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Posts posted by Mirki

  1. 3 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

    Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard.

    While this is a nice change, it does not solve the issue, there are still many abilities which functioning is tied to receiving Damage (for which Overguard Damage doesnt count/impede) to work some if not all of it's effects, Nourish (subsumable) and Kinetic Plating to just name a few.

    Im inclined to believe that this needs the "Catalyzing Shields" treatment to be fully fixed, recognizing the "Berserker" playstyle beyond the game mechanics, in other words, please create a Corrupted Mod that makes it impossible to attain Overguard, but gives 100% Knockdown Resistance (akin to Primed Sure Footed) in exchange for the Exilus Sot, I believe it is a solution where everyone can come out Happy

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    DE is incapable of getting this right

    To me, the one in the Genetic Imprint screen doesnt look any bad, in fact that's how it looks for most of the Game, (try loading into a mission or use captura to check) but it looks TERRIBLE in the Orbiter for whatever reason, and since that's where 90% of the People will actually be able to see their Pet, it feels like 90% of the reception will be negative.

  3. 19 minutes ago, quxier said:

    You go with random. One person look for medalions, other doing bounty etc. If things goes well you can stay. Otherwise you should quit, if you cant (no solo extract as you said).

    Yeah then it's the second situation I mentioned, they are detrimental and you lost time.

    20 minutes ago, quxier said:

    People are selling for 100-150. Statistic on WF.market says it's similar prices during 90 days. And people even buying it for ~100. You were lucky that people paid for overprized stuffs. I bet it's not common situation.

    Cheaper price points obviously get more sales, higher ends still do sell albeit less frequently. On the Gauss Prime release I mentioned, there were also really low price points (akin to the ones you mentioned), but I was still getting purchases at 250~300 per Mod. Case on point that's all side-benefit from Kahl, side-Benefit from Cavia is not getting anywhere near that retribution.

  4. 2 hours ago, quxier said:

    You don't have spend hours to look for them. Same for team. Team can take too much time hunting vocas as well.

    We are back to square one here, if you find them along the way, sure pick them up no damage, but if you go search for any amount of them, that's wasted time already.

    2 hours ago, quxier said:

    Can't you just solo extract? Like it takes more than x minutes - go to extract.

    Surely you're talking about Public, again assuming a Good bounty, you're better off SOLO and like I mentioned before your best case scenario is having your Public Squad hunt Voca but they're still gonna be detrimental to you, Solo extract is not a thing in the Labs, again this is not the Zariman. Otherwise why would you form a squad to leave it after a singular bounty run?

    2 hours ago, quxier said:

    Ok, 100p per mod.

    Sounds like they are gifting it. or the changes have already altered it's price point (unlikely since this week still had an archon shard on sale). 200 Platinum is more like it, during gauss prime release the sale price exceeded 300, when I emptied my stock reserves out of it, I had earned more than 5k

  5. 5 hours ago, quxier said:

    That's always been team incentivized game. That's nothing new. It always been slower for solo player

    You got what I said wrong, HUNTING FOR VOCA is detrimental as a SOLO. Good bounties are the best they can as SOLO. Hunting for Voca with A TEAM that's better, but you have to rely on other people, being time constrained, you're better off SOLO, thus not hunting Voca, thus Voca is worthless.


    5 hours ago, quxier said:

    n the end I would take mission that give me anything that I can use. What kahl mission gave you?

    Tons of platinum, Archon Mods are very well priced on Warframe.Market, or well, they were given the very limited amount you could get per week (less than 1) and high demand (Gauss prime release saw an skyrocket of demand), now it's about to be seen since they are the only evergreen offering in the stock shop.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, quxier said:

    Ok, my bad but you are forgetting about Vocas:

    So at most you will get 12.5, 10.5 if you are not lucky. So I would say 15-20 minutes with good bounty & team.

    No, im not forgetting, they are worthless.

    As you said, assuming a good bounty, then you should not be looking for Voca or you will go way over the 30 min Mark for 30k Standing. At best you can let a Public squad get them but doing it alone is detrimental, getting a Team is just not up to you anymore.

  7. Description : Secondary Fire on AMPS seem to not be affected by the increase of Critical Chance from the Certus Brace.

    Expected Behaviour : Phahd Scaffold's shots combined with Certus Brace and Eternal Onslaught should yield a total 151,2 Critical Chance, always Yellow Critting and Half the time Orange Critting.

    Actual Behaviour : Phahd Scaffold's shots combined with Certus Brace and Eternal Onslaught yields less than even 100% Critical Chance as it is mostly Yellow Critting and sometimes not. However the Klamora Prism of the same AMP is being correctly affected by both Elements, yielding Yellow Crits and a good amount of Orange




    Notice the AMP's listed Critical Chance as 54%. Eternal Onslaught being 180% Critical Chance should yield a total of 151,2% Critical Chance, however that's not true since the Attack can be non-critical while almost always Critting. This is only explained if we use the Critical chance WITHOUT Certus Brace of 34%, with Eternal Onslaught yielding a 95,2% Critical Chance.

    This is a respost of https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1372955-amp-certus-brace-is-not-affecting-secondary-fire/#comment-12975057 as I did post in the wrong section, however the issue has been not yet fixed as of Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.1


  8. 5 hours ago, quxier said:

    1 bounty rank 5 give you 12.5k standing. Find just 1 Quill (or defeat Angel) and you will get 15k (17.5k) standing

    This is not the Zariman, Cavia bounties give you 5k AT BEST, since most of the gamemodes take at least 5 Minutes (with the exception of Exterminate and Alchemy) you will end up rounding half an hour for the 30k AT LEAST

  9. Coming from an Experienced Circuit Runner, this is the one (and only) issue that has made me fail Circuit runs at the Jackal fight more than once, 

    All of the changes made in this patch are great (albeit unnecessary in my opinion) but the main issue has not been addressed, the fight has been from Day 1 one of attrition where if unprepared (or unlucky) you will just fail at higher levels, without ways to regenerate ammo since no Enemies spawn in the fight besides in the inbetween phases if you can't deal enough damage with what your charger currently holds, well tough luck the run is over

    Using Melee is not suitable for the fight either as the Jackal mechanics just disallow it

    This is the exact reason why Eximus Units spawn during the Archon Fights, because you would run out of resources and fail otherwise, case on point why not implement that here as well?

    It would certainly fix the issue, even more if it scaled with Squad Size.

  10. Thanks for clarifying on the state of Prism, as it was let completely unknown for the longest time, however you still havent specified what will change on Sleight of Hands regarding the Light/Dark Effect it has.

    Im going to, again, criticize the Balancing mentality that has been taken regarding Eclipse (Helminth version), as it is wrong to try and make a comparison with Roar, just like it was wrong to try and make a Comparison with Vex Armor in the first iteration, all 3 Abilities are completely different and work in completely different ways for different purposes, just making all the numbers the same across them doesnt work, all it achieves to set it's Buff to the same number as Roar is to make it worse than it

    I know it is an optionally 2 Part Ability that has Damage Reduction on the other side, but it doesnt make up for it at 75% and it wont make up for if it was 90% either because the Ability has always been chosen for Damage with so many other ways to complement defense (and better than 75% DR) it will not start being picked because it's optionally 75% DR

    • Like 7
  11. Thanks for listening to the feedback, however I believe there is still work to be done, in many fronts actually

    Regarding Eclipse, the Buff number is way too low, Comparing it to Rhino's Roar is a fatal mistake, as it was to compare it to Chroma's Vex Armor when the first change was made. Eclipse is not a squad buff, it takes an augment to do that, it's nowhere near the same utility or overlapping with Roar (just as it didnt have anything comparable to Vex Armor) given this situation copying the number is just making Eclipse a worse Roar, please reconsider a bigger number, it doesnt even have to reach 3 Digits to be fine. 80% or 100% Tops would be the sweet spot.

    Regarding Mirage, after all this discussion and dev workshops, it is still unclear how the rest of her kit will function, her Sleight of Hands AND Prism are still affected by lighting, and they dont work at all in the Labs just like Eclipse does, it is vital to address this at this point, because it's 75% of her Kit what's broken, not 25%

    Finally, going forward, I want to criticize how DE has handled balancing this ability, there appears to be a missconception of what makes an ability usable or good, it's not entirely numbers, it's all about the particulars and context of each ability, comparing Eclipse to Vex Armor was what first caused this mayhem as they're both extraordinarily different abilities coming from different frames which Kits work for different intents, it should have never happened.
    Now the same is ocurring with Eclipse and you are comparing it to Roar, same situation, it should'nt it doesnt help to put two isolated specifications together and just even them, there has to be considerations for all of the parts, not just the numbers.

    • Like 7
  12. Coming in hot with footage of the issue, as it appears Blessings get delayed for everyone besides the Blesser, which is just one of the many bugs regarding blessings, to no specific cause or trackable reproduction method.

    At the moment of Blessing:



    At the moment that blessings were actually received:



    • Like 1
  13. Description : Void Slinging through any enemy, will active the effect of Arcane Energize, despite no Energy Orbs being consumed in the process

    Expected Behaviour : Arcane Energize should not activate by Void Slinging through enemies

    Actual Behaviour : A warframe, close or not to proximity to any enemy, with no energy orbs around, will activate Arcane Energize's Effect if the Player happens to void sling through an Enemy



    Notice the lack of Any Mods/School Effects and Energy "Acquired" on display as of this behaviour.


  14. Description : Secondary Fire on AMPS seem to not be affected by the increase of Critical Chance from the Certus Brace.

    Expected Behaviour : Phahd Scaffold's shots combined with Certus Brace and Eternal Onslaught should yield a total 151,2 Critical Chance, always Yellow Critting and Half the time Orange Critting.

    Actual Behaviour : Phahd Scaffold's shots combined with Certus Brace and Eternal Onslaught yields less than even 100% Critical Chance as it is mostly Yellow Critting and sometimes not. However the Klamora Prism of the same AMP is being correctly affected by both Elements, yielding Yellow Crits and a good amount of Orange




    Notice the AMP's listed Critical Chance as 54%. Eternal Onslaught being 180% Critical Chance should yield a total of 151,2% Critical Chance, however that's not true since the Attack can be non-critical while almost always Critting. This is only explained if we use the Critical chance WITHOUT Certus Brace of 34%, with Eternal Onslaught yielding a 95,2% Critical Chance.


  15. 2 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

    I was under the impression that QTCC is a fundraiser that DE doesn't profit off of

    It is, and they dont. For clarification im comparing the community's expectations for Cosmetic Items' Avalaibility more than the fact it costed money to unlock on itself (Altough that was my vision of the occurrance, as Pricing was also another concern of it)

    • Like 1
  16. Please bring back (or add as Rewards for Tiers) the Conquera Ephemeta and the Conquera Ephemera II. These cosmetics are very important for the playerbase, not to mention what they mean or the effort the Community had to put trough to make them Available for everyone. It is very dissapointing it being held back for as long as 2 Years Now (if considering the First one, the Second would be the First Year since it's release) and this is the Only Event that can make use of it

    More details on why should be found here:

    • Like 1
  17. It has begun another year of Campaign for Digital Extremes to run the Quest to Conquer Cancer, and unlike all other Cosmetics that are re-ocurring of this Event, the Conquera Ephemera and Conquera Epehmera II are nowhere to be seen

    I consider this to be a Major Issue, these specific cosmetics not only were Rewards "unlocked" by Playerbase donation's but they were also the Maximum Achievable Tier (before extensions) each of their respective Years of debut. Unlike all ohter Rewards unlocked trough this method (Glyphs, Other Attachments and Sigils) the Conquera Epehemera has not made a return the Year after and Conquera Ephemera II is apparently not gonna return this year either

    They are obtainable nowhere, they're not a Log-in Reward, they are not in Special Alerts, they are not in the Donation Tier Rewards for becoming Available again (Unlike other cosmetics) and they can't be acquired In-Game through the Market either. Just nothing.

    And that cannot be right, or allowed to be

    These are not only some of the most beautiful cosmetics in the game, they also represent an important message AND the Playerbase's Echo and Dedication to that Message (trough the donations made in tandem to make them available for everyone)

    They are important, and they cannot (should not) remain unavailable to New Players, Players who missed out, or to anyone regardless.

    Most of all, Warframe has recently suffered a controversy over the Gatekeeping of Cosmetic Items over Time (More known as FOMO) over a Purchaseable Content, Community echoing the sentiment of hating this Practice

    This is no different, except that we all put a part of us into getting it for everyone. Knowing this, it's inexcusable to repeat the offense as soon as One Month Later.

    Please, remediate by allowing the Ephemeras to be Acquired in some way, as past Year dictated with the No Return of  the Conquera Ephemera, it is unlikely they're gonna be back as of this moment.

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  18. I hate this situation has arised on the 10th Anniversary of Warframe, the game that gives you the opportunity to tackle things the way you want, with complete freedom and leeway to Play whenever you feel like it, however you see fit.

    Im a player that started the game when the Excalibur Prime founders pack was still available, and I was too young to have any money on my power, so I didnt get it despite how much I wanted it. But I understand it, Digital Extremes was vulnerable at the time, desperate even to escape from bankruptcy and I cannot blame their choice to make it time exclusive one bit so I dont resent any of it

    But it feels horrible that history may repeat itself, altough im now in power of my finances, my Country's Economy is crumbling and im unable to compromise that much money at the moment, but my situation will get better, I will be able to buy the packs one day, but I fear that such time is out of the exclusivity scope it's been put on and i'll never be able to give 2 Warframes that I love playing that same Love I feel, and I cannot imagine how many more players may be in the same situation

    I feel powerless, and I cannot understand the why behind the scenes would Digital Extremes do this to their game and their community, specifically now, betraying all the principles the game grew up on when they specifically said Founder's Pack Exclusivity wouldnt happen ever again

    I beg of Digital Extremes on this, please reconsider

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