary thing here is people have done over a hundred runs. A hundred. Even with 4 people, take into account how many times you would have to run a mission, get lucky enough to get a key, and then run it with all of your other group members. Let alone the time investment this would require. 23 times minimum.


    There's a strong bias towards clans that already have a lot of members. I can see this becoming a situation of "let's invite the masses and contribute and just use this one guild for all our future blueprint needs."

    I think this takes out a lot from the sense of community in the update, in this situation the new research could have been a global event similar to the Frost Prime one - it practically is.


    While the resource costs are steep for a Dojo, I think with the right members it's affordable. You're mainly going to want these for new blueprints, yet it costs significant amounts of resources and forma.

    My issue is that this isn't just a one clan based thing, it's multiple. I think considering this, it takes a lot of the joy out of a tighter community rather than a big community that starts to sacrifice quality of member over quantity of members.

    The resource costs seem almost unjustified in the case of smaller clans, yet the goal is virtually the same. Are we eventually going to have people leave a clan just to join another, buy the blueprints and then hop back in their old one? Not very "clan" or "community" based at all.

    I also think the rush costs are ludicrous. I cannot justify those at all. I would rather the rushing would be encouraged so the community can establish what they want sooner after spreading the information, while the first clan to reach those milestones enjoys the prestige from their expenditure. It's a platinum sink for time, and for many sensible people, Warframe will always be there doing its thing, whether now or later; I'll get what I'm building, so why waste significant amounts of money that could be used for the Forma requirements on the future construction? Rushing is still an unjustified money sink for lack of patience.


    With the introduction of these new resources, I think they're making it harder to get rare drops from bosses. I've run multiple times and had very dire luck, many times I wonder if this new resource is getting priority in the table. It would be nicer if things weren't suddenly requiring 10 orokin cells, 5 of other rare resources, etc. But 10+ runs on a lower level boss for one drop? Tedious. Not sure if this is just me, but this is my luck.


    The Reaper Prime lacks a polarity slot. "Prime"; no polarity slot. Not sure why this is, I find it unusual we have a prime variant of a weapon that doesn't exist either, I'd assume this is the 'Good' version of the Hate in terms of alignment, but the charge attack for this is different.


    I'm not perfect, nor is my opinion or summary ideal by any means. I understand DE need to make money and I understand this game is provided as "free to play". It's just that money can be made easier without making the consumer feel the need to cave in and fork out to bypass the intended grind. Please, make things more accessible to the average player. This forum feels much like "You don't -have- to spend platinum, it's not -that- hard to get, update is good" drowning out some of the more concerning, reasonable complaints.

    I like DE, but I also like a game that isn't ruled by a section of founders struggling to relate to those who haven't had the platinum there to "fill the gap" between some of their grind or decisions. There are some dedicated players that may not fork out hundreds to roll around saying 'I can buy anything I want at will to bypass this', but those players still require attention. They are still people capable of providing to the wiki, building third party websites to help track alerts, and contributing to the community as a whole. Their contributions do not have to be in the form of money for them to be valuable players.


    It's between making a more accessible game, or supporting those who will enjoy the game for as long as their funds or luck or circumstances benefit them over the "rabble".

    Giving money for a free to play game is often a balance between it being affordable and having respect for the services offered. When someone buys a pack for 75 platinum, gets level 1 void keys and 5 Reaper handles, you can be sure that's a purchase they regret with no turnaround. Sure, they knew the risk, but they paid a price for their investment. Is that the sort of feeling you want to encourage in your consumer?


    TL;DR: Let's try to get a cleaner focus on the issues here - drop rates are unfair, platinum impulse buys are encouraged with excessive grind or unfair drop rates with not enough payout, smaller clans need love too, lesser spending players need love too.


    I didn't really want to type of a wall of text. Hopefully someone will at least read through this. I am expecting a storm like many threads before this, though.

  18. Played Rhino a bit myself, only focused on Iron Skin because

    1) Knockback immunity is required to tank at all

    2) His first ability is a weaker, less consistent slash dash (often bugs, stopping you in place)

    3) His stomps are contradictory and the energy cost is not worth it - Rhino Stomp > Radial Blast


    Vauban makes even Radial Blast redundant for utility now.


    My proposal would be: if you don't want to revoke the invincibility nerf (honestly, I think such a long period of unquestionable invincibility for 1 skill card is silly)

    Make radial blast reduce damage output or fire rate, add a slow or something. Anything to give this utility. For area damage we look to heroes with big area ultimates or we charge a Scindo

    At least let Iron Skin scale a bit more, somehow. Maybe give it a % armor increase on top? Something unique so he hasn't been crushed in all fields by other Warframes.


    As for the Trinity best tank argument - while she can sustain on bosses, she will likely lose her sentinel in the process.

    For common enemies, their health values + the team firing at the same enemies will make it difficult to sustain this, and trinity can very quickly find herself wiped out without a preparation link.

    If I'm not mistaken, link also has a range and requires a target for the "invincibility".


    What I don't want to see is a game that becomes 'LF Rhino, Trinity & Vauban for <x> run. Must have Catalyst & Reactor + 100% serration minimum'.


    Keep some strengths, just don't allow it to become a complete faceroll in any field. This iron skin 100% was a faceroll build. Run over blue blob, hit 2.


    I forgot to add:

    The community is most upset about the changes to buying weapons directly.

    I for one do not want to have to get blueprints for -everything- in the game. My early-game gun was a Burston and I used a catalyst in it, right up to it becoming my first level 30 weapon. Had it required a blueprint, the time it took for me to start feeling any level of 'decent' would have been much, much longer. I imagine this would be tedious.


    I understand there will be a lot of excess money amongst the users who have proceeded past this content, but shouldn't that be the case? It seems like the wrong end to start- give those rich users more to spend on, don't make those new users have to grind so much, especially when their options for farming resources are so limited.


    Stripping the invincibility from Sound Quake is a change that I struggle to understand. I know the ability has a long animation, and a damn cool one at that; but you're going to sustain a lot of fire for being so close unless you have a sentinel to ghost you.

    If you don't kill everyone in the area or there are enemies further that gather to shoot at you, you could be met with a fierce flurry of bullets after the animation finishes anyway. This is also 100 energy cost, and I'm sure for the fights the invincibility matters in, any banshee would rather pop a sonar onto the enemies.


    Just my two cents.

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