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Posts posted by PancakePie

  1. Best warframe ive heard of. Wonder what would happen if one steve ninjaposted another steves ninjapost?

    Oh... Oh god...

    That might cause the game engine to divide by 0.

    Maybe make Steve the highlander.

    There can only be one!

    Thread Lock:

    Prevents enemies from communicating and causes them to run around in a panic.

    I like it.

    Ontop of that make it so that they can't set off alarms either. Then it'd actually be a really handy stealth skill.

  2. Go with the Lex if you're using the gorgon.

    It acts like a mini-sniper rifle, so you can use it to headshot at ranges your gorgon might not reach effectively.

    If you went with the sniper rifle I'd say something like Bronco or Afuris for when enemies get too close.

    Also, Bolto might not be a bad choice either because of its armor piercing effect, and it still maintains some good accuracy at range although the projectile is slow.

    You might also consider the bronco if you plan to fight infested, as the Furax doesn't do that much damage against unnarmored targets. (You can always spam its insanely powerful charge punch to 1-hit most regular infested, but it might not always be a good idea if you're getting swarmed by a ton of them, or you have to go up against one of the toxic ones at close range)

  3. Yeah, voting for a DESteve skin/warframe.

    Have you seen him post?

    Guy is a forum ninja, he'd fit right in with the other warframes.

    Some of his abilities as a warframe could be:

    Helpful reply:

    Recovers a portion of all nearby teammates health and shields.

    Ninja post:

    Uses the same ability as another warframe, only faster/just before they do.

    Feedback Analysis:

    Boosts stats depending on how damaged the warframe is/how many enemies there are.

    As for a minecraft related skin?

    Gonna have to go with "Nah."

  4. I feel polarize would easily become more useful offensively if it was made to drain a shield entirely, then stop shield regen for several seconds.

    One of my friends has also saved my life several times with it by boosting my shield when I was in a bad situation and about to die. (It's just really hard to tell how in danger someone is unless you're using voice chat or something for quick communication.)

    As far as Bullet Attractor goes. It draws in the enemy projectiles too. Including the enemy you use the ability on.

    We've used it to make bosses like Hek drain their own shields and damage themselves for us, all while not being able to hurt us at all.

  5. I just got Ash today.

    I think he's pretty awesome, actually.

    DEFINATELY needs some tweaking, but otherwise is a really solid stealth warframe.


    Definately needs to be totally silent.

    I've gotten a couple stealthy kills with it, but other times it has alerted enemies.

    I think something most people don't realize is that you can headshot with the shuriken. It does double damage in most cases when you do.

    Also, if you change the shoulder your camera looks over it becomes WAY easier to aim. (Camera is H by default I believe) You can also turn around to make the throw start closer to your crossair with the normal camera.

    It could really use a projectile speed increase. (This would make it far easier to headshot with, making it instantly more useful)

    Other than those points, I feel like it's actually pretty decent.


    Is it possible to just make it so it doesn't interupt your current animation?

    This would allow you to teleport mid melee weapon charge and unleash it as you land.

    Also do stuff like teleporting to an enemy mid roll or something so you could get to another location and roll out of the way at the same time.

    Really simple fix that would make it a much more useful ability.

    Smoke bomb

    Fine as is.

    It's pretty much a "get out of jail free" card for most situations.

    AoE stun AND invisibility? Awesome.

    I've noticed it lets me be more adventurous with how I play in dangerous situations, because I can just panic and fall back on it if something goes wrong.

    Combined with teleport it gives you a few more tactical options than many other warframes have, although at the cost of being really expensive energy wise.

    I can teleport into a group of enemies, smokebomb them, then go nuts with my melee weapon for a few seconds and come out pretty much unharmed.

    Blade storm

    Unfortunately I have yet to unlock this, so no feedback on that yet.

    This warframe became MUCH more enjoyable after getting an energy regen artifact.

    (3 abilities that cost 25-35 energy per use + energy regen make the abilities really spammable)

  6. And I can use it for 1 warframe? or i can use it with all of my warframes?

    There used to be a bug or something that activated it on all currently owned warframes.

    But yeah, it only works on one warframe. You'll need to find or buy more if you want to upgrade all your warframes.

  7. Being able to breach the hull is AWESOME.

    I've had several moments where it actually saved my life. (Running away from 2 napalm grineers with low health, ran out of a room with breakable windows, turned around and shot it, locking the napalm grineers in the room so that they couldn't chase after me)

    That and it's a really cool effect.

    A window getting blown out in the first mission I had run was what made me think to myself "I'm really going to like this game, aren't I?"

    If one of those rooms is too crowded for me, I just blast out the windows and wait for everyone in that room to die.

    Because it forces a lockdown on the ship, it also gives you time to recover from a really hectic mission. (Especially if you have a health regen artifact)

    I also like that it can add danger to a situation. Getting careless and having an AI shoot out a window you're running by. Or you accidently setting off an explosive barrel near one of the windows.

    Suddenly you're trapped in a room with a bunch of angry enemies and you have to take them out and hack the console before all your health drains away. (Usually you have lots of time because it doesn't drain very fast, but sometimes it's outright deadly. Also cipher tools can easily negate this situation entirely)

  8. the problem is they throw them when your right infront of them clearly you don't melee or atempt to get in places bosses cant reach you

    Actually, I spend A LOT of time meleeing enemies.

    They just don't often hit me with grenades, chalk that up to random gameplay elements I guess.

    Like I said, different perspectives.

    As for getting into areas bosses can't reach? It's good that they hit you with grenades when you do that. Sitting out of a melee bosses reach and pelting him till he's dead is boring. Seems like they've also increased the chance of bosses using knockdown abilities to try to get players off boxes and stuff though, which is cool.

  9. Cryo systems appear to be malfunctioning, your shields'll take a hit from the cold... Oh, and when enemies die, those large motor-fan-battery kinda things that pop outta the corpses with the blue gems in them will be better.


    Shouldn't ice missions drop better loot given their natural difficulty increase?

    Not sure if you've noticed, but it lowers enemies shields too.

    It's just a random event really, and adding better drop rates for certain events would devolve into people quitting missions at the start if the ship didn't look like it was ready to implode on itself.

  10. Oh man, you have to try stacking a bunch of fire rate mods on one of the larger melee weapons. It's so fun.

    Also a pretty good time with weapons like the bo or the dual skana, just for the ability to sprint around slapping/cutting everything.

    And on the furax if you want to feel like the fist of the north star.

  11. the game is horde based, so automatics will always be better than burst and semi autos.

    I have to dissagree with this after trying out an upgraded sniper rifle.

    One head shot to kill. 7 shots (without any ammo capacity upgrades or a "pro" upgrade)

    You can take down 7 enemies in 4 seconds without reloading, then just take cover while you reload.

    I imagine this gets even more effective when you use a catalyst on the weapon.

    Then again, the weapon also becomes a lot less effective against the corpus.

    Their higher numbers mean you'll be spending more time reloading, and they move faster and are smaller targets.

    But against the grineer atleast, semi autos can be incredibly effective.

    And I don't feel the infested are an issue as in most cases you may aswell just melee them to death anyway unless they are poisonous.

  12. The idea of shields is really cool

    Functioning similar to the grineer shield troops, negating damage from the front.

    Honestly though, they'd have to make it so that you can't use a primary weapon with it.

    They ARE 2-handed weapons, first of all, second of all it'd be pretty bad if you combined it with a gorgon. You could sit on one spot, deflecting bullets while returning fire.

    I think maybe something like shield takes melee weapon slot, and would primarily be on your back (Like a melee weapon would be when you aren't using it) You'd play just as normal primary and secondary weapon, then when you needed it, you'd press the melee button to pull it out. You'd then walk around similar to how the shield grineer do, low and slow.

    You'd use your secondary weapon. (if dual-pistols, only 1 because your other hand isn't free) to fire from behind the shield and you'd be limited to not being able to jump or do acrobatics while it was out.

    Maybe pressing the melee button after it's deployed does a shield slap. (Low damage, high stun/knockdown)

    Then when you're done, you hit the jump button or something to put it away and you can go back to using your primary weapon like normal.

  13. Just curious, have you played in any higher level areas yet?

    Even with 50 base armor and some armor mods stacked onto it, a couple grineer in areas like pluto can rip through your health insanely fast with their faster firing guns.

    Maybe we've just had different experiences with the random level/mission generation. But I often find myself taking on 5-10 enemies at a time, so the second I move out into the open at all they just rip apart my shields and armor.

    This seems notably worse with the grineer at higher levels because of how damage works in this game.

    Their faster firing weapons cause the damage to stack up incredibly fast even in low values of 1-5 damage per bullet taken.

  14. The next set is still enclosed, but focusing on rock and terrain.

    After this we are looking at open sky spots but still in a colonization/scifi context. Biodomes, limited exposures, etc. We are commited to procedural level generation and how it keeps updates small and level building fast and efficient. This means our constraints are like this: if we have an open-to-sky environment in a tileset, eventually it has to connect to a 'join' on another section. Like a canyon choke-point. This means that you won't be running on a massive terrain heightfield with a building dropped down on it like height-field centric games. It will always have a dungeon generation vibe underlying it.

    That said, I'm excited to push it way more within these constraints... even the new set (coming soon) has a far better mix of tight enclosures and larger spaces which really help break up the monotony of 'same ceiling height every where I go'.

    Well. I'm excited now.

  15. they could make it to where if your shield was below 100 it would not protect from 1 shots allowing you to survive granades aslong as you are not hit by anything else

    I think part of the problem is that we are seeing this from a different perspective.

    I've rarely been killed or even hit by grenades.

    I realized really early on that if you stick around in one spot too long, enemies start throwing grenades all over to try to get you out of hiding.

    Sometimes it can be really hard to tell that a grenade is even coming though, I've had one or two moments when there would suddenly just be an explosion at my feet and I would die. After it happened it was pretty obvious it was a grenade, but I'd have no idea where it even came from or anything.

    I'm honestly all for the difficulty the game often imposes on a player when they stop paying attention and start screwing up.

    But at times it does feel a little cheap.

    Grenades you didn't see coming.

    Napalm Grineers waiting on the other side of a door, knocking me down when I open it, then spamming me with fire, killing me before I can even stand up.

    Infested enemies taking turns stunning and knocking me down so that I can't recover and get stuck in a loop until I'm dead.

    To an extent, shields are very weak after the first sections of the game. There's no way to reduce the damage a shield will take, so later in the game a single grineer with an automatic weapon can rip through them like paper.

    Maybe a mod that effects how a shield functions for a player might be the answer to your issues with the shield.

    Something that decreases the damage they take like armor does for health. (Maybe in turn increasing the time it takes for them to recharge to keep the game balance, otherwise people would just stack shield and shield damage reduction and be pretty much unstoppable because of the fast regeneration)

    Or maybe having a mod that does something like what you want, stops the damage from bleeding over into your health until the shield is gone. (This would also have to have some kind of side effect or, again, people would find a way to abuse it.)

    No idea how difficult that would be to implement though.

  16. Yeah, anyone have idea how much dmg it gives or whatever else he does.

    Its pretty hard to test if artifact work propertly when we dont know anything about them, actualy they might be bugged like hell :P

    I've been having some issues with this actually.

    That is, being able to tell how effective certain things are (especially artifacts)

    It's obvious with some things like enemy radar or something.

    But it's hard to tell how much of an increase you might be getting when you're not even sure what to look for damage wise.

    I've been having some trouble with the melee damage mods for the warframe as well.

    You'd figure +40% melee damage would be a good increase in damage, but I haven't noticed much of a change at all, even when I equip 4 of them at a time.

  17. idk

    we arnt allowed to have that much shield and hp since the nerf it would be safer without buffing the sheild and hp mods higher

    I find it too satisfying to be able to rip an enemy in half with a single charge attack.

    It would also lead to abilities (Even ultimate abilities) not killing even some of the weaker opponents.

  18. Again with the ninja. Sorry, I actually love that you guys are answering people and don't want to discourage it... um... 'coop posting'?

    Hahaha, it's not discouraging at all.

    I actually think it's really cool that the dev team is so active on the forums and in the community

    It shows hope for a very bright future of the game and community.

  19. Try turning off DOF/motion blur in your game settings.

    I've noticed it to be a HUGE resource hog when things get hectic.

    There also seems to be some kind of issue with it continueing to add more and more blur to everything the longer you're in a mission/crazy action which also seems to slow down the game.

  20. You might want to consider browseing around the forums more.

    The devs already mentioned that they are working on a new map type (No idea if this is indoor or outdoor or maybe some combo of both yet)

    As for surviving in space? That seems like a very short term thing, as you'll find out next time one of the ships windows breaks.


    Thanks for playing... adding SEA is in the queue yes. No plans to ban IP.

    We have a new environment set on the verge of going and then yes, we're going to look at some more expansive sets!


    I swear you're more of a ninja than the Tenno are.

    Maybe you should see if you can get yourself hooked up with a warframe and go save the galaxy

  21. Its a good suggestion, though right now shield code is symetrical for enemy/player... if we did this it would mean you could never, regardless of how uber you were, one-shot a shielded enemy. :(

    It seems a lot of the code in this game treats enemy units and players exactly the same. I like that.

    You don't feel as if the laws of the universe apply differently to you.

    A bullet is still a bullet.

    Getting slapped in the face with a large metal object still hurts like crazy.

    And Loki's (Or the grineer commanders) switch teleport still confuses and toys with anyone targeted by it.

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